Season of Discovery BWL/ZG PTR Coming Soon

Things are coming together and I’ve updated the OP here.

We will now open the raids for testing two hours earlier than previously announced:

19:00 CEST on Friday, August 30.

If you have some free time then, please put the rainbow generator back to the way it was, the batteries are not working very good now and the rainbow can only be beamed for a short time :frowning:

Patch Notes, when? :eyes:

point being that they counter paladin in particular because paladin relies on buffs to work, and shaman can purge magical buffs.

used to counter shadow priest and warlock really well too.
but shadow priests got more tools and last i tried to spampurge one he just rekt me anyway.
warlock countered cus tremor+grounding and purging their voidwalker bubble (which few warlocks use in sod).
paladin is by far the class hardest countered by shaman though.
hence why you see paladins being extra loud in regards to the “nerf chamon” post spam.

MC 3 day reset + double loot please.

Your release tempo / loot availability / lockout numbers are miles out of wack.

cannot wait for multiple bugs that could’ve been fixed within those 2 hours.

no, just from a standpoint of managing a guild having forced 2 raiddays because people believe there’s a lack of “content” (there’s enough to do) due to rushing the big content.

dont argue with a troll, shaman is apparently balanced and has mana issues (where and when?) + paladin should get nerfed lol (which has a dozen of issues in PvP and PvE to a small extent).
It’s peak horde gaslighting.

BWL and ZG…

After all these weeks of MC, our team 1 has 1 binding, no eye, our team 2 (the team i’m with) no bindings, no eye. So if this stays like this until BWL and ZG come out, we’re all going to have to progress on BWL, ZG and go back to MC again. The former means that we have to create another raid evening just for the purpose of loots that won’t drop because you’ve made the rareness so draconian.

In the 2019 classic because i lacked the drops that i needed, i ended up raiding 7 nights a week (i raided on 2 chars), it felt like a job and i quit classic until it was known that TBC would come out.

I don’t want that situation again!!! So you might want to cut back on the pace here or you might want to up the drop chance of these legendary quest starters!! Because if the first classic becomes reality again, i’ll just quit the same way i did back in 2020 it was i think.

Because if you take into consideration that the legendary mace is prolly going to be bis for feral druids until naxx, you’ve made it a pretty frustrating process to get there at all.


Ps. Yes i’m pissed off as we didn’t get any binding or eye at all AGAIN tonight.


I’m not even on 6/8 tier yet, zero weapons, cleared H3 since first reset, and now they’re pushing a new tier which will completely invalidate all this gear anyway lol, including nerfing things they think are too good I mean uh ‘bugged’.

The only thing SOD has left is PvE raiding and they’re determined to make it a nightmare treadmill with no loot.

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Blizz: have a cookie and calm down, too soon.

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The assumption “T2 completely invalidates all T1 gear” is “completely invalidating the understanding of classic wow”

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This, people crying over that we are getting more content “too fast” is mind boggling.

P5 Ptr starts today, so it is likely that we have 1 month+ to wait until live release. I don’t see where this is too soon.
If they make a rushed release in 2 weeks, then yes. But this scenario is not very likely.

At the same time, here I am - bored, feeling like I am only logging in and playing during raid nights and do 1 hour of preperation outside of it. Oh yeah, add the WB’s to the list which doesn’t take very long.

A bit of a pity you feeling bored, i’m not bored at all, i have a warlock and a rogue left to lvl to 60. I also should go sim the gear i have on my druid to find out what’s best with the amount of fire resistance needed with my sulfuron hammer in my bags waiting for the eye to drop.

seems you are creating a lot of these problems for yourself and choose to complain that the game doesn’t go the way you want it to.

bro, if raiding feels like a job to you, maybe just raid on 1 character?
if you want to increase your chance at the legendary drops, do heat 3, it has a higher chance of dropping legendary items.

i honestly can’t fathom how people are given more content and complain that they now have more stuff to do.

“but what about my 6 different characters i decided to gear up simultaneously thus creating this problem for myself where i have to raid every night all days of the week? BLIZZARD HOW DARE YOU”

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Watch Blizz add mandatory resistance gear for BWL and add dreadful SoM mechanics in, that’s gonna kill the average guild progression.

I’ll never understand the ‘more content NOW NOW NOW’ crowd.

Classic has a slower place, you’re not supposed to have to play all the time to keep up and gear is supposed to last.

The quicker they release content the less time the game lasts. Yes I’m sure there are people who want to have finished Naxx within 3 months so they can quit, good for them, but cleanly they aren’t enjoying classic very much and should just play another game.

Well, only PvE raids I do is MC and Ony. I miss having ZG and BWL as additional content, even in vanilla or classic you would progress from MC → BWL → AQ. And being hard stuck at MC feels for me as little content.

As long as they dont rush the content, I´m happy to get ZG and BWL today. Would mean we have more stuff to do in game.

People didnt quit the game during Vanilla when BWL got released - even after they farmed it.

Remember these are the old raids we are getting, uplifting them and adding/changing stuff to them. Once we get Nax, what is stopping us from getting entirely new raids or zones?