Season 4 is terrible

complete mess, with the set bonuses and pve gear andys getting 520 ilvl week one and out gearing honor gear.

what year is this ?

well see you all in TWW /salute
not playing this garbage


Itā€™s S4 first week
Let the late comers gear up, and let the randos that usually donā€™t queue leave on their own once they realise they suck

Well you have the same chance as other to get that gear too. Iā€™m comping Bajheera with this.

Say the line - play at the end of season.

its literally 3 hrs of work to get geared what else do u want

Less if you already had honor cap tbh. Gearing is the best its been in my opinion. :smiley:

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Yep. Saved 15k honor From S3, few games in Arena this week, have 2 conquest rings, wrists (blood tokens) + upgraded my crafter shoulders from S3 to S4 version. Maybe 3h in total? Yes, right now itā€™s hard to fight vs R1 teams, this week had 16 games, won less then half, but on the other hand almost half vs top ranked players and my team won. Not bad for a guy, who barely touched serious pvp for the first time (1852 MMR on my warr, 1752 on ret pala in S4). I play Ret/Frost/Resto druid or Disco Priest, sometimes I go on arms ret. Itā€™s not meta, but itā€™s fun + thereā€™s a lot of opportunities to play with good ppl and learn from our mistakes (sometimes their mistakes).

Saw something about this, bloody tokens the things from world HKs? We can buy gear thatā€™s relevant?! I did the world quest for killing 100 players just messing around, didnā€™t realise it was worth it now

POV im sitting here on my rogue i play for fun like: ewll good thing i only use my 2 set in arena :dracthyr_shrug: have that already by just doing pvp

sometimes theres a world quest active, what give up 200-500 tokens and u only have to kill 1 elite boss for this world quest, so idk

there is one in the emerald dream right now (30th april) giving 500 tokens for killing a few mobs

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Itā€™s been a thing start of every DF season, basically until crafting catches up