Say NO to helping Horde characters

So this is kind of inspired by a thread on the US forums and it’s concerning the new Scarlet quest-line that was datamined few weeks ago. Thankfully, it seems it’s not implemented yet, so we still have time to act!

If you haven’t heard, basically you are, even as an Alliance character, sent to save a Dark Ranger from Scarlet Halls. Pretty dumb, huh? Doesn’t help that the ranger’s name is Velonara and when she’s not busy killing the survivors of Lordaeron, she blights the forests of Darkshore because that’s what a “noble soul” character does.

Yeah really, they tell you she’s a noble soul and that’s all the reason Alliance characters get to save her. I don’t see any reason why we should side with her over Scarlets or why we shouldn’t, in the least, eliminate her once she’s found.

So, the point of this thread is to show that Alliance players (at least I hope) DON’T WANT THIS. It worked for night elf fans before, maybe it will work for us collectively again. I know Blizzard doesn’t care about EU forums that much, but maybe someone will read our opinions and act according to them. Better to do something, even something as small as this thread now, than to sit idle as another “not all greenskins are bad :^)” questline gets in. Like the thread, leave a comment, just let our opinions be heard.

I’m also going to post this in the PTR feed-back forum, I think there’s a bigger chance someone from Blizzard might read it.


Velonara is a misguided Soul which was rised by the Lich Queen. She needs to be saved! Maybe she have some… informations for us too?

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Blah blah blah, that’s what they say about all the forsaken. Until they invade your lands and start blighting everything, that is.

Giving her a clean death is something Alliance should strive for, I agree.

Probably, about how to kill night elves and destroy trees effectively.

The sound of your dropping tears are music for my ears :slight_smile:


Steala is right. Even if you don’t like the “noble soul”, capturing and interrogating an enemy elite soldier with close ties to the warchief might be beneficial for the alliance.
Even if the Dark Ranger does not know the precise plans, she probably can tell you a lot about strategies used by the Horde, assess what targets Sylvanas is most likely to pick next, point out weaknesses in the Horde’s defenses… if you can convince her to tell you, of course.

But given you have Anduin that should not be too difficult. :slight_smile:


Except everyone knows we will let her go and she’ll be back with Sylvie a week later. This is just dumb.

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eh. we had to help tyrande and malfurion in legion


And I guess you didn’t like it. Thanks for confirming my point.

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Most of the dark ranger characters are less people themselves and more akin to dolls of Sylvanas


Even dolls might know some secrets. :smiley:

Dolls which may be telepathically linked to Sylvanas won’t tell much

That’s have nothing to do with the debate!

There is no pease for the damned. You should know that better than everyone else, DK.

Or something what we could use against Sylvanas :slight_smile:

But that was necessary. You needed the Tear of Elune.

Glory for the Alliance! :lion:

Since one of these dolls did not rat me out when I killed her to help Saurfang, they are probably not telepathically linked to Sylvanas…
Or is there some text / quest that actually states that?

No, that’s my headcanon tbh. I could be completely wrong on this.

The only instance of Sylvanas being able to communicate telepathically is via the Val’kyr

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Bring her to High King. He will know what to do with her, he always does.

He will probably let her go, because she is a noble soul… as much as I hate the old wolf, Genn would be my first choice for something like this.

Edit: or maybe Shaw.

She can go, after she has known the wormth of Light again.

She is another kind of Undead, sadly.

Exactly :wink:

Yes, yes, but wouldn’t it be nice if the alliance once got something out of it other than the moral high ground?
She can go after she spilled the secrets and you will need someone determined and pragmatic to get her there. Hence Genn or Shaw which are probably not naive enough to spring her chains the second she arrives in Stormwind.