Saw Bellular's video and

iirc, they remade it almost from scratch to allow flying - that wouldnt be needed. And since they’ve updated certain zones already (Arathi, Darkshore), there’d be less work.

Indeed. A good example would be Silvermoon City as it exists today. It looks three-dimensional from the ground, but if you get up in the air, you’ll see most of it are just flat textured walls, giving the impression of there being entire buildings, roofs etc.

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And that’s how Undercity on the outside originally was like.

Now they wouldnt really need to do that except for Exodar and Silvermoon. But in Quel’Thalas case, they could borrow a lot of textures from Talador.

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the game will most likely never get another world revamp the bean counters will just point to cata and say it was not worth the money and they’d be right personally i dont think cata was that bad deathwing had his problems though as a big bad he was a bit to much lol crazy and not enough schemer

it’s like legion’s KJ it left me with the conclusion that if you got duped by this guys you must be lacking in the brain dept aka the orcs

Well, they can update the zones without changes the quests? Just make updated maps/assets over time. They definitely shouldnt update the entire game at once. Just do like they did with Arathi and Darkshore.

not sure that would work i think a lot of the quests have era content in them meaning if you was to update the zone the quest lines would be obselete :stuck_out_tongue:

Champion, look at the devestation rought by deathwing you must collect 5 bear asses to heal the land …

meanwhile the land was updated so there no sign of deathwing was ever there :stuck_out_tongue:

that said you would most likely need very little exstra assets to update outland to the wod standard since most of the heavy lifting is already done by wod

Well, they could update it to more modern graphics, they wouldn’t need to alter it completely. Arathi could be used for old quests with the new update if they remove the Horde base Argaraksomething and just keep the OG bases (so Stormgarde Keep could remain, but with Syndicate Mobs).

Wouldn’t really work, as Outland looks very much different from Draenor. Blade’s Edge Mountains in Outland for example exists due to Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge getting slammed together during the Draenors ‘‘Shattering’’.

I had blissfully forgotten until now x)

Sorry to ruin it.

What about Redridge and Rambo? I still hate Keeshan with a passion to this day.

how can you hate that guy his the perfect meme of a overrated fictional character :smiley:

Cant say I’ve seen Rambo, and I dont want to.

And it’s also due to him sounding so cocky and douchebaggy. Like everyone else in Redridge. Ugh. Just the first guy in Redridge, Captain Parker or something, I wanna punch him off the tower and drag him into Duskwood to be eaten.

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most of his quests are references to the movies my dad loves those movies and made them watch them all shrugs their not exactly great but i guess it appeal to the males :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve actually never done Redridge post cata as Alliance tbh.
Sounds like I should count myself lucky for that ^^

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Yes… yes you should.

I did it on this account because I wanted to get ‘‘Keeshan’s Bow’’ transmog.

Fair enough.

I’m gonna assume he was born between late 60’s and early 70’s.

I’m a guy, and they don’t appeal to me at all.

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honestly the only good thing about the rambo movies was the soundtrack :smiley:
i mean i don’t dislike the actor but his lisp makes him sound unintentionally funny

I still don’t know why anyone think it is logical to revamp every old zone. I mean they are not used at all. Literally most of them are completely empty or 1-2 people are there questing.

Unless they revolutionize the game and make all of the old zones relevant again with activities and new quests events etc. I don’t see why would anyone spend months in those zones that would justify putting effort and resource into revamping them.

On the other hand now that we have the goblin event and often spawn in Stormwind it is actually good to see people flying around and sitting on the rooftops and SW is populated even for a couple hours. I kind of wish the new expansion were to set back in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms with SW/OG as once again the main cities. But for that all they need is just to extend the continents by 2-2 new zones.

A revamped Azeroth built with dragonriding in mind would be excellent. In lore, the zones are actually much bigger than they appear in game. The artists went ham on designing the Dragonflight zones, and I would love to see what they could achieve with a larger reimagined Azeroth :slight_smile:

That all said, is it practical? What would these zones contain? What would our purpose be in them?

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I’ve played AC: Odyssey, the map is too big.

Imagining WoW with map size more lore accurate? My god, just kill me now.

Spend 3 or 4 actual real life days to cross the Barrens.

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Think I’ll pass on that.

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