Season of Discovery BWL/ZG PTR Coming Soon

What a bold move from Activision.
Just fix the game before releasing New content.
Top priority points to adress:

  • nerfing shamans asap , they are responsible for 50% of the faction imbalance given how OP they are. They are a hero class ATM : insane heals, insane damage, insane tankiness
  • nerfing horde racials : nerfing hardiness IS long overdue : this racial is too much of a game changer to stay as is. (And shamans Can take it too ! )
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Lmao says the paladin

honestly, speak for yourself bro.
lots of people having a blast and finding the content well paced.
2-4 weeks for BWL seems like good timing tbh.

feel free to give up if you want, its not going to be hard to get an MC group.
plenty of guilds will still be running MC and even more pugs will do at least heat 1 for ez farm.

skill issue.

skill issue.
cry baby ret pala.

can you stop making everything about you?
its very rude.

i am giving feedback in regards to MY concerns with MY class concerning a recent nerf that destroyed an entire aspect of it.

if you feel like paladin healing is lacking, that’s fine, i’d probably even agree that its subpar!
but when your class is thrashing 3 players 1v3 even without bubble, you’re gonna have a hard time convincing anyone that your self healing capabilities need to get buffed.

objectively untrue.
keep this up and i’ll just flag you for trolling.

make your own post about that, addressing blizzard (note: not ME) instead of moaning about my feedback every time i post.


skill issue also victim mentality, as literally any shaman before you.

skill issue.

What are you talking about? I actually think you are smarter than some people there, cough nitrometroll.
30% from PvP aura + 50% from Guarded by the Light = 80% healing reduction in PvP.

you literally did the same, seriously the gaslighting is unreal, if anyone deserves to be reported for trolling it is you.

Not 100% sure but it should be calculated like
X0.7 pvp aura
X0.5 Guarded by the light.
Result x0.35 so it is not -80% reduction it is -65%.

They explained the “diminishingly stacking of heal debuffs” this way with the example mortal strike + pvp reduction in a post some months ago.

Nerf Paladins,
Nerf Holy shield 0sec internal cd on procs, kill yourself in 2sec if hit fast against it.
Nerf reckoning to only be usable with 1hand and only grant 1 extra attack.
Nerf the rune that gives 10% chance to proc reckoning ontop -remove it.
Nerf 6set tankset for Paladins, its WAAY too OP. Or make rogues Unfair advantage hit ALL targets in melee for 300% wpn dmg 0sec internal on proc, then its equal.
Nerf 6 set Retri paladins Treetwisting is just WAAY too OP.
Nerf bubble to make paladins to 100% reduced dmg while active.
Nerf Pony ability not usable while in bubble.


Regardless of howmuch, it is utterly devastating for a paladin.

SKILL ISSUE, literally. If paladin was not hard relying on bubble it would be reasonable, yet it isn’t.

Our guild is still under buildup, not even everyone is level 60 and the next content is already out?
You are so ridiculous!

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Will BWL be 40 players? Fingers crossed!

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Dude, play another class kill a paladin and post video proof so we know hes not afk. Dont get sad when you cant beat IT too, its just a skill issue.

Also nerf that pet, remove it completely, its a joke giving paladins a pet.

Just met a Paladin, his top dmg ability was:
Excorsism 2,3k (40% of his dmg),
Judgement of martyr 1,3k,
autoattack 1k.
His lame pet did the rest.
50% of fight he sat in bubble.
He missed Divine storm, i trinketed the HoJ.
^ “much skills needed”

Real skillful class paladin, high skill required.


lol what is this immense cope? I’ve managed it already. too bad the recording doesn’t exist anymore.

skill issue, lost to the worst pet and ratio.

congratz you got noob filtered, paladin isn’t a threat and very far from it.

How about we just nerf shamans AND paladins?

Or better yet, nerf hunters.

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yes let’s listen to the shaman :clown_face:ing whilst they have insane heals, damage, utility, tankyness and anything else compared to paladin

What a stupid idea and thought to even entertain with if you asked any alliance player on this globe. People are actively gaslighting paladins to be OP, when bubble is the only thing they can rely on to even be useful in PvP. Meanwhile shamans:

  • Decoy and Grounding
  • Burn FS spread
  • offensive dispels
  • insane and instant heal/damage
  • 0 mana issues thanks to the SR being base line
  • earthshield snapshotting
  • totem root or wolves

Nothing in paladins aresenal comes even close and shamans have been busted since P2.

sure, then after that shamans can just eat a bag of nerfs that bring em more in line with literally anyone else in PvP.

Blizzard can’t build a seasonal game around people who need 1+ month to make 10 lvl ups from 50 to 60 c’mon
 asking for such a thing is ridiculous tbh.

And also “PTR coming on 30.8.” is not quite the same as "content already out ". Did you even read the post?

I’m playing Alliance.

If they listen to players then yes
 tuned for 20, but up to 40 possible.

Would be a great improvement tbh. Imo it should be tuned based on how many players are in the raid - so if people want to raid 40 man (raid should be scaled up).

@kaivax any new PvP content would be welcomed.

Clearly an ALLIANCE shaman!

You can kill his totems though, not saying its ideal. But totem-management is painful in wow sod (compared to wotlk anyway)

You have defensive dispels, afaik without cd?

But you have other utilities though, bubble, LoH, freedom, bop, if im not mistaken.

I mean, a 10 second COMPLETE IMMUNE to any dmg and cc is pretty broken, no? Atleast mages cant move or cast in their iceblock.

You say paladins are trash or in a bad place. But its abit weird then that some paladins can basically 1shot you.
Dont have to search for long either on YT to find some vids to prove it:P

more like dispelling shocks that have a 6s CD but deal toomuch damage anyways, especially flameshock.

BoP and Freedom remove active Blessing of Kings/Might, leads to a GCD wasted, also a majority of damage is magic. Decoy is literally a group wide BoF without any downsides.
LoH once an hour, it’s a joke compared to Riptide.

If paladins wouldn’t have to hard rely on Bubble to even win fights then yes, but our manabar, damage and self sustain are literally garbage. Hunters on average have 1.5k more mana and they have Aspect of Viper.

Literally the biggest RNG dice ever unless you play Reck bomb, whilst giving up Repentance. Basically having to make more choices than Shamans is utterly absurd and all of which have a downside, Shamans don’t have downsides that hinder them hard.

  • Sacred Shield vs Guarded
  • Talents, Shockdin vs Deep Ret and Holy vs Reck bomb
  • Leg rune, Rebuke vs AS vs Inspiration Exemplar
  • Avenging Wrath vs Bubble/BoP in PvP