Scarlet Crusade an Allied faction please

The Scarlet Crusade, as a faction, has one of the best back stories that been created. As a human based faction, could they be played as allied race. Although Blizzard seem to like destroying them, they lost most of their strongholds since Cata., they could be, like allied races, introduce through a quest chain via the Cathedrel Of Light in Storwind.


No, simply because over the years they’ve been so messed up that it’s no longer funny, they’re simply no longer a group that can be taken seriously.

And they won’t work as an allied race because A: they’re just humans, normal people who have a light focus, that’s not something special you can bring as an allied race and B: simply because they are EXTREMELY xenophobic towards everything non-human, for that reason alone it wouldn’t work, just the attitude towards the worgen recently in Gilneas has shown it.
And since Classic, Wotlk at the latest, they are enemies of the Alliance, they are fanatics who are so obsessed with their attitudes, you can’t convert them and therefore there would be no way to somehow integrate them into the Alliance.

Blizzard should just end the chapter because it doesn’t make sense anymore and they are only brought out when you need a whipping boy, like in the Undead Heritage questline or Gilnea’s questline, against all odds.

Whenever I see them now I only see Monty Python’s spanish inquisition…
No one would have expected that.

Well, so are Kul Tirans, somehow they made an allied race out of that. Just slap a few haughty faces, little mustaches and best-of-20th-century dictators hairstyles on them and call it a day! If brown orcs can be an allied race, why not northern fanatics? :wink:

Except for the dead horse thin, of course…

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