<Scottish Boomers> - Friendly, active guild seeks more members

Greetings adventurers of Zandalar Tribe.

Scottish Patriots was formed by 6 friends, all whom are part of a core raiding team back in late Vanilla/TBC. Our goal is to form an active guild with loyal members, who will participate in PvP/PvE events. We understand it’s now 15 years later, and people have families/careers - should raiding be important for you in the future, but you cannot commit to x amount of days per week - we understand this, as some are in the same boat.

The guild is predominantly Scottish, but welcomes all different nationalities - we are not restrictive, we understand the name might be. Being a boomer may help, as most of the guild is 23+ and do enjoy energy drinks. (lol)

The growth of the guild has been magnificent, with 35+ active members joined.

We promise you,

  • Friendly, respectful humour
  • Always willingness to participate in group help/dungeons
  • Future semi-hardcore raiding
  • IRL Events, if you can travel to Scotland. Our first is planned for the 12th of October, anticipating a showing of 14 members minimum.
  • Scottish guild tabard
  • If you want to role play as a Scottish Dwarf, we will not judge.

If you’d like to know more, you can find me in game :slight_smile:

41 active members yesterday :slight_smile:

Another genius who didn’t bother reading the naming policy of RP servers.

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