Please, I hate fury and furries.
Could not word it better myself.
Yes, Save Arms !
Haters gonna hate
Two abominations in one !
Titans help us…
Bring back recklessness and opportunity strikes at least.
long live ARMS please save my fav spec!
Fury is super fun
For you, and that’s fine, but the other DPS spec shouldn’t be down the drain.
We all have our preferences, fury is just boring to me, on top of looking silly with 2 two-handed weapons.
Currently it’s better than arms in PvE because it’s just better tuned with its damage and has excellent rage generation. I don’t see why Arms can’t get a similar treatment.
The best iteration mechanically of Arms was in WotLK. Literally, it checks all the boxes for “desired” if you do an activity analysis of it.
I couldn’t disagree more. Cataclysm 4.3 minus the stance dancing, MOP 5.4 redesign or either version of Legion Arms was the best. Arms in WOTLK didn’t scale at all, it was functionally meh to play and was only good in T8-9 due to tuning/buffs, while being uncompetitive in T7/T10.
Despite having Bladestorm it still had weaker AOE than Fury in WOTLK and had a janky playstyle based on the timing of rend ticks. I know plenty of people liked Arms in WOTLK and it was good in PvP, but it was a bad PVE design.
Every PVE arms warrior which declined that rotation loop: execute execute colossus mortal (legion) not the best iteration of arms - spy from another forum section… or maybe latent feral main player, I dunno…
Save arms in PVE!! Atleast give some additional rage regeneration or smth blizz
Mechanically it was ok, but still did subpar dps and was a meme spec who didn’t even enter ICC unless very meele heavy raid.
That’s a number issue and numbers can be tweaked. Mechanically it lived fully up to the spec fantasy. Arms always uses the best tool for the job and is highly unpredictable, meaning that it needs a priority rotation instead of set rotation.
It was a number issue but the reason it was uncompetitive was due to the design, they fixed the numbers for T8 which is why it was good in T8 and T9 but while Fury had been nerfed for T8 it still caught Arms by the mid point of T9 and in T10 Fury blast off into another universe, it was just top tier at everything while Arms was dragging behind due to lack of scaling.
And for me the gameplay just wasn’t that interesting, it worked better as a PVP build than as a PVE, I’ve never considered it one of the best Arms builds. The ones I mentioned above though I have a great love for, Legion launch was a bit flawed without gear but it came into its own midway through EN and into Nighthold, then the redesign for TOS which was very nice.

That’s a number issue and numbers can be tweaked. Mechanically it lived fully up to the spec fantasy. Arms always uses the best tool for the job and is highly unpredictable, meaning that it needs a priority rotation instead of set rotation.
Also you -
It needs a rework. When the main damage ability is so inconsistent it can only be balanced around the average DPS of it, meaning that sometimes it’ll hit like a wet noodle and at other times like a run-away train. All of these numbers are contained in the average as measured over time. This means that in situations shorter or longer than the time the average is based on Arms will either under-or overperform.
All the situational damage modifiers to MS needs to go away and MS needs to hit harder than it does currently, with some of the damage boost being given to Slam, in return the utterly stupid hits possible with MS will be impossible.
With the damage being a constant then Arms can be properly buffed.
With the situational modifiers gone and there’s still a desire for them to do something have them generate the Rage for the spec or increase the amount of Rage generated to make the spec more fluid in playstyle.
Wow. I gave you the benefit of the doubt somewhat and now you’ve lept, vaulted and sprinted to intellectual dishonesty.
The first quote refers to arms in WotLK, the latter refers to Arms now. The context is clear and you’ve deliberately clipped it out to make it seem like they’re two incongruent statements about the same thing at the same point in time.
You’ve no idea how low my opinion of you has sunk.
I do not care what your opinion of me is and oh how I surely long for the benefit of your doubt. It’s top of my list for things I really wanted this year straight after Covid-19 being under control.
On one hand you are saying something fulfils spec fantasy by being highly unpredictable and at the same time you are suggesting a rework today because arms in your opinion is highly unpredictable. Did I need to state that the thread I quoted you from is about arms today? I’m replying to you and not for the benefit of anyone else. You know what each of the threads are talking about and that one is wotlk and one is today. Again, stop playing the victim.
Yeah, they’re in two different contexts. Wanting a number adjustment to the mechanics of late WotLK how is that inconsistent with being of the opinion that Arms needs a full revamp? You have to explain this if you want the “you,” “also you” to be relevant in exposing any perceived hypocrisy on my part. It just makes you appear hypocritical.