Saved Raiders!

Hey Blizz,

OK, we need to take man to man, well man to a person that needs some discipline!

Now, no one here has a problem with people being in raids, where they have already completed a boss(es). They know they’ll get no loot and are probably there to help a friend/guild mate or to just get more battle experience with the boss(es).

However, the negative side effect for the rest of the raid, who doesn’t know that this person(s) is saved is a HUGE SLAP IN THE FACE to people looking for that bis item, especially in heroic.

Now, we understand that this is probably done to stop guilds from powerleveling a single individual or several more to quickly gear up. Also, it kind of stops the gold sellers in part of selling their runs for higher prices when they say “you pay 2 million gold and all the items are you!”.

So we understand the need. But please, can we have some form of indication that the raid leader is able to see, when they’re inviting the person in to the raid. Like x player is saved to boss x, y & z?

Also while you’re here, please stop people from rolling need on items, which they’re not spec’ed for in the raid (especially within the first month of the raid being out).