Hey. Is it still possible to drop Scarlet Crusade tabard? I went to that dungeon about 100+ times and no luck…
It’s still possible, but the drop rate is quite low. Good luck getting it!
It drops from Armsmaster whatever his name is, and is indeed a rare drop. Good luck!
Wowhead says, 1,67% droprate.
Thanks. I will keep grinding like with the mount from Tempest Keep then.
I got it quite recently. I went to Scarlet Monastry to get an achievement for Glory of the hero (one where you have to kill a bunch of mobs with a whirlwind). I got the achievement and the tabard on the same kill.
Yes it does, just quite hard and low.
Do it on a Plate or Mail character I suggest. While wearing it, you can buy a transmog set from Darkmoon Faire, if your character is Plate-wearer or Mail as the armour types of those 2 sets are that.
Quite low and they removed the quickest way to exit dungeons with Shadowlands…
I will try on my paladin! Or I could farm with shaman.
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