Season of Discovery Adjustments Coming Soon - Feb 12, 2024

Eclipse reduces the cast time of Starfire by 1s.

Yea spending mana to do damage, welcome to the world of the rest of the casters.

Starsurge was ~45% of total PvE damage of Boomkins. Starfire was below 15%. A 66% buff with an ~50% effective nerf to Starsurge means you’re costing Boomkins approximately 15%-20% total DPS in PvE. Is that intended?

with natures grasp (proc on crit) = 0.5 sec

eclipse rune= 1 sec

you really think they actually care? As I said countless times before starsurge is the most used word on the forum just like it was for hunters in p1 so it had to go. Dont try to look for logic in such nerfs

Kinda whack when Melee Hunter and Warlock are already doing ~30% more dps in pve.

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Boomkin probably going to be worst dps in pve

yeah they are top 2 dps spec atm with mages having the potential to be number 1 depending on RNG factor. Followed by ele shamans and priests. And all those classes are (to some extent except warlocks) excel at pvp aswell in a similar fashion to boomies. Difference is they arent dependant to a single spell like we do, so they dont catch that much attention. As I said at this point this is purely political just so they can please the crying masses to save face

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It is all a conspiracy and everyone is involved, everyone is crazy and you are the only one sane spitting faxxx. It is not that Starsurge was the most broken and toxic spell to grace the PvP side of the game in quite a while.

You could assume 0 risk to yourself with Starsuge in the old form. You could cast nothing else and win. All your mana could be used purely for healing(no other healer has this luxury). You didn’t have to worry about interrupts, you could always run if things were’t in your favor and still kill anyone chasing you. No one could run away from you because there was no way to escape.

But keep huffing the copium that “crazy forum whiners” nerfed your IWIN button, you are delusional.

That explains all the premades looking for mages and warlocks and ele shamans. Oh wait… in the real world you either played a Starsurge slinger or a hunter or you went home.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that starsurge didn’t need a nerf. A single spell being 45% of your total damage output also felt pretty bad. But What we have now is frostmage level pve dps.

They nerfed our damage 30% and then buffed it 5%. And that on a spec that already has no AOE and no stuns or interrupts.

Not correct.

Eclipse only procs AFTER casting Wrath, so you would need a cast a combination sequence of Wrath-Starfire every time to enable the proc.

I’m not saying a PvP nerf was wrong, although I don’t personally engage in PvP, but Starsurge statistically makes up 49.1% of my PvE DD and this change will likely destroy the spec.

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If you factor in the BiS Spellpower set and base damage, and calculate the nerf, you get a ~57% reduction in avg starsurge damage. They haven’t fixed the eclipse bug, so lets assume they won’t.

That’s a roughly 30% Damage reduction in your total PvE output (Down to 71.213 preraid damage). Across all boomie logs Starfire is ~10% of Damage (varies 6-14%), lets assume every starfire you cast enjoys the buff. That means you get an extra 6.6% of your prenerf damage back.

Meaning after the nerf you’re looking at 77.8% of the damage you were doing before. Clean 25% PvE Nerf on a spec that was already underperforming Hunters, Mages and Warlocks and unlike those classes has no AoE to speak of, nor any interrupts or stuns.

You can offheal if you’re willing to give up the 3% crit buff for the party, as Moonkin Form cost is prohibitive to any offhealing activity, but doing that lowers your damage further.

You just keep showing you have zero class awareness. All you know about the balance druid as a whole is prolly getting killed by a random stray starsurge and decided to go cry in the forums cause thats what ppl like you do. Every single post of you is specifically about how OP is starsurge and nothing related to the class as a whole. We pressed starsurge cause there was nothing else we could do in the face of a lets say rogue/warr training on you or a priest that popped his homonculis on you and now you are getting hit by 12 times per second while he is melting your face with his instant abilities. Balance druid was starsurge whether u like it or not. I didnt design the class go blame the devs all you want for their lazy approach. Because you dont know how the class works you are thinking that we have all the other damaging spells and kiting and ccing and defensive abilities in our arsenal yet we chose to press 1 spell which is starsurge cause its OP. no it doesnt work like that. That wasnt a luxury like you are trying to make it sound. It was and still is a neccessity. Against so many matchups there is literally nothing you can do but press that 1 single instant ability and hope that it crits so u can have a chance.

Oh no, they have to cast like everybody else =((


I am sure this is bait and I am sure you are well aware how many classes have instant abilities. Try to do better.

name one class who tries to cast in the melee range, ele shamans have their hard hitting shocks on a seperate cd thanks to tank leg rune also proc chance to instant cast lava burst, mages have all the cc, slow, snare and blink they need to hard cast when their instant casts are on cd. Lock have instant searing pain life drain dots shadowflame into conflag and whatnot. Priests have strong dots, mind spike and shadow word death on top of ccs and tons of defensive cooldowns. Balance druid is the only glass cannon that has jack shot in his arsenal so yeah casting spells in pvp as a balance druid is almost pointless

Yet have abilities not even close to Star Surge.
Most Mages have to cast Frost/Fireball (3 sec), Warlock cast Chaos Bolt/SB/Incinirate and Spriest have DoTs. Yet all of them, short of Spriest, lack a mana free, 6 sec CD big hitter like Star Surge.

Druids have 2 more additional instants, with dots, and a fast mana free Wrath. They arent FORCED to cast Starfire after…

all of the abilities u listed are pve focused abilities, you really are baiting

“Random”. When the world was full of delusional Starsurge pro gamers all of a sudden. You couldn’t get out of Splinter Tree Post or Zoram Gar without 2 of the geniuses showing off how “forced” they are(probably like you) to grief people with their BS kit.

Oh but it was not just a luxury, no other class could play so risk free as druids could. Time to join the rest of the casters and see what those other spells in your class spell book do.

Oh I know well enough how it is. This is how most casters except you played and on top of this we had to deal with the likes of you.


Balance druid was the most unwanted spec in raids in p1, also the bottom of DPS.
Gj on making it even worse, sub canceled

druidplayers are furrys, you deserve to get cancelled