Hello So nice that you are also here looking … do you want to try and bring back the tribe for classic ?
Wow hello mate! Are you returning for Classic? We’re restoring Phasmatis on Noggenfogger Horde side
burp i told you who to poke, and ye no love for me…
(p,s i dont seem to have you on Discord so couldent invite you)
oh man
/evil 10char
I played Musho, a male Tauren druid before server transferring to Emeriss during TBC.
House of Sylvanas
Hey there!
Estarriol, male tauren druid that played in the guild Hidden for the entire vanilla experience. I was just a 14 year old kid then so I do apologize for that
I remember the GM Nissez and another druid Twosheds from the guild.
I’ll be playing vanilla, just don’t know which server yet (but not Shazzrah).
Correction. We’re restoring it on Noggenfogger
Would love to be apart of bringing the Tribe back for this.
Have you seen anyone else around somewhere?
I hear Liontooths going back, he’d be eager
I hear Liontooth will be playing a feral druid again, what a legend.
Hi all, I mostly started playing in TBC on this server, with a blood elf paladin (with a cringy name at the time) Ssenkrad. I don’t remember if i name changed on SSL or after to Ashjraka. I know I was connected mostly to Sang Real as a Grand Master during the end of TBC and start of WotLK. Another guild Id like to make contact with again was the Thunderscar Clan. I think the leader was called Gorshak? I might be getting it mixed up though, Orc Warrior. The other guild that comes to mind for me was my long standing favourite raiding guile Good Day 2 Die. Quite a few people I would love to get back in touch with, a short list off the top of my head;
Ayashe(orc shaman healer)
Rrak(blood elf hunter)
A blood elf male paladin whos in game name I cant remember, but was in Sang Real with me.
And a troll shaman naned Gondo
Vaeyna(i think? Blood elf female paladin)
Shadowtroll (troll rogue)
Deathfist(orc DK from Thunderscar)
Juno(blood elf rogue)
Pauldrons(another orc death knight)
And of course Bob (if I could remember a single one of your 20 characters names, I likely would have tracked you down already). Blood elf rogue or tauren druid primarily.
There are plenty others, but Im writing this at 6 am while at work, so forgive me if I have missed anyone.
Moofassa here, Tauren Druid.
Was in the guilds The Risen, Illusion, Aftermath, Completely Different, Tainted and even in Lost at some point.
I remember a lot of names in this thread actually.
Most of the Completely Different/R O N I N crew are reforming with Mordine on Firemaw. Corro you should join as well! Scape, Trid are among a few. I believe they are still in touch with Andros, Nick and PD. Convincing them to join.
I am really trying to get a hold of:
Weedor (Mage)
Katarsis (DK)
Ferg (Warrior)
Grogar (Hunter)
You can add me on RealID, then I can send you the discord link with everyone.
That goes for anyone really that wants to reform with some old SSL crew on Firemaw (PvP) horde. We chose a PvP realm this time because we want a healthy realm.
Hey buddy, Darkwing here.
I knew i’d find some familiar names in here hehe.
Even though i won’t be joining in this journey it’s still nice to remember all the good times
edit: illusion is love
Hah Darkwing.
Shame you won’t be joining us even if it is just socially.
I mean if you got an account might as well look in right?
My mind is telling me yes, but 20k queues are telling me no
Used to play on SSL as Neosan (warrior) and later as Neoleth (paladin).
Time in Vanilla i played in Stormlords.
TBC and Wotlk played in Aftermath.
Great to see some familiar names on this thread, I played a shaman in vanilla called Razelx and was a member of Brotherhood of fire.
Would be cool to get in contact with anyone from theguild but particularly Benz or Clinzin. Getting nostalgic for those late night missions into Ironforge.
i spoke with Garviel … well i think it will be easyer to catch up directly in game if we are going to Zandalari for example …