Save ashbringer

Nobody has uploaded any data yet, so until somebody does, wowclassicpop won’t tell you anything. You just have to wait for Balkmog or check yourself.

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More reliant way is to use to run a script command on prime time.
It says how many players are in the LFG channel.

  • Make a macro with command /run print(GetChannelDisplayInfo(6))
  • Log into Horde/Alliance of the realm you want to check.
  • Select the Speaker icon in the top left corner of your chatbox.
  • Select LookingForGroup
  • Press the macro or run command in chat box
    /run print(GetChannelDisplayInfo(6))
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true, but still it was there and could be used for a week? or several days for sure

They are killing ashbringer right now, all horde only characters can transfer for free to ashbringer right now, Alliance will be dead , soon this will be an 80/90% horde realm with 10% alliance left, great job Blizzard, I wont resub anymore, u dont care about players, U only just annoy them and make them quit the game.

day 999, I am alone in this island, and I am paying money for this experiece

Sept 15th 19:00 UTC

Horde - Min 215 [Maxed at 50 @lvl 70]
Alliance - Min 310 [Maxed at 50 @lvl 70]

Sept 16th 19:00 UTC

Horde - Min 238 [Maxed at 50 @lvl 70 - Actual number 69]
Alliance - Min 251 [Maxed at 50 @lvl 70 - Actual number 101]

Adjusted 19:15 UTC


4 horde more wauw
After I saw that they open transfer to NEW server, I have 0 hope, I am sad for those people more than myself

I adjusted the post to show actual numbers at 70 included. I will post again tomorrow.

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They should actually merge ashbringer with mograine.


Most of the people on Ashbringer Horde 100% agree with that @Elonamusk.

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Its actually 50/50 so would benefit both factions.

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Yes we are asking this but they don’t care

Yesterday’s Ashbringer numbers at 20:15 UTC.

17/09/22 @ 20.15

Horde - 267 [+29]
Alliance - 258 [+7]

That mean that it had an increase right?

It had an increase based on the numbers from the previous day.

Sept 15th 19:00 UTC

Horde - 215
Alliance - 310

Sept 16th 19:00 UTC

Horde - 238
Alliance - 251

Sept 17th 20.15 UTC

Horde - 267 [+29]
Alliance - 258 [+7]

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So you would say that by now Ashbringer has more than 200 people on each faction?

At the times listed, which for EU we would consider prime time - 19:00 to 21:00 yes there is an increase to over 200 per faction online which for Horde that dropped to under 50 online is a huge % swing of over 400% in 3 weeks. Alliance looks to be stable currently, up around 100-125% from 3 weeks ago.

Sorry i didn’t get one part about Horde, has Horde numbers increased as well?

400% increase in 3 weeks.

And -98% in the last 3-4 months

you are on copium :rofl: