Scaling in dungeons is broken

You really think Blizzard made Exile’s reach for all the veterans? Or was it in hope to make the leveling more enjoyable for newcomers?

If there’s any extremes, it’s this OP thread. I assumed the inflation in doing more damage was to make up for your lack of abilities at lower level, and to ease newer players into dungeons without being a big liability.

I also never had a problem from 10-50 mowing the meters as a Spriest/MM hunter or Ele Shaman though while leveling. Although there was a few lowbies who were matching me, which didn’t bother me.

Or maybe they can’t? It must be news to you but Activision own Blizzard.

Activision set budgets and targets, not Blizzard. Activision are the reason for issues, not blizzard.

Quite obviously she isn’t.

it was made to make leveling enjoyable for everyone regardless of their experience.

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Well then you are the ignorant one then if you wish to debate in that tone go ahead will not win you any favours speaking to people like that .

There is a serious problem with level 20 twinks power, I had an Auchenai Crypts run with a Windwalker monk who did 90% damage, pulled the whole first room which usually kills everyone and took no damage and then quit after first boss making us wait for a new “tank” to join, likely as only wanting a twink item from the first boss.

Yeah, that’s why you’re handheld on using all your abilities. Unless you go into the options to turn it off.

Exactly vets and new players alike and it is a very refreshing place to go .

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you really want to die on this hill, dont you?


I didn’t realise criticising a company who’s developers are pushed to the edge, and in turn critising said developers as well, without truly understanding who’s to blame.

Yeah, 100% empathetic.

No one ever said it wasn’t unenjoyable, but you really think Blizzard put the time in effort in hand holding the entire journey to level 10 for veteran players? I honestly don’t think so.

Blizzard even stated that the fact that 120 levels for new players is far too daunting, thus the level squish

I recently done the mage and druid ones i have many of both and find it funny and relaxing how the new zone worked in all honesty using fire blast when enemy in melee range is just geneious :stuck_out_tongue:

I can agree that I could have formulated my feedback in a more polite manner. We’re all humans. Even if we are game developers. Also, I felt that the time investment for me to create a professional and detailed post about why the dungeon scaling is bad wasn’t worth it. I often feel like Blizzard aren’t listening.

I don’t know what the best solution for this problem is, but I posted an example in a previous post what could be done.

and? your point is? im not saying that there are no new players at all whatsoever. you can always disable stuff but you cant enable it if you dont know its there.

I like you as a poster and lots of respect for you but its made for old and new alike to give us vets something fresh than the old church start zone for humans for example .

I’m sorry but I don’t know who you are, I don’t really care.

But you’re making assumptions about a businesses operations without any viable knowledge of that industry. That’s ignorance.

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I was the first to be pro scaling. but now… sincerely i miss the old system…

No I don’t disagree it’s for everyone. I’m just saying that Blizzard has made a lot of effort in trying to entice new players into the game. And thank you, you too.

I can come across far too blunt on the forums. I’ve been told to put a smiley face at the end of things I say, but I feel like it just makes it sound sarcastic. Oh well :sweat_smile:

At least low levels don’t have to fear being kicked for low damage :joy:


Me and you both after 18 bans i think i have settled a little now

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