Screen randomly starts flashing white

Am I the only one experiencing this? My screen will just randomly start flashing white and back to normal, sometimes giant pixels of white will show as well. It is only in the game as it happened when I was tabbed out (I could see it flashing white through the task manager as it is somewhat see-through) then I tabbed back in and it was indeed flashing white.

After a few seconds it stops. Randomly it can occur again, or not. It doesn’t seem to be related to anything in particular. Again, am I the only one experiencing this? It doesn’t happen in any other game whatsoever.

What gpu ?

It’s an RTX 3080

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Hmmm… this is not how the issue usually presents, but maybe have a read of this thread. We’ve seen a bunch of rather odd problems with the most recent Nvidia drivers, and this could potentially be related.

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Yes, for this reason exactly I’ve opted to not install the most recent versions of Nvidia drivers. I’m still running on 526.47.

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