The point is that tyrannical is a major road block compared to fortified. Even if the dps is quite bad on a boss, you can kill it on fortified.
Can’t really do it on a boss like tarvold on tyrannical. They either kill him before I go oom or we wipe. If their dps is too low, we’re wiping.
It’s a far higher dps requirement to get past some bosses on tyrannical. Hakkar is also pretty much impossible to do with pugs on tyrannical.
At this stage of the expansion everyone has decent item level and it’s more important than ever to check the RIO for experience (not just the number) and largely ignore item level and RIO number. So many dps players with good item level and a reasonable RIO number do pathetic dps at the moment.
Those guys were 1.8k+ players, on alts, lol. No reason to assume they would be that bad at DPSing.
One would think that if you don’t know the rotation, you wouldn’t go into a +14 with your alts but here we are, plenty of people doing that.
At this stage of the expansion we are enjoying alts. Especially in terrible weeks like bolstering storming tyrannical This week is screaming “No fun!”.
[P] [censored]: double first pull btw
[P] [Sacellum]: on bolstering?
(we all die miserably)
[P] [censored]: a ****
[P] [censored]: is boltering
[P] [censored]: i trough is was inspired
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Bolstering is so bad. It requires to pull everything 1 by 1 We are used to double pull, chainpull, or even pull kinda a lot on a boss. And then as a melee storming is stupidly annoying. I play this game for fun, and this week is just no fun. So i dont play.
I think it’s possible to do big pulls on bolstering in a coordinated group. It’s not so bad as raging.
I dont know. NW 1st boss get to the right side behind the pack, pull boss and spear. Trash dead and a raidboss. After the bridge get pride with repaired golem from the left side and pull everything in that area including the patrolling miniboss. What can possibly go wrong?
I remember some strategies in NW where a super bolstered flesh crafter was used.
[edit] this was back in december 2020:
I love it when a DPS helpfully pulls a second pack in Bolstering because they think progress will be slow otherwise…
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Yeah those things require some really good coordinations with specific tools like full time roots.
Doesn’t like playing it = Doesn’t belong in WoW
Totally makes sense.
Indeed. They remind me so much of back-seat drivers. Seriously, let the tank do his/her work or roll one yourself if you can do it better.
Every Tyra week my key rolls SD, granted I’m at the low end, but still it’s a hard sell. I’m just lucky I can ToD at least one add on him to knock it out fast.
So far I’ve preffed Tyra weeks because I’ve been lucky enough to have groups that do bosses well, PF 5 last night, add control on bosses 1 and 2 was awesome. Easy +2 despite some wobbly pulls near the beginning with bolstering the giant patrol X 4.
On my Forti weeks i seem to have groups that not only ignored boss nuance but also treated trash with no regard despite affixes like Bursting. I pref this week already and plan to chug out most of my outstanding 5s tonight before starting to go higher. Picked up an add from a tank on Tues whom said they’d like me to heal some 10s in their regular premade so I’m all over that.
tu le tue aussi en tyra ,c’est pas une question de difficulté (si tu respect la strat) mais de temps. (oui le boss à trop de pv)
En tyra sur les haute clef tu peux rajouté facilement 1min (voir2) , mis à bout tu time pas forcement la clef à cause de ça.
This is an english forum.
Not the type of english that I know of.
for me it says
The fact is that tyrannical is a major obstacle compared to fortified. Even if the dps is pretty bad on a boss, you can kill it on fortified.
you also kill him in tyra, it’s not a question of difficulty (if you respect the stratum) but of time. (yes the boss to too much pv)
In tyra on the high key you can easily add 1min (see2), put to the end you time not necessarily the key because of that.
so yes it is english
Idk, i think i see french.