Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - 28 February

As we continue to monitor class performance and player feedback in Season of Discovery, we’ve designed the following tuning adjustments, which we intend to implement with scheduled weekly maintenance:


  • Lifebloom mana cost reduced by 50%.
    • Developers’ notes: Lifebloom refunds half its new base mana cost per stack when it expires or is dispelled. This part has always functioned in this way, and we’ve seen a bit of confusion around how the mana return portion of Lifebloom functions.
  • Living Seed now heals for 50% of the critical heal that planted the seed (was 30%). This heal now blooms from non-periodic healing received, in addition to any damage taken.
  • Nourish mana cost reduced by 27%.
  • Moonkin Form now also reduces the mana cost of Moonfire by 50% and increases Moonfire periodic damage by 50%. Sunfire also benefits from this change.
  • Moonkins can now cast non-healing Restoration spells without cancelling their shapeshift. This includes: Remove Curse, Remove Poison, Abolish Poison, Innervate, Rebirth, Revive, Mark of the Wild, and Gift of the Wild.
  • Fury of Stormrage improved: when this rune makes Healing Touch instant, it now also makes it castable in all shapeshift forms.


  • Dual Wield Specialization no longer grants a 30% damage bonus to Raptor Strike for wielding two weapons of the same type.


  • Crusader Strike now deals Holy damage instead of Physical damage, ignoring armor, and is now affected by Holy damage prevention. Crusader Strike is still considered a melee attack, and not a spell.
  • Seal of Martyrdom will no longer be triggered by Frost Oil or other weapon procs.


  • Redirect no longer triggers or is affected by the global cooldown, and its own cooldown has been reduced to 10 seconds.
    • Developers’ notes: when Redirect is combined in a macro with other Combo Point related abilities, it often does not function as expected. We recommend not including it in such macros.
  • Main Gauche now generates 3 combo points on your target and base Energy cost reduced to 15.
  • Just a Flesh Wound threat bonus increased such that Rogue tanks will generate approximately 30% more threat.


  • Two-Handed Mastery rune now also provides 10% increased Attack Power and 10% increased chance to hit with spells after hitting a target with a two-handed weapon.
  • Shamanistic Rage rune now grants 5% of the Shaman’s maximum mana per
    second, instead of a value scaling from Attack Power, Spell Power, or Healing Power.
  • Spirit of the Alpha rune now grants the casting Shaman 20% increased Attack Power if they cast the spell on a target other than themselves.
  • Earth Shield mana cost reduced by 67%, and charges increased from 3 to 9. The base amount healed now properly scales with level and is about 50% higher than previously at level 40.
  • Power Surge tooltip revised to clarify functionality. This rune periodically grants mana every 5 seconds, equal to 15% of the Shaman’s intellect. Some potential timing issues that could have sometimes made it give less mana than intended have been fixed.
  • Ancestral Guidance cooldown reduced to 1 minute (was 2 minutes).


  • The increased armor value of certain mechanical bosses in Gnomeregan has been reduced slightly.
    • Developers’ notes: The higher armor values on certain mechanical enemies in Gnomeregan was correct and intended, but we will adjust the armor on Crowd Pummeler 9-60 and Mekingeer Thermaplugg slightly to provide up to a 10% increase in physical damage received, depending on modifiers present. We also checked the Mechanical Managerie, and it is using the correct armor values.

I’d at least like you to buy me dinner first before getting screwed over with your terrible nerfs.


Sorry but this classic team has clearly proven that they have no idea what they’re doing.
Hunter is a completely dead class now and range is at the complete bottom.

Guess we’re back to warrior meta once again :slight_smile:


Agree…just remove hunters from the game allready. Only spec really viabel…now also suck.


Can you fix shadowstep bug with sprint… using spring and then shadowstepping removes the sprint buff

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And STILL no Hunter rune overhaul.

Alos, Blizz, AGAIN, revert your stupid “FIX” to Dance Of The Wicked. It’s useless now. It didn’t “FIX” anything, it broke the rune and made it useless.


Fantastic changes, good to know the dev team is working hard to make SoD the best game it can be :slight_smile:


Shame to see the SoM changes. Feelsbadman

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What drugs are you on? You saved so much money from not being allowed to run GDKPs any more that you decided to dump it all into crack?

  1. Hunters are godmode and deserved to be nerfed.

  2. Warriors are garbage right now.

Warrior meta my backside.


Time to cancel the sub i think, yes blizzard a 30% nerf to the 3rd place dps, but no nerfs to first and second. God it is insufferable at this point.

You’ve just absolutely wrecked our only viable spec.


I guess this is Blizzards way of saying that there is nothing wrong w/ Ferals.

Ty for some good Chicken buffs at least.


So time to nerf mages now, right? The fact that every other spec performs horribly for Hunters doesnt justify an all out nerf with no buffs to other specs.


Why are melee hunters even a thing? Tf happened to bow and arrows?


Yes please.

But do you think Blizzard are ever going to nerf their golden child? Mages have always been notoriously immune to nerfs.

Tell that to druids, balance was nerfed to the ground while feral still sucked. Warriors have been trash tier the entire phase too.

You’ve taken a nerf to your spammable ability, that’s all. Nothing else was nerfed, you can now use different weapon types and the armour values of two bosses was reduced so that melee should be dealing around 10% more damage to them.

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Nerfing melee hunters but not buffing range. Smart move blizz. Well done.


They’ve been a thing since 2016, and a lot of us hunter mains actually enjoy it. If we’re being technical theyve been a thing since wc3 with rexxar.


Having just swapped between a Feral to Hunter, youre preaching to the choir. Doesnt justify nerfing their one good spec, which even I think was a joke that MELEE outperformed ranged.

As for our ‘spammable’ ability, its literally 1 of the 2 abilities that is used.

It reaks of incompetence on Blizzards behalf.


Nice, thank you for fixing these shamans’ issues. Appreciated :smiley:

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you can tank and heal, we can only dps. the equivalence of a flat 23% damage nerf via the 30% removal is abysmal to a class that is 3rd in the only thing it can do.

We’ll end up being forced to go MM and buff the melees again like era lmao


Wait are these good changes? Rets getting a buff and still getting nerfed on SoM/AoW?

Rogues still not nerfed LMFAO.