Screen flickering just in WoTLk

Since I started playing WotLK again, I see that I have constant screen flickers, seems that the lighting just goes darker before coming back to normal.

I have forced dx11 in game settings to alleviate the issue with the game not starting from battlenet but also tried dx12 without any luck of repairing this.

The flickers are not constant it happens somehow random and setting legacy or normal dx11 does not solve the issue.

Any fixes or things I should try ?

I’m getting this too. Almost like brightness/shaders drop darkness for a few frames, then back to normal. It’s a jarring flash, totally randomly. Did a full Windows reinstall, thought I was going mad. I’m on a Razer Blade laptop with a 3070 Ti, how about you?

Are the shadows on tree’s flickering like this ?

If not is it possible to make a recording of the glitch thru recording software ?

The above video bug is fixed by clearing shader cache before launching the game in dx12 or just run dx11 and has been around for 6+ years and been fixed only for it to re appear usually around pre patch time for next expansion.

If its not like above video it helps to share footage of it, so more users can confirm if they having the same issue.

no not like that, I mean not just the trees the whole screen , and not for that long it’s like a fraction of second…it’s like the brightness drops suddnely… I cannot record it because I really do not know when it will happen…More like what Mochdre above said