Scarlet Fever not adding dmg modifiers for Obliterate/SS

I’ve done some testing after noticing the my Obliterate damage didn’t get affected by scarlet fever. There’s supposed to be a 12,5% dmg modifier for every disease on the target, but this doesn’t seem to apply for Scarlet Fever. I would consider this broken. Scarlet Fever is indeed a disease and should apply the same dmg modifier.

After testing with Details I noticed that it’s true.
Tested 3-4 min rotations with having Frost Fever, Blood Plague and Scarlet fever vs only having Frost Fever on the target. There was only a 9% dmg difference on average for Obliterates.

Everyone else identified this issue?

Just bug report it. Don’t think the devs hang around here anyway.
But clearly shows UH > Frost :smiley:

Do your research, scarlet fever does not count as disease - it’s on Physical damage school.

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Mmm, indeed you tested really poorly as it is physical damage.

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