Seal Twisting Ideas for Rune Rework

I’m just spit balling here but I was thinking of Runes that would make Seal Twisting viable for next phase. The main issue right now is Seal Twisting does very low damage compared to other iterations of WoW. For Example some casters can Crit 4k in a single spell and Seal Twisting does no where near that kind of damage right now, Seal Twists now hit around 1.5k which is very low burst/dps.


  1. The Obvious Rune is to make one that Boosts Seal Damage by a lot, it will probably will need to be around 50% or maybe even more. Make this Rune compete with Art of War so Rets have to choice of this playstyle and also Seal Twisting uses up a lot of GCDs so the less abilities we need the press the better it for this playstyle.

  2. The Next Rune would be Improved Seal of Command:- This would improve the Proc Rate and Judgement Damage of Seal of Command. The Judgement Damage is useless for Seal Twisting but this would be a good option for players who don’t want to Seal Twist and they can pair this Rune with Divine Storm. The improve Proc Rate is obviously really strong for Seal Twisting alone and it will allow weaker Ret players not to be punished if they don’t want to Seal Twist with the improved Judgement Damage.

  3. The next thing I would suggest would be a Rune called Crusader’s Vengeance - Your Crusader Strike gives you a buff for 10s where your next hit of Seal of Righteousness or Seal of Martyrdom is empowered and will hit x1 Extra or Will Crit, just some effect to boost the Seal Damage. This Rune is to make weaving in Crusader Strikes rewarding for Seal Twisting and will mean optimally weaving in Crusader Strike will improve the Damage.

  4. Last suggestion would be Empowered Seals - I would make Twisting Certain Seals give certain buffs. Examples :-

4a) Seal Twisting Command into Righteousness or Vice Versa gives the Paladin a buff for 30s that increases Holy Damage by 30%.

4b) Seal Twisting Seal of Command into Seal of Martyrdom or Vice Versa gives a buff to your next Crusader Strike that Increases tha damage of the next Strike to 100% Weapon Damage.

4c) Seal Twisting Command into Wisdom of Vice Versa gives the Paladin Repleneshment Buff that Regens 25% total Mana over 20s.

4d) Seal Twisting Command into Justice gives the Paladin a 30% increase to movement for 5s.

4e) Seal Twisting Command into Light makes your next Heal 50% more likely to be a Critical

These are the ideas I have managed to come up with. The damage numbers with what I have suggested might be overtunned but with the correct numbers these Runes would increase the Power of Seal Twisting and also add some uniqueness without drastically changing the gameplay. I don’t think all of these Runes would need to be implemented to make Seal Twisting viable but I tried to suggest some good ideas to make it stronger and slightly different to TBC style Seal Twisting. Also some suggestions are to help buff non-Seal Twisters here too before I get “I hate twisting” posts. I’m interested in any other Rune suggestions or improvements that could make made to what I have suggested here.


Sounds good to me, anything that adds more interesting gameplay to seals like the buffs gained by twisting in you example is good. Another idea I had for how to make SoC Moore interesting is to add a version of templars verdict where each time SoC procs you gain a stacking buff and when you gain a certain number of stacks for example 3 you can use the ability. It would deal a high % weapons damage and not be normalized

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Yeah Templars Verdict could Work, it hits hard and scales better with Slower weapons. Im just worried for Ret having too many buttons for Seal Twisting as we only get 2 filler spells every 6 seconds and normally Judgement, CS and Conc is enough to make sure we are always pressing.

If we are to get new buttons I think 1 more would be the limit. We defo don’t want AoW spam and Divine Storm with to work with Twisting. Wrath with Conc should be enough for AoE for Twisting with Sheath. Makes sense to have slightly weaker cleave for stronger single Target.