More shaman buffs? Why?
I would love if we had developer notes on the reasoning of buffs but this just seems unnecessary when other classes need more attention. I hope soon we see a wider range off buffs to other classes to keep up with relevancy.
h ttps://
Might have something to do with it, just like that SP buff from not long ago.
And who else than the bottom of the barrel spec require more attention to:
than said bottom of the barrel classes…
NS doesn’t make Lava Burst an instant cast in Wrath, and this is when Lava Burst got introduced orginally and the reworked Elemental Mastery from Wrath made Lava Burst an instant cast.
Play a paladin if you think it is better than the listed classes, it is quite underwhelming in SoD, it is so bad you don’t even take a ret for DPS, its a utility bot playstyle alongside OT duties.
At least warrior is more viable than a ret paladin, but not even by much.
Other hybrid classes that should play for utility get high damage buffs and runes that make them quite frankly unbalanced in terms of damage/healing, SP, Balance, Enhance, Elemental. All of these either perform better in PvE and/or PvP.
Balance/SP/Ele/Enhance are better in PvP.
Enhance beats ret paladin by a longshot in PvE, and it provides more utility compared to ret who has to burn utility runes for more damage, which don’t even come close to a free cast from MSW.
false reasons aka whatever keeps you coping, devs play horde/shamans way more than play their counterpart, and thus also ignore paladin players outside of those who want Seal Twisting which is irrelevant for P3.
thanks for removing any and all shred of a doubt anyone could have possibly had left, that you might have a clue.
this right here is proof of your incompetence at best and how you are a downright liar at worst.
what a priest
100% skill issue.
Why you crying bro? go smoke a bowl and calm down. You can always re roll ranged hunter. Oh wait you are FOTM so just go shaman instead. BM/Melle is still gunna be super good if you have any issues with the spec its a you problem
Nahmon be like: If im not killing everyone and everything instantly then it need buffs
inb4 more crying
what, you mean that dented 1 button spec that has no right to be as good as it is?
at least force hunters to click 2 buttons.
The Burn rune was already VERY strong.
BUFF mages.
unplayable PvP right now.
This hunter has literally stopped playing the game as soon as they nerfed his spec. What a female genital.
Ah I have no clue whose these buffs effect. Never played shaman, I get melted by any shaman. Ranged or Melee.
Edit: I can assume ranged shamans are having a tuff time with the bosses cause of long cast time and not enough dmg according to that, but this just means i get melted harder by ranged shamans
The buffs will impact PvP for sure, hopefully not to much. This is why they need to bring back the damage reduction aura for PvP and tune it properly this time taking into consideration reducing healing as well but not to the point where we are back to Priests being the only relevant healer in PvP and others being meh, as before the test.
Yeah we’ll see, especially with the healing. It’s so needed.
Just to clarify the Shaman buff part of my post was just a mean to an ends with the main “meat” of the post being to have better communication of reasoning behind buffs. Like if they posted why they buffed it and what it would look like it’d solve so much “Drama” and “Toxicity”.
I just picked on Shamans cause they get constant buffs (Compared to other classes)
Edit: Like if they posted the reasoning that you posted it would at least help me understand
That would help for sure, and the devs should do that.
Unlike what this forum would have you believe Shaman needed A LOT of work done to make it keep up with other classes in SoD.
I’ve played mine since P1 as a healer and the class felt like a constant work in progress till P3 recently when Resto finally got some significant help(Resto is still the weakest healer out there btw:
h ttps:// and not by a small margin either)
They might have gone a tad far with dps Enhancement and breaking dual wield tanking but Elemental is still bottom of the barrel dps wise. The main work has been done in favor of Enhancement dps.
Now, for PvP they should probably remove the free heals aspect from Maelstrom Weapon as free heals of that magnitude are not good and they should rework the Power Surge rune for Elemental as that is the culprit for(rare) spikes of silly burst that has people angry, thinking Elemental can do that on demand all the time.
Fair enough.
Why do you need balance in PvP. Who are you balancing against? Insert current strong class here? You can fight him 20vs1, dude.
(obv cos classes should bring similar value to a raid else just stack 20 Warriors and call it a day)
I’m not gonna be internet-mad for a second but serious disappointed adult:
Despite me saying that they exclusively hire people who failed math in high school, the very on point itemization and the present flattened curve in terms of gear power progression shows that there are in fact people at Blizzard and in the SoD team who are quite capable of balancing numbers out. This makes their performance in terms of class balancing all the more frustrating from the perspective of a player who desperately wants to believe in the fun future of this itteration of WoW.
Anyways. I’m gonna go back to angry shtposting now.
must feel so bad to play alliance atm with all thoses braindead broken shamans
glad i rolled horde
oh invocation rune. yes!! i wanted to check what slot it is and realised im on 23/24 runes and invo is my only missing
so then there isn’t counterplay to everything (pala bubble).
because there is no mass dispel.
Against real players and actually we rely on personal skills to figh each other. Mad more ?