Screen shake on certain abilites since Legion (Video that explains it)

if they’re not allergic to the park at all, finding a little grass to be allergic to is weird.

That’s why i asked.

I’m gonna try and give a real explanation.

So, I don’t know why tbh but I do not get sickness motion in raids. I do get when a boss causes screen shake however.

I think, because I’m making the movement it doesn’t matter, I can spin the camera and feel nothing. But if I wouldn’t do it, I’d probably feel nausea. That’s what I think atleast.

This is pretty much like allergy to be honest. It doesn’t affect everyone but to some it does.
It mostly nowadays it gives me more headache, the slight screen shake.
But tbh, I can defend myself on this topic but I don’t feel like I should even do that. I don’t think WoW should have this implemented in the first place, if they really wanted to, atleast make it optional.

I hope I asked your question.

I also can’t stand head bobbing in games

Thank you BLIZZARD <3


:confetti_ball: Yippee!! Congrats, OP!!

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