Save ashbringer

Very nice to see the increase, Ashbringer genuinely has a chance to be a great server now. A small/medium pop server matches with classic numbers back in 2005 and it’s holding a good balance too.

I myself will be levelling an undead mage up in the coming days. I’ll be ready to fight any Alliance I see! name will be Groobz, anyone feel free to friend me.


Updated for the 26th Sept. People are also posting in general chat that using wow population or a similar system that over the last 5 days active alliance accounts are up 65% and active horde accounts are up 74%.

The figures I post are just a snapshot in time of current players online for clarity.


Good, good.

I noticed that AH posted items are up by 400 in last 2 days, I guess that’s a good sign too.

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depends on how the items are posted.
If it’s 1 cloth/ore/herb ect, then it does not help


We made it to Medium realm :smiley:


I’m currently level 23 or 24, i went from the Draenei zone to Stormwind arbor just to chill with the people that were going to Northrend, it was a nice moment, people dancing at the docks others were forming a line to get into the boat xD

I got into the boat as well and i experienced a server crash or disconnect a few moments after the boat left the arbor, i think other people experienced the same issue, now this is the good part, when i tried to log back in i noticed that Ashbringer had population at medium instead of low.

I guess that this server is really “dead” as some like to preach.

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It’s interesting isn’t it?

You have seen and read many talk about how “dead” this realm has been but when it turns to Medium well…total silence.
it’s amazing how small changes can smack someone so hard in the face :slight_smile:

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Hello my friend.

I want to thank you again and also the people that might help you with this, it’s an amazing task to do, getting out there some truth about how really things are doing on this server.

Please keep it up, it’s always good to see those numbers go up :slight_smile:


It used to be so full that it was locked for a large part of Classic AND all of TBCC.

Blizzard killed it and now they’re trying to resurrect it.

I’m curious really.
How did Blizzard killed it? What happened?

Hello there my friend.

Do you have updates on the player numbers for yesterday the 27th?

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Last night we jumped the ship and came to Ashbringer, so far we are happy. Even had few skirmishes with ally, can u belive that.
Any raiding guilds here?


everywher I asked people told me Ashbringer realm is Alliance heavy but when I checked both AH last night there were about 8k itemes in the Alliance one and 18k in the Horde one; so which one is it

Hello @Kübura well as you can see above your fellow Horde @Blakmog has been doing a great job at posting numbers of players on the server on a daily basis.

I have on the server one week or something before WOTLK launch and i had no issue joining a guild, I’m sure you will find the right place for you, the community on the Alliance side seems to be pretty chill and helpful I’m sure the same will be the case on the Horde side.

May i ask where you came from and why you came here? Also, how many of you arrived at Ashbringer?

There is probably more people on the Horde side but probably the difference isn’t super big, you have to keep in mind that there are many factors at play, the server is starting to slowly pick up, it’s something that doesn’t happen overnight, people don’t play at the same hours and so on.

I would say that Horde numbers are bigger but not by much.

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We came from Gehenas,2 of us. que was unbearable. It was not easy decision but we were just sick of que. Sick of one sided servers too. Hope we find new home here.


I literally told you. They shut off transfers to it sometime during classic and never opened it till now. There’s been no transfers to Ashbringer for all of TBCC which makes people weary of starting there.

The horde left the server before the alliance did so it was alliance heavy (near mono faction) for most of TBCC.

I hope so as well, i have to be honest a few more Alliance here would be nice :slight_smile: but in all seriousness i hope you guys enjoy your time here at Ashbringer, the server has been gaining new life in recent days. The server went from Low pop to Medium so i guess it’s a good sign.

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That’s a shame it’s true.

I started a new character there a week ago or so and as soon as transfers to Ashbriner re-opened i brought my level 70 warrior that was on Firemaw gaining dust.