Season of Discovery Adjustments Coming Soon - Feb 12, 2024

Yeah, a “glass canon” with Stealth, Bear/Boomkin form and three instant damage spells, one being way overtuned to the point premades were made casting only it.

Lets not mention the heals, the roots, natures grasp, and so forth (which nobody even wasted time on due to how imba Starsurge was). How about you try to view the thing more objectivly, seeing other classes recived mobility and damage rendering many of other casters so called utillity useless.

But oh, poor “glas cannons” now have to play like other casters. Sheesh.


Welcome to playing a CASTER.

You know I need to cast a 2.25s incinerate and then cast a 2.50s chaos bolt to do the same DMG as one starsurge???

If you don’t want to CAST. Go feral my guy.


Risk free he says. God knows how many times I died to rogues hunters and even some hard hitting warrs without even managing to cast a second starsurge let alone casting those 200 dmg wet noodle abilities you call ’ spells in your spellbook’. First of all you have zero knowledge about the class and you trying to act like you actually know it. It just shows from your posts. I could go in details but I know I will get ad hominem responses to attack me directly in order to cover ur ignorance in the matter. Other classes actually have a competenet skill set even in their 2004 versions. Thats why even in original classic balance druid pvpers actually played resto/feral hybrid and ignored balance tree almost completetly while also ignoring the so called signature spell ‘starfire’. That should give you some idea how bad the class design was in the first place

root and nature’s grasp has practically zero use especially with the new pvp trinket. It has 1 min cd so trinket will be used on that, after that gl trying to distance urself from an enemy. We only have 1 dot which is poor scaling moonfire since we use wild growth on glove rune instead of sunfire. Cause out of everything u mentioned wild growth is the only defensive ability that is worth mentioing

Druid will literally be a dead spec in PvP with such a huge nerf. It works out to around 62% including the SP coefficient nerf, which they have offset with the damage buff to SF. Base damage is just below lvl 38 fire blast after the nerf.

Feral is pathetic in PvP in the current iteration of the game. Someone blows on you and you die. They also nerfed mangle to try out some wonky bleed dots build which again is absolutely useless in PvP.

Gz you took a middle of the pack class and completely gutted all specs. Can’t even tank a dungeon since release because our swipe damage hits for a whopping 30-40 on 3 targets.

I also love how they didn’t even mention the fact that Balance Druids belt rune eclipse has been bugged since release and doesn’t provide any knock back resistance.

SOD is becoming too much of a rollercoaster ride for certain classes meanwhile you have classes like Priests that completely dominated P1 and are now effectively worse than balance Druids that didn’t even get mention. Never mind all the other specs that are deleting people in 3 seconds also. Not sure how many people are playing BGs but the game is in absolute s**t state PvP wise. The damage is completely insane. There is literally no place for anything other than fast burst damage if you want to survive more than 5 seconds in a PvP environment.

This Is my druid(Tagar). I know more than enough, I played a druid in P1 and balance was anything but balanced in PvP, it was disgusting.

Don’t bring up how druids used to play because I doubt your Starsurge brain would be capable to make sense of what it took to win.
Also, no, druids didn’t ignore ‘starfire’, they didn’t cast it all the time like the one-trick-pony Starsurge but it was used.


Oh, so you’re finally going to get around to fixing Hunter’s godawful rune design and rune slots by giving Lone Wolf something that makes up for the lack of utility of a pet, makes Cobra Strikes proc off of any crit from an ability and replace its spot with BM from Gloves, remove Lion as a rune and make it a skill book but remove the +10% from Hunter’s, make Serpent Spread scale with AGI or make it do a full duration of serpent sting on each target, flat out replace Kill Command, alter Sniper Training to do 2% crit every 1 second for 5 max stack when standing still, increase the damage of Explosive Shot severely or give it a debuff that actually makes it worth using, alter Chimera Shots Viper Sting effect now that we have Invigoration and Aspect Of The Viper effectively making it useful and just flat out either buff Carve significantly or alter its ability to not be AOE but instead be a useful single target ability (as not every spec needs to be AOE) ?

What am I saying, of course not! You spent the entirity of phase 1 doing bugger all but nerf Hunters repeatedly. Why would you ever actually do your job and fix your broken runes that clearly weren’t designed by a Hunter main?

(on that note the P2 runes are crap too and I stopped playing a Hunter)
((on that note I’m maining a warlock tank because its runes from P1 are way better but the P2 runes are also just crap. Why do we get 4 runes that basically just equate to “here’s a bit of damage”? They’re boring runes. Simple as. Replace them.))

Hunters were Top 3 DPS for all of P1 and are Top 1 DPS right now.

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Bash > Root > Root is a bait similar to two Polymorphs. Trinket works once every 5 min. And same disadvantage goes for the other casters toolkit.

Yeah, on yet another instant spell which was annoying even in Vanilla/Classic. And the trade off for the 3rd, Sunfire, is a group wide instant HoT with 6 sec CD … Your choice really.

Because chosing your battles is not a good defensive ability? You complain about damage nerfs as far as I see, not about lacking kit - which says it all. It was all about the power, not tools.

