Scarshield Legion (RP-PvP) Horde Reconnections

Hello :smiley: So nice that you are also here looking … do you want to try and bring back the tribe for classic ?

Wow hello mate! Are you returning for Classic? We’re restoring Phasmatis on Noggenfogger :slight_smile: Horde side

burp i told you who to poke, and ye no love for me…
(p,s i dont seem to have you on Discord so couldent invite you)

oh man :slight_smile:

/evil 10char

I played Musho, a male Tauren druid before server transferring to Emeriss during TBC.

House of Sylvanas :metal:


Hey there!
Estarriol, male tauren druid that played in the guild Hidden for the entire vanilla experience. I was just a 14 year old kid then so I do apologize for that :smiley:

I remember the GM Nissez and another druid Twosheds from the guild.

I’ll be playing vanilla, just don’t know which server yet (but not Shazzrah).

Correction. We’re restoring it on Noggenfogger :slight_smile:

Would love to be apart of bringing the Tribe back for this.

Have you seen anyone else around somewhere?

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I hear Liontooths going back, he’d be eager

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I hear Liontooth will be playing a feral druid again, what a legend.

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Hi all, I mostly started playing in TBC on this server, with a blood elf paladin (with a cringy name at the time) Ssenkrad. I don’t remember if i name changed on SSL or after to Ashjraka. I know I was connected mostly to Sang Real as a Grand Master during the end of TBC and start of WotLK. Another guild Id like to make contact with again was the Thunderscar Clan. I think the leader was called Gorshak? I might be getting it mixed up though, Orc Warrior. The other guild that comes to mind for me was my long standing favourite raiding guile Good Day 2 Die. Quite a few people I would love to get back in touch with, a short list off the top of my head;
Ayashe(orc shaman healer)
Rrak(blood elf hunter)
A blood elf male paladin whos in game name I cant remember, but was in Sang Real with me.
And a troll shaman naned Gondo
Vaeyna(i think? Blood elf female paladin)
Shadowtroll (troll rogue)
Deathfist(orc DK from Thunderscar)
Juno(blood elf rogue)
Pauldrons(another orc death knight)
And of course Bob (if I could remember a single one of your 20 characters names, I likely would have tracked you down already). Blood elf rogue or tauren druid primarily.

There are plenty others, but Im writing this at 6 am while at work, so forgive me if I have missed anyone.

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Moofassa here, Tauren Druid.

Was in the guilds The Risen, Illusion, Aftermath, Completely Different, Tainted and even in Lost at some point.

I remember a lot of names in this thread actually.
Most of the Completely Different/R O N I N crew are reforming with Mordine on Firemaw. Corro you should join as well! Scape, Trid are among a few. I believe they are still in touch with Andros, Nick and PD. Convincing them to join.

I am really trying to get a hold of:
Weedor (Mage)
Katarsis (DK)
Ferg (Warrior)
Grogar (Hunter)

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You can add me on RealID, then I can send you the discord link with everyone.

That goes for anyone really that wants to reform with some old SSL crew on Firemaw (PvP) horde. We chose a PvP realm this time because we want a healthy realm. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey buddy, Darkwing here. :grinning:
I knew i’d find some familiar names in here hehe.

Even though i won’t be joining in this journey it’s still nice to remember all the good times


edit: illusion is love

Hah Darkwing.

Shame you won’t be joining us even if it is just socially.
I mean if you got an account might as well look in right? :stuck_out_tongue:

My mind is telling me yes, but 20k queues are telling me no :joy:


Used to play on SSL as Neosan (warrior) and later as Neoleth (paladin).
Time in Vanilla i played in Stormlords.
TBC and Wotlk played in Aftermath.

Great to see some familiar names on this thread, I played a shaman in vanilla called Razelx and was a member of Brotherhood of fire.

Would be cool to get in contact with anyone from theguild but particularly Benz or Clinzin. Getting nostalgic for those late night missions into Ironforge.

i spoke with Garviel … well i think it will be easyer to catch up directly in game if we are going to Zandalari for example …