Screen shake on certain abilites since Legion (Video that explains it)

Hi! Sorry for another post, but the support told me to keep making these to make the devs see it. I’ve been trying to twitter devs on twitter about this too.

Anyway, ever since Legions new animations abilites has caused the screen to shake every so slightly (enough for nausea). I’ve seen several posts about this on the EU and US that has been asking for a command to remove it. There are no addons or command known to disable it.

The shakes mostly affects melee classes but Elemental has on Flame Shock and Earth Shock for example.

Video here is on a Ret Paladin and to explain for you guys and how you can see the screen shake (or wiggle).
Sorry for my english since it’s not my native language.

All I wish for in Shadowlands is to make this optional for the players that still wants it or to remove it.

Thanks in advance!


Bump this.
Is totally unacceptable not having an option to disable screen shake in 2020. This things is really bad for people which cant withstand those effects, giving them nausea.
Just fix this for SL pre-patch, it’s literally a line of code.


Thank you for staying with this. Your English is fine, by the way. :slight_smile:

I do see that shake occasionally. I’m lucky that I don’t notice ut all the time, and it doesn’t affect me.

The removal of our view distance, on the other hand, does much limit the amount I can play.

I suspect these negative effects are driven by devs who are very proud of themselves for implementing them, and stubborn, and who will try to dismiss the harm they do. The only way to get past that is to keep hammering at the point, and hope to accumulate enough support that they have to take responsibility.


I see the shake too. After I have played many dungeons in a row with either my warrior or paladin I tend to get nausea as well. They don’t have to remove it but it would be nice to have it as an option. Let’s hope Blizzard sees this.


I’ve honestly never noticed it myself and I don’t want to. I get motion sick in games like Minecraft. Don’t want to start feeling that in WoW.

Although I’m so zoomed out of my character that might be why I just don’t notice it.

A simple ability to turn it off would be great.


Thanks guys :slight_smile:

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Best case scenario would be if it could get posted on the US forum. I can’t and I don’t know how to. I guess you need another account and pay for one.

US forum gets much more attention than EU unfortunately.

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Thank you very much!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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no worries :slight_smile:

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Got a mail from Blizzard, I probably annoyed them so I wont write again (I wrote 3 mails). Anyway:

We’ve received several of your messages over the last few months related to this issue, and the team is aware of the problem. Understanding the scope of where these kinds of effects happen can take some time. Please rest assured, the team is aware of this issue, and we are looking into possible solutions, but at this time I can’t give you an estimate of when changes might be implemented.

We appreciate you taking the time to write to us about this, and your dedication to helping make Blizzard experiences epic for everyone!


Blizzard Accessibility

I hope I can play Warrior & Paladin in Shadowlands


If you got this reply why have you posted this again?

They are aware of it and are looking into solutions.

i’m kind of curious. I didn’t even notice the shake at all so i have to ask. How can a 0.01mm screen shake give people nausea in a game while every boss fight which is basically a lightshow of 50 different abilities happening all at once with different colorations and movements doesn’t?

Screen shake is something that should be optional.

I get that the devs want us to experience earth moving events and use screen shake as a method of conveying this but when it’s something that detracts from gameplay and causes genuine discomfort then it’s something we should be able to turn off.


Whilst a very small amount of screen shake may not be consciously noticeable for some, for others their brain will register the visual signals and recognise that something isn’t quiet right and induce a feeling of nausea. Sorta like subliminal advertising, you can’t read that advert that just flashed up for 1/30th of a second but your subconsciousness has seen it.

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I miss old characters models (the new ones should remain optional) and old spell animations (except very few like holy light on paladin which is an actual improvement) and I also hate all these flashy laser beams and effects including this screen shake effect. If I wanted to see screen shakes I’d play shooters


Screen shake shouldn’t even be in the game, if someone wants to experience that sort of thing they should attach a pneumatic hammer to their chair and turn it on at relevant points.


The screen shake doesn’t bother me but the swaying of some mounts do.

The only thing I have ever asked for a refund on was the golden dragon mount as it made me feel ill. Also I don’t know if this affects anyone else but the bright red zones like Durotar give me a headache.

Hellfire Peninsular is another one, I get a headache of I spend too long there and I HATE ORANGE !

How can a piece of grass straw give people allergy?