this is just bad, and also “mandating” people to do it to get pre raid chest piece is more than stupid. tagging fiesta , druids are having way too much fun
You can loot the chest and wrist in the Kara Crypts. The only mandatory thing there is the orb to unlock the shoulder enchants and that can be done with a raid.
I’ve been farming those invasions all day and still didn’t loot my chest but I know I don’t have to do it. It will probably drop in Kara in the next few days.
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What about the gloves? You need 40 runes in total to get them.
You can easily farm the runes when crystals are high HP.
Most raids come when it’s low HP to tag the shadows. Pick a spot in Winterspring or Tanaris to dodge the mass of players stacking and be there before the event start so you can farm a few minutes by yourself without competition.