I played both Boomie and Mage to Exalted in WSG, and playing the Boomie was a joke to the point it felt like cheating. It had everything to do with the overpowered damage simply being to high, to often, free of cost (leaving mana totally untouched for heals and so forth).


I don’t care.
I didn’t complain that we weren’t powerful.
I complained that the rune allocation and designs are trash.

As I said your arguing skills are consisting of ad hominem just like balance druids skill set is consisting of starsurge in sod. Guess we need a nerf on u aswell. If you played balance on p1 then you would know that in a 1v1 situation balance was mid tier at best. Rogues, warlocks (mainly haunt locks due to fear), priests all beat us with ease. Hell even paladins and feral druids that open on you had the upper hand in most cases. Balance was great in open world and bgs sniping ppl pushing advancing enemies and chasing. You dont balance the game according to the chaos of open world. You do it with keeping 1v1 as your main focus

Im just ignoring the wrong things you wrote about everyone beating balance druids in 1v1 (youre biased towards your class, like most classic andys), just one thing: WoW has never been balanced around 1v1s, and it never will be.

So you think in p1 rogues, priests and haunt warlocks didnt beat balance druid to a pulp?

Excuse me for not caring about your weewees about an interesting rotation when you’re literally #1 dps for months and still cry about it.

Hunters were dominating pvp and pve for over a month, still stupidly strong after the nerfs, still topping charts in bfd, and are now topping charts and dominating pvp again, yet not getting nerfed.

And you’re still moaning rn.

Keep showing your ignorance for all to see. This game has never been balanced around 1v1.
And all those matchups you listed above you gotta be kidding me losing to haunt warlocks or rogues. Paladins stood no chance, ferals were a joke as only their initial opener was threatening but forcing them to shift out due to entangling grasp and hibernate made them stand no chance.

Season Of Discovery was sold to us as being crazy new things.
I’m still using the same rotation as before. Nothing feels crazy or new in contrast to other classes.
All I want is for the other runes to be useful. That’s it.

And uh, me moaning? Take a look at yourself, QQ some more.
Just because you got dominated in pvp does not invalidate the criticism of boring runes and bad rune placement. Its dps is irrelevant. That’s a tuning issue that’s a separate issue.
Nerf hunters down 20% in dps for all I care.
I just want the runes to actually be worth a damn, that’s it.

We clearly care about completely different things.
All you give a damn about is the big pumper.
What I want is just an interesting playstyle and rune synergy.
I’d gladly lose that pumper for better runes.


Case in point, the big rune that makes Hunters so damn powerful is their pets. Which rune is that? Beast Mastery. It gave +30% damage to pets, now +20%. You know what change to this rune I’ve been asking for? -20% damage but increased threat. Why? Because I want to try and be a hunter tank with my pet being the tank. I have been arguing for nerfing Hunters for over a month.

“Oh but you got the big dps!”

So what?
I don’t care.
I WANT it taken away if I can get some interesting runes out of it.
Make us middle of the pack but make us an INTERESTING middle of the pack.

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The game was balanced in 1v1 but not in the sense that everyone was equal. It was rock paper scissors. U bear 4 you lose against 4 and so on. But despite popular belief top lvl pvp was relatively balanced aswell even outside this x beat y y beats z kinda dynamic. You are acting as if you survive those initial burst of ferals and rogues and somehow recover. If they did crit you u were dead plain and simple thats not a skill issues. And yes haunt warlocks was our hard counter in 1v1 due to fear. Sure in open world you could kite them with longer range spell but I am talking about organzied pvp here.

So you let warlocks get in 20 yard range of you to threaten you with fear when you could just as easily keep at 30+, dispell their curse so they damage you only with Haunt and corruption(that you more than overheal with Wild Growth)
I don’t even know what to say… Warlocks were demolished by Starsurge.

And I don’t know about your gear but I have never been bursted to 0 in the opener by a rogue, (and I fought plenty BiS geared) especially seeing as they had no cheap shot. You just had to wild growth, entangling grasp, shift to bear and enrage and bash if they vanished the grasp and re-opened, faerie fire on the Bash and they are yours.

way to go ignoring what I just said once again I said kiting them with keeping the distance and starsurging them to death was no problem but that was hardly my point. I am talking about an organized 1v1 situation. Btw you are literally copy pasting the potentail scenario against rogues in original classic wow. You prolly watched a few youtube shorts forgot the name of the guy. Assuming you survived the initial burst lets say any rogue would pop evasion that and his high dodge chance gl landing a bash thats like 1 in 5-6 if ur lucky. Thats ur opening for a win

Keep assuming garbage and projecting.

Nothing to assume, again, unless they used thistle tea I wouldn’t die in the opener. You have wild growth to take care of most of their burst and once that was gone they were fried. War stomp helped as well to deal with evasion as you could cast a full entagle cast and faerie fire on top.

I swear your example are so ridiculous, every lvl 25 rogue you faced must have had preparation already(at 25 lol) and was popping thistle tea.