Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - 24 April

If blizzards want to improve sp in the raid, they can simply increase the shadow damage on bosses and trash in the raid, and not break pvp

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or just buff mindspike damage instead of buffing overall dps.

As I understood

It’s about rip and rake only? Seems like it used to work on a shred before?

Hopefully it drives the PvPers away

Idiotic streamers pushed this retarded gameplay on us and you deliver. Shame.


Seal twisting is good if u dont have other spells to use like in vanilla and tbc but now? I dont think that seal twisting can do more damage than exorcism spam, and we have a lot of exos. Idk seal twisting is just not fit in this current fast rotation, if u not using exo fast as possible you can hit +1 crit and waste a proc. This doesn’t make sense because most of our runes are based on exo and that build works better with the fast weapon, which is not good for twisting.
Sacred Shield? Okay, fights usualy last 2-3 seconds maximum 15-20 if we can use buble so its not a big deal, maybe for open world solo?
Crusader Strike buff is good.
We are getting somewhere, but they still don’t quite know what they want. I dont really want to twist when other classes playing with retail like broken spells. Its outdated.

Priest buff? IDK how they doing in pve but in PVP sh is broken AF, +10% shadow damage?

As they said, it will not be as strong as the som + exo meta for now, it might be in the future tho. I mean we don’t have a really good slow weapon on p3 (but in p4 ….) so of course it will not come close but it’s still fun

For now they are just testing the mechanic to see how it will work as SoD goes on

You can’t oneshot 10 ppl in a same time by paladin or rogue. Dots can. Even non-combat food and healing potions will not save you.

Imaging wanting all people from your game left the game and left you alone in that. Yeah, blizzard will keep servers just for you. It’s not a PvE game, kid.

People moaning about sp dots that kill you in 20 secs when theres rogues that kill in 2 secs. Ret that deletes in 3 secs. Locks that heal like retail… boomies that heal like trains while doing insane damage in tank form… theres so much more than dots.


Again: rogues are OP too, but they can’t kill 10 people in a same time. They should go stealth, wait for energy/cd and repeat, they an’t just press TAB, 1, TAB, 1, TAB, 1…

PvP players just like to be loud on the forums, they are the far minority.

I agree. Went back to spamming Fire Metalock searing pain. It works much better that sl lock. Sl get smacked so hard by shams its not even fun.

Spamming 800/1k crit every gcd works.

OT: shocked to see nothing for feral, nothing for warlocks. Buff +10% damage boomies / SP is for pve (not enough) but for pvp that will makes things even worse. It is lazy as well.

Seal Twisting in SoD.

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Once again warriors are a joke


Now someone will come and tell you that you will be the best at the end of the game)

Blizzard is a small indie company they can’t read the feedback we give them they just look at warcraft logs and see spriest is bottom but don’t care about pvp that without the 10% buff they kill u in 2 dots 1 voidplague for 3.2k shadow word pain for 2.4k and shadow word death to finish u for 1k best pvp class in the game gets a buff XDDD

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So instead of people writing nerf nerf nerf nerf without being specific on how to, for a spec that doesn’t have big damage , can’t really 3shot/2shot and can’t tank you forever …people should start being specific.

What you said helps a lot.
The key to nerf SP without making it unplayable … cut Void Plague duration to half, 9 sec. Still strong “per tick” with capability to crit, easy to switch targets since it doesn’t interfere with the 6 sec CD , still with some management can last while in dispersion …
Can’t really multi-dot it. It won’t really hurt SP in 1v1 scenarios, ST damage.
For PvE AoE buff because of losing the multi-dot capability , buff some AoE rune and change it to head slot (where Eye is).

I play SP, 18 years now. I know that SP currently is strong. Not 1 shot/2shot strong… but progressively strong… For example, with an SP spreading VP (not DoTs, just VP) , means if you get engaged by anything else , there is no escape… even if the SP is dead. You will eventually die. Not because of the SP directly…
Now if the SP full DoT (VP/SW:P/DP in my case) and MB/SW:D if you don’t “burn” immunities or be a tank (not going to dispels) … then you’ll die…probably.
If you reduce the duration , however, to VP …if you escape immediately…you’ll probably live. Now if you don’t have gear, and he is decked…that’s your problem… but that counts for everything.
Also different story BG PvP and world PvP… in BG you have extra HP…as long as he doesn’t bring 100% (impossible) crit chance you’ll live .

It’s dot meta now in pvp spriest getting 40 kills pre buff XDDD if they just made their dmg be dealt with mind spike or their casts the problem will be solved and to be honest idk why they buff moonkin when they got 8k armor XD

priests doont need more damage for pve when they bring all the utility there is in the game already next phase they can give them mangle scorch winterchill debuff aswell and maybe some other classes buff would be great