Season of Discovery BWL/ZG PTR Coming Soon

Later this week, we will open the Season of Discovery PTR for testing Blackwing Lair and Zul’Gurub.

We intend to open the raids for testing at 19:00 CEST on Friday, August 30. So that testers can get set up, we will have:

  • Character copy and template characters available
  • Most Molten Core loot available from vendors
  • The usual consumables and world buffs available

Please note that we want to be as flexible as possible with ending raid testing. We may need to bring the raids down at any time over the weekend, so we recommend you try to get in and test on Friday or Saturday if you plan to participate.

We’ll open feedback threads for testers’ use on Friday evening. See you there!


oh boy rather than nerfing the obvious and fixing the obvious you drop the next patch, lack of braincells detected.

shamans need drastic changes to be more in line of literally anyone else, literally a dozen nerfs to make their selfhealing and instant casts actually doing appropiate damage/healing.

hunters instant casting instant chimeras hitting for close to 3k with PvP reduction is just ABSURD with a possibility of back to back, also melee-41y killshots doing more damage than normal abilities? Excuse me what?

Paladins has numerous issues, see this video, it’s unreal how much :poop: paladin got compared to literally a majority of classes.
https ://

also fix your GY logics, you place one outside of kazzak raid but if you die in the outdoor tainted scar you walk the entire zone.

start banning horde players abusing the pathing in vann room, it’s quite literally outrageous for horde to get a spawn advantage and then also have an easier bug to exploit.


Incredibly rushed. If you’re just going to speed through everything can you let us know so I can just quit?


Way too soon. People have just recently gotten their 226 Fire res to run heat 3 and you want to release new content already? extreamly rushed


This week I finally managed to do a few bosses on heat3
I can’t wait to enjoy completing it knowing that bwl/zg is around the corner

Please tell us you at least added new mechanics/bosses/loot this time, and not just a “heat” level.

Btw, I hope we won’t fight a giant “black-scale” sphere as the last “secret” boss in bwl :roll_eyes:

Not a moment too soon! :+1::+1:


Blizzard, the most important part of the update you must consider is making all future SOD raids be flexible / variable raid size just like how Ony, Kazzak and Azuregos work right now.

No more hard fixed raids, you have the tech to resolve all roster issues in existence but you choose not to where it counts.

Bring it in SOD please.


The secret boss is going to be the throne. The throne is mad that we’ve spent 20 years hiding behind it to soak shadowflame, so now it’s going to unleash al lof that power on us.


PTR is likely going to last at least 2-3 weeks so its not rushed.

please disregard this whining post from the local ret pala noob.
i saw a video yesterday featuring a ret paladin killing 3 enemy horde players as if they were grey mobs, and he didn’t even have to use his bubble to accomplish this.
i reckon he could have easily killed 3 more enemy players had he used his bubble.

on the note of shaman “being too OP” this is simply another noob ret take.
this guy doesn’t know how to dispel flame shock and he has problems killing resto shamans.

shaman dps is extremely mid and its starting to fall into the lower bracket.

shaman self healing (at least for enhancement) is non-existent thanks to the gutting nerfs to Maelstrom Weapon and Mental Dexterity runes, not to mention the pvp aura that reduces all healing by 30% in pvp.
earth shield is ticking for 150 hp in pvp.
riptide ticks for 100.
lesser healing wave maelstroms are literally useless and heals for 1/3 of a healing potion despite costing 5 stacks of maelstrom which is absurdly bad.

if you’re going to do anything about shaman’s damage output you need to address this issue first.

on a similar note, you need to revisit rockbiter weapon’s attack power bonus.
you nerfed it back in phase 2 because tank shamans were stacking rockbiter while dual wielding to gain crazy amounts of attack power while running way of earth.

as this is no longer possible with way of earth now requiring the use of a shield to work, you have to revert the attack power nerf to rockbiter and bring it back to its vanilla value so we can hit for damage that isn’t noodle tier when running this weapon imbue.

since you have decided to force tank shamans to use rockbiter to function, you need to make this weapon imbue more valuable.
it is insane to me that the only class in the game that doesn’t get to benefit from windfury is tank shamans, and that is because they are forced to use rockbiter.
you can at least allow windfury totem and wild strike aura WF effect to stack with rockbiter when running way of earth.


PTR is likely going to last at least 2-3 weeks so its not rushed.

Still way too fast, they just made us spend huge amounts of gold/time on FR sets and now the tier is ending lmao, vast majority of players haven’t even killed the molten ball.

Just would appreciate an announcement if they’ve given up on SoD and are going to drop a new tier every few weeks until its over so I can stop wasting my time. Nothing about the tuning of MC or the loot availability suggests this should be a fast tier.


Like waiting for the majority to clear H3 would be the correct way omg…
Everyone knew / guessed it will be this way. Roadmap said it that after cataclysm rage of the fitelands patch there will be SoD p5 so why are ppl complaining now?
“Ptr soon” means we have still 4-5 weeks left until content release on live servers, or even longer

Last communication on timescales we got was “This wont be a 4-6 month tier.” So 3 months was a good assumption, otherwise why use those numbers. Just feels like Blizzard has no actual plans and is making new decisions on a weekly basis.

If they want super fast tiers then:

  1. Much more loot: lots of key MC pieces are literally a 10% drop chance on a raid that wont last 10 weeks apparently.
  2. No gold buy in: at this point I’ve spent over 3k on getting two characters HL3 ready, way too much prep unless they let content breathe.

its a good thing BWL and ZG isn’t going to invalidate MC then.
guess what; people will still be doing MC when AQ and Naxx comes out, because the beauty of classic raids is that they remain relevant throughout the game, perhaps less so when we get to naxx at which point MC and BWL become more like stepping-stone raids, but they will both remain relevant until SOD is over, unless blizzard plans to change loot in upcoming raids to absurd degrees, invalidating MC/BWL in the process.

lots of gear from MC is still going to be BIS even with BWL available though, so calm down please.


Nah, not in SoD. MC will be dead the moment BWL hits. People are just so apathetic towards the game now, largely because Blizz keep making horrible decisions.

If you don’t get your core items before BWL hits you might as well give up on them, best you’ll get is demon pugs. Half the guilds running HL3 right now are already using pugs to fill in gaps lol.

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Too soon! You have summoned BWL too soon!

hilarious, wanna spit out more :poop: or when are you gonna realize shamans in PvP are literally on steroids compared to a multitude of classes even when outnumbered/outskilled/hit by 10 guards in goblin towns?

and here you are still in more denial and quite frankly cope.

seriously literally a majority has voiced their opinions on shamans (elemental not your whack enhance DPS), and there is a consensus on literally both US and EU.

you literally complain about instant casts that outscale and outheal flash of light, paladins sit at 80% healing reduction or run oom in fights.
you sit at 30% healing reduction in PvP and have infinite mana.
more likely that paladin should be able to cast heals without being crutched by guarded (-50% healing) / regain intellect on PvP gear (hunters sit at 4k, paladins sit at best at 2.6k mana) / steath regains bonus heal and damage.

i have 7-8k hp on my shammy, mc geared hunters in av crit me for 1.4-7k with chimera, no idea where your getting 3k crit from

2.4k crit with the poison attached its another 500-700, even on druids where i have abolish and pally where i got cleanse, quite frankly it is absurd.
classes that dont have either are screwed.

yer and i get stunned and killed within hammer of justice so whats your point?

In AV/BRM? I havent been able to kill anyone within stuns with MC weapons, nor did i see anyone else do it. If it is outside those two it is drastically more likely to even happen thanks to less HP.