Save SOD - heroic difficulty option

  • Give us heroic (upscalled) BFD and Gnomeregan options to raid - Make them difficult
  • Give us heroic dungeons like Shattered Halls in TBC - Make them difficult
  • Give us heroic (prenerfed) ST option - Make it difficult

Dads have their once a week ST, other guilds are raidlogging, my guild formed in Phase1 is dying, ppl are moving away from this game, there is NOTHING to do.

Nothing to strive for.
Nothing to grind besides incursions gold.
PvP is rewardless.

People log into world of warcraft to have some fun, but the world is empty.

Even a classic dad gamer with 7 wives, 14 kids and 5 jobs is already prepared for phase4 and what about customers? We you don’t cater to more hardcore playerbase giving them like 5% better items for their effort? Why not?


I must have 14 wives, 28 kids and 10 jobs then, because I’m not.

Besides that, a heroic option sounds good to me.

that’s just how classic is in general lmao if you want something to do play retail which has all the things that classic should never have because otherwise it wouldn’t be classic lol


sod is not classic

If they do this, then they should save this idea for lvl 60 honestly. It won’t save p3 it is already too late

No heroic mythic
One difficulty only, and have progressive difficulty throughout the raid itself, with each boss getting harder.

Having tiers of difficulty turns the game into a boring treadmill and feeds elitism and parsing crap, and divides the already dwindling player base.


Ah yes, because if there’s one thing we can learn from raid participation statistics since the release of classic it is that the vast majority of players absolutely love difficult content.


Agree on heroic difficulty,you cant keep up the community with 1 raid mode in 2024,its super easy for some % but still hard for another %.Just Make Heroic mode where +2 items drop from boss loot table,thats easy way,if u go sweaty Heroic mode you get bonus loot,thats it.

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If you play SoD you play retail. These are retail developers trying to make something that suits the classic mindset, and failing miserably.

SoD = Retail minus


In other words…We apparently don’t want any hard content, right from Aggrend himself.

I find this part the most amusing

I understand if that may disappoint some folks but after several years of watching data around classic player behavior, we don’t believe difficult raid content is what players actually want on this side of the WoW spectrum. Individuals and some groups may want it, but writ large most people seem to just want to chill and blast stuff with their friends and that’s the goal we’d like to aim for for the average guild.

This just tells me the devs are so out of touch with what the players want that he’s making up data since unless I see the data, I am in no way going to take someones word for it, regardless of their status at Blizzard.


I think Aggrend is completely right. Everything I’ve seen myself shows that players are interested in the easier raids, and the numbers go down when the content gets more demanding.

Granted, are not official numbers and probably not 100% accurate. Taking WotLK as an example, you can see that interest peaked when content was easy in P1. Then interest slowly but steady dropped in Ulduar, and went back up again in the easier P3. Then ICC hit and people just totally vanished. The final nail in the coffin was SoD release, instead of having to learn a fight like LK25HC properly, people got their 30 min loot pinata in BFD instead. The graph is very clear.

Personally, both my WotLK raiding guilds completely evaporated and seized to exist at SoD launch. In the middle of ICC progression.


Wrath classic added new harder modes in dungeons…you forgot to mention that and it actually was a big hit and wrath was rocky because devs kept saying we do NOT want LFG yet when it was finally added everyone was happier for it. Ulduar was actually overtuned when it was first released, but was fixed and seemed to be fine after it but again that is not “data” You can say he’s right, but when someone from a high status talks about data, unless it’s shown it’s like me and you having a debate and me saying…You’re wrong and I am right? It’s just pointless…Or like the previous President who said “You think you want it, but you don’t” How wrong that dude was…

Not to mention that a lot of guilds in SoD are now raid logging. It’s called Season of Discovery, yet all we have is abilities taken from different expansions, mashed together and added to the world and we are expected to say thank you. data is only raid logs though and doesn’t take people doing dungeon content into account.

Yes, but you’re forgetting wrath classic added different systems…What Aggrend is talking about is original classic…How can you compare original classic data to players behaviour when SoD has new abilities, new itemization which already makes classic way easier than it was as the data already shows how overpowered some of these abilities are. Which is why he should show the data, rather than saying “we don’t want it” It’s like just “assuming” surveys exist for this reason and I am sorry but wrath classic cannot be based on this data due to the changes, not just the new hard modes but the whole anti boost system and everything else they decided to change. That’s what people need to realize, original classic was difficult because gearing was way harder…Heck if you compared the current SoD itemization to original vanilla you’d then realize well actually this iteration of classic is actually by far the easiest version and that’s why I found what Aggrend said amusing since how can you base old data on something that is experimental? You can blow smoke up his butt, but you can’t compare old data to something experimental/new.

Dude , every Scrub cleared ST, this aint classic anyway. And the people that wanna play casual just Get normal gear. The players that actually play this game more then What misses allowes are bored couse its to easy.

Having different diff would keep everyone happy. The 40 man Raiding will kill Whats left of this experiment im afraid

They have the data.

Just take a (hypothetical) look at how many % of retail raiders play until full clearing:
Normal Raids
Heroic Raids
Mythic Raids

I will just guess some numbers here because i don’t have access to that data (maybe it can be looked up somewhere in wowprogress website?)

LFR 90%
Normal 70%
Heroic 30%
Mythic 5%

This should make clear what the majority wants :man_shrugging:

The game was build on eltism ,back in the day raiding was exclusives to small amount of players and raiders were considered gods among the plebs if you want “true vanilla experience” that it’s the way to go

Yeah but let’s be honest… players were everything else than elite back then.

If i remember right it took about 20 weeks (?) To make world first ragnaros kill… how pathetic is that? So raiding was always easy, only the people sucked.
Gnomeregan was already harder than original molten core. ST is even more complex than BWL. Raiding now is already harder than some endgame raids and still people want it to be even harder.

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What I think most people (including devs) don’t understand the difference between easy raids and easy gearing. Yes, raiding should be easy but getting geared should not be guaranteed. Even if you clear MC at 60 in 20 minutes you still should have 500 items drop and the entire raid fully geared in tier1 from the first save/clear.

Yes, somewhat easy content (Not extremely easy) but hard gearing is what classic should be about. You should spam those dungeons and raids over and over until you get lucky and your piece of class set drops.

True, but you can’t make the same low drop rates on a realm that is limited to 1 year duration. (Or a endgame phase thatnis limited to 6 months)