Scared that shamans will get Primordial Wave in dragonflight

please blizzard give us anything but this skill for our talent tree. I get that many thinks its a strong skill, but its definitely one of the most boring covenant abilities out there.


Your opinion. But I like it, especially for Ele. It gave us something we were missing before: Good cleave burst dmg/healing on demand.


Agree. The most boring covenant ability i have tried.

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i honestly hope nothing will be taken over but i bet we will get 3/4 lol

if anything, give us fleshcraft lol

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Primordial Wave is fine as long as Ascendance Legendary is gone. What I’d like to see in DF back is Shamanistic Rage and Maelstrom - instant Hex back for Enh.

NF/Elemental Mastery for Ele/Resto for instant Hex once a min. or 1,5 min. or instant huge heal.

Fleshcraft would be nice. Just call it Earthcraft!

I like the spell, what I don’t like is that the covenant abilities don’t visually fit in with the rest of the kit… which is an issue for all classes imo. They seem to be the same visual kind that Evoker is getting.

I would also want to see our talent tree. I saw datamined talents/skills but it’s a doubt. I wish we could get back Earthliving Weapon like before…

pretty sure primordial wave already got dataminded…
I really hope it is NOT in the base and enhance tree though.
I do hate those things that needs so much setup to make it strong

Out of all the covenant spells it’s the one I personally liked the most as it is the only one that has a proper interaction with our toolkit. It can be a bit annoying with the setup at times but it helped us with our weakest point.
I personally don’t want to see Vesper Totem. I love totems but this was a bit too gimmicky for my taste. Also using the healing spells to makethe most out of it with the kyrian legendary wasn’t all too cool for Ele/Enhance.

I was actually suprised to see that we didnt get shamanistic rage. I was very sure we would get something like it. On the other hand we are getting alot more survivability tools with lasso and earthgrab, and gust of wind, so its not ALL bad.

Well it looks like Shamans are gooooood…

earthgrab, earthshield + lightning shield, spirit wolf, 10% more hp, focused insight and elemental wording together with refreshing waters looks like good sustain for enhance in DF.

Yeah honestly enhance is looking REALLY powerful. Dont forget Lightning lasso also!

not really convinced for lasso. Chaneling nature as melee shaman could end up badly. since nature locked can end up in your death. autoattack and wf are a big part of your dmg that doesnt happen during lasso.

lasso on ele is strong cause it gets buffed by LB and you usually cast LB into Lasso with a LB overload mostly.

feels like lasso is a bait for enhance like shadowdance for assa

I’d say i will be invaluable in 2s against bursting classes and stopping a go and get distance. Right now against stronger classes you cant stand toe-to-toe with them when they burst and you cant get away.

I think it will still be good in 3s as an extra interrupt or an extra peel.

thats where earthgrab or the snare freedom from ghostwolf comes in handy already.

Also most classes you play with have a stun on the target anyways and shaman is already really disruptive with shear on 12s cd, sundering and grounding.

id say you get more value off from other talents but we will see.

the knockup from thunderstorm could be a lot better, depending how long the knock up is

So we did get prim wave as expected, but only prim wave? Druids get convoke and swarm. Priest get mindgames as a BASELINE.

The tree is really strong however, just really wanted chain harvest as its a powerful and straight forward spell.

Earthgrab is still dispellable and the snare is only removed, not immunity, so reapplication of slow will still get your, which means most melee-classes at a semi-higher rating neither earthgrab or snare removal will guarantee much in a close encounter. Lightning lasso is still godly against melees when you need to reposition yourself around a pillar.

I could be wrong but I really dont see any enhancement not taking lasso due to the utility potential it has. But regardless i think this is just what we want: that there is no super clear option and that you can play in alot of different way. Its more fun to be able to discuss pros and cons with builds rather than “Well X build is 100% superior but you can make Y build work if you are AMC-material” :smiley: