Season 2 Tier Set Appearances Revealed for All 13 Classes in Dragonflight

That mage set looks INSANE.


Pretty much all of them are great. The design team came through hard with these sets.

I can’t wait to get the elite warlock one!

Dk set looks great, what the hell?

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Paladin/druid/priest for me winners all the way

Poggers in the chattuhhhh

Priest and Paladin should be swapped. Most of these are AMAZING!


Priest :fire: :fire: :fire:
Mage :fire: :fire: :fire:

Rogue is good
Warlock also good

Looking forward to see the different recolours !


Mage set looks Siiiick!!!

Hunter set looks bad, no surprises there.

All the others look great though.


Paladin and huntar sets are the only good looking ones. bLizzards busted blue boys, as always…

i absolutely LOVE the Evoker, DK and Priest ones!

As per usual I absolutely hate the hunter set.
I’m not even mad.


Hunter’s set are always so ugly :slight_smile:


Does the priest set look more paladin, And the Paladin set look more priest like? Or am i getting the order wrong here?

Also brb while i reroll shaman and druid.

Everyone else won the lottery though. Really love these sets.


Serious question (not a troll however it may look like), what’s the point of giving transmog sets for Evokers?

So we can look good outside of our dragon form and in rp of course!

But will rogues ever get a down to earth Rogue set that doesn’t look like a spandex super villain though? I want 3d assets and details. We look like the Maw and Castlevania had a villain baby. I just want to look like a rogue :sweat:

More leather armor like these. If ever I beg you :pray: :sob:

Armor like these can be used by any race of any faction alike. And combined with other already existing armor too and still look very Rogue :pray:

One for the hunters :eyes: She just looked too good. I had to add her.

Aside from the Nighthold set, have we ever had a set that looked at least decent (not even good… just decent, at least) ? :roll_eyes:


Well, I guess they didn’t want to buck the trend on that one.

All the sets seem to fit Class fantasy quite well, so why should the hunters be any different :rofl: l

Feel like I should add before anyone thinks im killing the hype or happiness around here.

That I am a long standing supporter of Class/faction fantasy tier armor sets.
In TBC blizzard did away with that. But in classic our classes had faction and class themed sets. Blizzard decided in tbc. That Armor and apperance should be expansion themed.

Google your class or any X class. ‘‘Rogue fantasy concept art’’ For example.

‘‘Ranger’’ Or ‘‘Hunter’’ ‘‘shaman’’ etc concept art. And you get the idea.

WoW and their classes and faction had their unique take and looks to this. And I sorely miss them.

I do think these sets look fire though. Don’t let me be your kill joy.

I think with Tier sets and raid sets, there is a WoW Aesthetic which the player base has come to expect.

I don’t see any reason why they can’t create more down to earth sets outside of Tier/Raid. But the big in your face Sets we get from raids should be left alone.

Thats fine. Some people like stuff to stay expansion themed… But yeah :sob: I do miss some class looking cool stuff, That i could use for my transmogs.

If i am not into the theme or looks of any given expansion. Guys like me are screwed.