Season ends in 1 week.. where are the cutoffs?

are we supposed to guess?

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people still care about cutoffs in this season?

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Agree canˋt seem to find them anywhere

most people are using arenamate as a rough guide. Don’t think any third party websites know the actual faction balance/total player pool so I wouldn’t just assume that these cutoffs are right

Knowing blizzard you’ll probably get the cutoffs posted randomly 3-5 days before season ends if you’re lucky with no follow up or updates until the titles come out 2 weeks after season ends

on a side note, i’m still amazed blizzard have kept to this stupid faction cutoff title system. seems like at least 75% of all players in r1 cutoff range are horde due to the racials being more beneficial and yet the alliance cutoff is much higher

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We aint getting it dodgey boi

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Let’s see how long it takes until a person at blizzard remembers that they have a game…

Well this is what arenamate had to say… idk if thats true

Pretty sure arenamate is wrong, I recall at some point they lost access to the API and couldn’t accurately predict what cutoffs were anymore. That said… it’s clearly gonna be waaaaaaaaay less spots than last season.

I don’t see why blizzard can’t just be consistent though. Last season they posted estimated cut-offs 1 week before end, and now for this season they just forget or?

again that’s what arenamate had to say when i asked them if the stats are legit

an official statement would be nice anyway though

Of course the alliance cut offs are higher. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that “at the top” there is no difference in skill between Horde and Alliance players - so they’re generally the same rating, Horde and Alliance players at the top that is. However, the playerbase on the alliance side is much smaller - so the number of r1 slots are much fewer. This means that the rating required for r1 will be much higher (much lower rank required).

PS: I’ll just add my math from this season into this post so that it’s not deleted when the S2 post is removed (just like the S1 post). See below:

Based on the official EU cutoffs (and the US post) and looking at the ladder this very morning (and checking which rank had the exact rating mentioned in the cutoff post):

Playerbase EU (top 114 Horde cutoff, top 72 Alliance cutoff):

  • 114K Horde
  • 72K Alliance
  • 186K Total

Playerbase US (top 80 Horde cutoff, top 44 Alliance cutoff):

  • 80K Horde
  • 44K Alliance
  • 124K Total

For EU, which had 412K valid participants in BfA S1, this implies a ~55% drop in participation, i.e. there’s less than half the amount of participants in BfA S2 as compared to BfA S1.

Additionally, BfA S2 has the second lowest ever participation of the seasons which we have data for. Although it is likely that many of the Legion seasons had lower participation (among Legion S2-S6).

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Idk I think they should either calculate the top 0.1% of the whole playerbase, divide this value by 2 and give each faction the same amount of r1 titles or just go back to the old system. The racial imbalance isn’t that huge anymore, each faction has their up’s and down’s for some classes.

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