Season of Discovery 2

Hello, im kind of new to SoD I have not played classic WoW before and overall im fairly new to WoW in general, I’ve been wondering if there will be a second season of discovery after this one ends, if so is there a rough time frame on when it will be released?

Thank you in advance.

Be a long wait probably, over a year.

They need to… reassess a little.

From what I’ve understood since the begening by devs talk and news is that sod is somekind of a beta test for the potential classic +

devs also said that at the end of sod, all our character would not be transferred to the era servers but to some separates ones ( as opposed to the som characters who’ve been transferred to era servers at the end of their season)

so what will be happenning to those new independant servers ? eeeh we don’t know, either they will become the new classic + servers where blizzard will continue to work on and continue the history of those characters or they could stay untouched like the era servers

so wait and see

As mentiond SoD is a type of beta for Classic+.
The hardest part is to fin a classbalance and potentional new specs.
They tested whit the new way of doing dungeons. The last part is to opend old areas who isent being used until later expantions.
If they aded them now it would be a spoiler :slight_smile:

I think this is just something they say so they can keep re-releasing a 20 year old game to keep milking the playerbase.

It also takes away a bit of responsibility if they mess up. They can just use the “Beta” excuse.

Sod is the beta for Classic +…Classic + will be the beta for Classic ++…sure.

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