Season 2 ksm requires both tyrannical and fortified 15s in 9.1

Here’s what I see:

“tu le tue aussi en tyra ,c’est pas une question de difficulté (si tu respect la strat) mais de temps. (oui le boss à trop de pv)
En tyra sur les haute clef tu peux rajouté facilement 1min (voir2) , mis à bout tu time pas forcement la clef à cause de ça.”

i still see in english ohh i have auto translator on thats why yes now it is french :smiley:

The issue is more affixes like bolstering and necrotic paired with Tyrannical.
Yeah bosses take a bit more but you can make up the timer by pulling big since trash is a joke.
Bolstering prevents that unless you really coordinate.

I think there is a lot of trickle down.
Yeah you can’t push top keys on tyrannical, but for 15s is perfectly fine.
Some tyrannical keys like raging explosives are kinda free.

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