Season of Discovery Adjustments Coming Soon - Feb 12, 2024

I strictly write from a PvP perspective, and hope that tuning and tweaking will allow Boomies to have a enjoyable PvE.
With the new Runes (and rotation), I dont know how this change will play out, but hopefully they’ll a middle ground for it to be normalized in PvP while being acctractive and fun in PvE.

Hey Blizzard since you’re so keen on changing things why don’t you bug fix the Eclipse rune that is supposed to prevent casts from being losing time when being hit, by 70%?


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This ill-founded nerf was brought about to appease the PvP fraternity, without any thought of the devastating consequences for the PvE’ers who make up the vast majority of player base.

Newer players are hit most, especially those who are (were?) just getting into BFD to obtain better gear.

I have two balance druids, I checked the dmg stats on my L29 throughout play this morning and Starsurge DPS is reduced by 40%, in fact my Wrath is now overall higher DPS whereas it was previously way behind Starsurge.

The Starfire Eclipse rune does not become available until L30 and the other 0.5sec full cast time reduction requires L35, so Starfire is a waste of time until at least L30.

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Meta locks, frost mages, priests and to some extent ele shamans (I dont have much experience with em in p2 but with mail+shield+way of the earth pretty sure they can face tank any melee in tjhe game while using frost/flame shock+earth shock while keeping lighting shield up without having to cast anything) have 10 times easier time dealing with melee or more like all physical dps to start with. You are acting like every other caster is underperforming just because you are missing a flashy spell to compansate a train wreck of a class. Guess what all those specs I listed was already competitive in even 2004 version with almost a complete skillset and with sod they just filled in the small gaps they needed. If you think The casters I have listed had harder time against especially melees (we can add hunter aswell here) then you are the delusional one.

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It really surprises me someone who has played the game for as long as you have can consider the nerf ill-founded. Even deathknights at the start of Wotlk(2008) pre-nerf required more skill than Starsurge druids.

A lot of specs come online with time, when I leveled my druid in P1 it felt like I wasn’t playing Classic even, it was that simple, it’s not like druids are struggling in that area.

And I honestly hope balance druids get buffed even more if the current compensation isn’t enough, preferably sunfire/moonfire and casted spells, I know I’ll keep playing mine.

But the days of running around with an I-WIN button that required no thought or strategy are hopefully over. Doesn’t matter that most players are PvE oriented if a spec/class breaks an entire part of the game(PvP). If anything it has been ignored for far too long and some people got accustomed to playing a broken(strong) mechanic.

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One improvement would be to make it opt-in not opt-out.

I completely agree. If you forgot about turning it off or if you don’t know how to turn it off or don’t even know that this thing can even happen (because you don’t vacuum every bit of SoD news that is released) then when you enter this event it’s confusing, overly punishing and just wastes your time when you just wanna carry on with your questing or traveling.

Unless there’s further buffs coming to balance, the spec is a meme. Especially on PvE, I do less damage as a level 30 vs a level 25 tank, that happened to me on my 3 runs on stockades today.

Can you make 1-2 german and french server?

with free trans from the other server.

The Germany cummnity is so big give us our server.

The international server are too big

LMFAO! And there are people here who unironically claim hunters shouldn’t get nerfed to the ground.

nice change on 20 seconds

I don’t mind the starsurge nerf in itself, but overall damage is too low now. So either notice that and revert some of the starsurge changes (e.g. either only reduce base damage by 10% instead of 30% compared to before or revert the spell damage scaling).

Or else keep starsurge nerfed and if you want to force druids more into hard casting (as you wrote, which I don’t mind either), then at least increase base damage of wrath and starfire by 15-20%. Moonfire & sunfire are also kinda useless now… 300-400 damage over 12 seconds on people with 3k+ hp and healing abilities. Nice. Maybe increase that while at it?

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