Script that would hide Names for Party Raid frames

Hi there, hope you are doing well.

I need a script that is hiding the names in the party, i will send an example in imigur what exactly i need
imgur dot com/a/Ew9fB4I
So to hide ‘Barbarax’ but to keep role icon for all party frames

Don’t have a solution - you might want to search the NA forums, there’s more one-off scripts there - but you can wrap your image url in code tags `url` or press the </> button in the editor to post it without dissecting it.

This hides the names and role icons on the default raid frames.

Paste the below code into

hooksecurefunc("CompactUnitFrame_UpdateName", function(frame)
	if frame.optionTable == DefaultCompactUnitFrameOptions then

And to keep role icon just remove the:

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