In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Scarshield Legion in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Sekeito, tauren warrior, used to part of Symphony of Pain, Chaos Engines and Doomhammers Legacy.
Pinuzo , Tauren warrior , The Greywolf Tribe , Myandra , Liontooth , Silver , Hinun , Gellion …
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Heya there Pin
Tirdhia , Tauren Druid , Greywolf tribe
Polkros , Orc Warrior , (can’t for the life of me remember the guilds)
I am here with my long time partner as well
Tordhia, Tauren Druid, Greywolf Tribe
Moonanuky, Tauren Hunter, Greywolf Tribe
Liontooth, Coyote, Hinun, Pin, Stubhorn, Graanshakoon ( I am sorry for all the folks I am missing damn there are so many )
Then there were guilds around such as the “Ashen order” and that undead guild damn names.
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Hi DarkOmen undead rogue here from scarshield legion horde my guild was called Hidden . A few players i remember was:
Recoyle (undead rogue)
Slev (troll rogue)
Bator (orc warrior tank)
Zuba (troll shaman)
Sorry I have forgotten and missed lots of names off too hope you are all doing great
Mordine. Undead Warlock. Leader of Phasmatis.
Looking for old friends like Bodih, Jiru, Aquila, Amled, Kaleius and the rest of the old members and friends 
Sachant, undead (female) priest, former Hidden player here!
Edit: also had a brief stint in Aftermath during the BC prepatch days.
Looking to reconnect with basically anyone - the community was so tightly knit - but especially these (that I can remember):
Whispers (undead rogue) <3
Weedor (undead mage)
Gardok (tauren shaman)
Jorbel (tauren shaman)
Selyzar (tauren warrior)
Slev (troll rogue)
Demencia (undead mage)
Korpah (orc warrior)
Xiph (undead priest)
I played Manovan (Undead Warlock) on Scarshield Legion from vanilla up until early Cataclysm. Was in a number of guilds and did a lot of RP back then. Recently tried retail again but I don’t enjoy it. I plan to try out an Alliance priest in Classic, but I’ll be quite casual.
TUK… Tauren Druid was Max lvl
I ran a RP-PVP guild with a controversy name called
***** Demons of Thrall *****
Looking to rebuild the hardcore raiding PvP guild that swarmed the Alliance lands.
We was Wiki.
No more casual Games
Bring Back Hard Gaming
Jebadiah, Barren, Yog you all know who you are 200+ strong
Arhock - Orc Shaman. Guild was Dragon Lance if i remember correctly.
Anyone know what server they will be starting at from launch?
Dorghor, Tauren Druid.
These were my humble beginnings. When I was still a total noob, I started playing on SSL. Ferus was my first guild. A Swedish guild that started to recruit non-Swedes. Great, super chill people with whom I had a fantastic time. Throughout my wow career I’ve told many people about the fun I had there. It was casual and fun, perfect for a beginner like I was.
Eventually I decided to play a little more hardcore and slowly moved on up. I achieved the goals I set out to achieve and look back at the game with great memories. I haven’t really played much for a while as I personally despise the gated content the game is filled with now, but that’s a story for another time.
I’m considering going back to Vanilla WoW not so much because of how great the system was, but more because of nostalgia and friends coming back as well. Hence my post here. Maybe some people recognise me even if it has been many many years.
Looking forward to finding old friends and making new ones. Cheers, people.
• Your character’s name, race and class.
Zaitha, Blood Elf Mage
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
Sang Real
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Anyone from this guild really. Or for anyone who recognizes the name “Zaitha”. Used to be in Goldshire, sitting on a roof or two… Or in Silvermoon City. Had a blast back in the days!
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Your character’s name, race and class: Terrel, troll rogue / Xterm (FKA Eskobar), UD mage / Illuviel, troll hunter
The name of your original guild on this realm: Kaamos, LOST, Hidden
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with: mostly anyone I had a pleasure to play with and who might remember.
Hope to see you guys on Zandalar Tribe.
PS: Hi Sachant and DOmen
Hey Sachant!
Your swedish guildmate Menzul here (undead male mage) from Hidden.
Also a shoutout to any of my prior guildmates in Pulse, and especially Kaahla!
Honorable mentions:
Heading to Shazzrah (PVP) at Classic launch as a female undead warrior (name “Cahira”). Hope to see some of you SSL’ers there!
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Hey there,
Karcsi, Tauren Druid from Lost here.
Looking forward to hear from anyone I ever had a decent talk, or a quality game time.
I played the troll male warrior Carkos on Scarshield Legion (BE male paladin Corro in TBC)
Was mostly involved in the Brotherhood of Fire PvP guild (Which became R O N I N later in TBC, and Completely R O N I N in wotlk when it merged)
I mostly remember
Wow I remember the name Menzul!!!And all those Pulse members(Orannis the shaman RL who could never say AQ20 Ossirian correct!!)!!!
Atherinas here, innervate bot of Pulse!!!Still remember the awesome druid family there!!!Selas, Archibald!!
I will be on Shazzrah too, so I will hit you up!
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Hi Dorghor!
Geredis, Chrom (wendjebauen) and many others from that bunch are heading prolly to Pyrewood or rp-pvp server. See you laters!