Scatter Trap Macro assistance

So I’'m one of those lazy hunters that uses loads of macro’s.
I’m stuck on this one macro;

/castsequence [@mouseover,harm][] reset=6 Scatter Shot, [@cursor] Freezing Trap

So, I just want to do a cast sequence, it should scatter my mouseover target, if not current target, and once that is done, should send a freezing trap at cursor position so that I don’t have to select area and click.

Each one on its own works, but as soon as I put it in a cast sequence, it kind of just ignores the Scatter, goes strait to target reticle for the trap, not instant casting at cursor position either.

Any macro Brainiacs that can assist? Cheers.

/castsequence [@mouseover,harm,nodead] [@cursor] [] reset=6 Scatter Shot, Freezing Trap

Doesn’t work. now it just does scatter shot, Freezing Trap not even registering after Scatter Shot casted.
With this, it is as if the Freezing trap part of the macro isn’t even registering.
Logic says to me also it should work, but it just doesn’t.

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