Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - 13 December

why do you need to wait to fix hunters? just reduce pet damage by whatever percentage, and if its too low next phase increase it, idk anymore

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Looking at those changes I have impression that blizzard read only some part of peoples feedback :frowning:
I main holy pally and I’m completly demotivated by it’s performance in comparisson to mages or priest heal and also flexibility that comes from runes (to experiment each fight, dungeon, pvp combat) in comprae to priest is like zero, nul, non, nic, item not found ect.
I just apply beacon (then it is stroke time when I see how much mana it cost) and back to spamming flash… then 0% mana and my brother in arms priest healer is way above me in healing and still got like 80% mana left.
It is not even called “disbalace” I feel like some great spectral figure in the sky don’t want any Holy Paladin to be around.

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plenty of steps in the right direction, but where’s the love for Bear Tanks? Bear tank threat is hopelessly underwhelming for AOE and sub par for single target.

I tanked WC the other night and the rogue, warrior and healer were constantly ripping threat off every mob. I used every global i could yet it was not enough.

I tank the same dungeon on my shammy and nobody can get threat off me aoe or single target.

The disparity is huge and needs to be addressed.

Naughty bears need love too.

We are basically BETA-testers xDDD where paycheck?

Huh, have u seen 3 balance druids “turret mode” shooting one target in BG with wrath? That’s a lot u are asking there making free ability stronger.


The following additional hotfixes have been added to the OP, and will come into effect with maintenance.

  • Hunter
    • Hunter pet attack values have been updated to better scale with Hunter attack power.
      • Developers’ notes: Pets that cast spells such as scorpid poison or Lightning Breath were scaling too well and pets using physical abilities were scaling too little. We’ve now normalized the amount of attack power gained, to scale with the focus cost of individual pet abilities. This means that abilities with a higher focus cost, that are cast less often, will receive more benefit from attack power per attack than abilities with a lower focus cost that can generally be used more often. Overall this should level out the damage and reduce situations where some abilities were scaling too much or too little with hunter attack power.
    • Scorpid poison now distributes the additional damage it gains from attack power evenly over each stack of Scorpid Poison on the target.
      • Developers’ notes: Previously, Scorpid poison received most of its benefit from the Hunter’s attack power in the very first stack. Now the additional damage gained from the controlling hunter will not be gained until the full 5 stacks of poison are on the target. This increases the ramp time a bit and makes it less immediately deadly in PvP.
    • Pets now receive a smaller portion of a hunter’s armor and stamina.
      • Developers’ notes: Hunter pets were gaining far too much durability from hunter stats, to the point where some pets could get more than double the health and armor of a well-geared level 25 player. We still want dedicated hunters to have the ability to tank certain dungeon and raid encounters, but pets shouldn’t be so effective that they become the objectively correct choice.
    • Aspect of the Lion has been redesigned and will now function as an Aura.
      • Developers’ notes: This means that it is possible to have Aspect of the Lion up in addition to another aspect, such as Aspect of the Hawk. As an offset to the lower amount of damage that some hunter pets will deal, and to make talents such as Improved Aspect of the Hawk more attractive to Hunters using Aspect of the Lion, we’re shifting Aspect of the Lion into an aura rather than an aspect. This change will go into effect with scheduled weekly maintenance tomorrow, but the tooltip will not yet change. In a later hotfix, we’ll rename relocalize Aspect of the Lion to “Heart of the Lion” and update the tooltip.
  • Blackfathom Deeps
    • Elemental Resistances lowered in Blackfathom Deeps to levels more appropriate for a level 25 Raid.
      • Gelihast Shadow Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Lorgus Jett Nature Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Twilight Lord Kelris Shadow and Arcane Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
        • Phantasmal Priestess all Resist lowered to 0 (was 75), so it’s no longer bad news if double casters are sent down to the dream in Phase 1.
      • Invading Nightmare Shadow and Fire Resist lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Void Elementals Shadow Resist lowered lowered to 25 (was 75).
      • Corrosive Droplets Nature Resist lowered to 25 (was 75), and Frost Resist lowered to 0 (was 25).

Balancing is great… if you can play the game to begin with! Open living flame where all friends are :slight_smile:

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You going to nerf other classes than hunters? ha ha.

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Its actually quite appauling that you don’t even adress the numerous posts about Living Flame, but you have the time to repost patch notes so someone atleast visited the forums, didn’t care to notice?.

great … except Resto shammies still only have 1 healing spell all the way to 20 ?

Out of all the classes that have aoe healing, is the only one locked behind a rep grind

Earth Shield still locked behind a raid boss, so we dont get it until 25

Come on blizz, resto shammys are spamming Healing wave because its the only spell we have

Also give druids an out of combt res already

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You can just close your eyes and imagine you are already playing on such perfect Living Flame server and start enjoying it. Im playing on it and it is very cool server, don’t be envious pls.

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Needing to play the game to achive and get something!? Comon blizzard, give these cry babies everything for freeeeeeeee


Ye, reminds me of that Meta “false advertising” thread where a bunch of pepegas went full blow meltdown because it took a few days to figure Meta rune out and then they had to… heaven forbid… group for it to get it.

The reducing to hunter pet health scaling is stupid, it scales terribly with gear as it is, and as always at max level hunters will be left in the dust with a pet that starts off strong, but becomes pitiful after a raid tier or 2.

Also i really can’t believe SoD added another world buff, world buffs were the cancer of classic wow.


The problem with the meta rune was that it was it requires max/near max, far after the first dungeons, while shamans got it at 13, just intime to actually tank your first dungeon.

Rogues have the same problem.

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True, honestly was quite surprised that people started crying after only THREE days after server launch, that they haven’t found all runes, was hilarious. Also disappointed they didn’t make any really hard ones that would have taken week or two, or some hidden ones not shown on Blizzcon. But now I can see why…


Hahaha I know, its been kinda funny to read the forums, one dude made a threat and said “No there is nothing more to tank when we needed to w8 to 25 to be able to tank” when there is 35 more lvls to go and weeks/months of stuff :joy:

With the changes to scorpids and hunter pets, can you make it so that more than one scorpid poison can be active on a target at the same time just like you did with some rogue abilities? Perhaps disable it against players but do allow it against NPCs.


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I like the changes, but hunters need something to make up for the scorpid in PvP and open world.
I suggest adding Steady Shot and increasing Chimera Shot weapon % dmg.
Steady Shot should restore Mana to offset Chimera Shots high cost.

That way, hunters have better scaling with their weapon and actually have some buttons to press.


How is that a “problem”?

So instead of tanking your first dungeon you will tank your third dungeon. Truly a heartbreaking moment.