Also when i made hunter i thought im making ranged class, why force melee being the only viable option. Yes i know, cant buff MM to be on level with other rangeds so it wont break pvp with huge instant cast crits like balance, priest, mage…
whats wrong with melee hunters being the top dps? someone has to be and why not a pure dps class as thats what we do, we do damage so yeah we should be one of the top dps, nothing wrong with that so they didnt need to ruin all the fun us melee hunters are having just coz casters are crying thinking they have the only claim to be the top dps which is nonsense. blizz pandering to the loudest whiners as usual.
Without ignoring that in PvP almost all classes have enough resources to beat a melee hunter.
The only thing a melee hunter can do in PvP is to try to initiate the combat (complicated) and burst the enemy. Do not come to talk about using FD and the ice trap that only serves to beat a warrior and hopefully a rogue or a shaman who does not know how to duel.
its crazy they want to nerf the pure dps class hunter for being good at dps when you have hybrid classes such as mage and shaman doing tons of damage. hunter will just get weaker too as people gear up as we all know warriors and rogues scale better so they just killed melee hunter as a viable class I think. Nice work blizz, make us love something then take it away, thats a good way to make people dislike you.
Melee hunters were top dps despite armor being very high, it shows how over the top it was, also having huge gaps between classes causes big issues for people that play class from bottom end of the charts, since no one wants them in their group when theres another class doing 20-30% more dps.
Why is it issue if hunter is midtier dps along with other classes suffering with armor and clears the raid just aswell?
And when this scaling happens im sure they buff the ones left behind, stop acting like theyre not changing something constantly.
Because they gave us all this power and then took it away, we should be the top dps at this point, we usually are top dps all the way until molton core or even into early BWL so nothing was broken we just had the disadvantage of being melee now but that was what made it fun, now we will be forced to be MM and thats kinds of boring as been there done that many times before.
This is SoD so theres no “should be”, idea of the whole thing is to make every spec viable and stir the meta. You were top dps, now you are at worst top of mid tier, still can play the game just as well.
People need to stop obsessing over their class being top dps, best spot is top of mid tier so you dont need to worry about nerfs and still be in perfect spot to clear all content with no issues of getting to groups. If your class is way over the top compared to others, sure its fun to be best dps with low effort, but you will get nerfed, its inevitable.
Dude getting all your melee gear sorted is not low effort, I will have to almost start over now, 2 weeks of hard work and lots of gold wasted on melee stuff when I could have been just making myself a awesome MM hunter. They should buff others to catch up not do huge nerfs, if they worry about power creep which I know they do then just increase hp on bosses or something, its not that hard to fix without screwing people over.
Melee hunter is perversion anyway. Feels bad for you guys, i do only PVp with MM build and it’s great.
Yeah I know MM for pvp is so good and thats is the bright side of all this I guess you are roght but it was just fun to do something different but oh well no point crying over spilt milk I guess
Please make Improved Regrowth talent to also increase Nourish and Lifebloom crit chance. It is the only way to make Living Seed rune worthwhile.
Good change with hunters to be honest. I think most hunters know that we were doing too much damage, especially in the raid against highly armored bosses. It’s a bit of a slap for pvp, and will likely drive most hunters away from Lone Wolf, and perhaps scrap Survival for Beast Mastery.
Can we expect any love for the Marksmanship any time soon? The spec was neglected badly in both Rune choices and pvp rewards. Doesn’t feel great to completely have your class identity changed, from ranged to melee.
Can we expect Meta Warlocks to be looked at soon? They’re basically unkillable by physical classes, as they can have ~70% physical reduction, 30% mitigation through soul link, two voidwalker sacrifices, a healthstone, perhaps a soulstone, and to top it all off, a Drain Life that cannot be kicked, only dispelled outrun. We’re looking at a required ~800-1000 dps to take the Warlock down before you’re dead. If the melee tries to outrange the drain life to cancel it, they’re dead from the warlock spamming a single spell meanwhile, Searing Pain. This should be looked at.
If these go live without even fixing warrior book for commanding shout i’m done
It’s the least they could do
And where did you see that?
I love how you say that hunters were the best dps and needed a nerf, and then you follow up with this statement
I agree that we were too OP but at the very least we brought absolutely nothing unique to the raids other than DPS, which is Blizzard’s fault. I suppose at least now we can go 2H with trap launcher, which gives us decent utility for Thermaplugg.
Here’s me hoping - in every other thread - that they get their thumbs out of their asses and finally make MM viable.
My sub ends on march 8 and that’s the day I will quit SoD for sure. Sadly p2 aint it chef, p1 was fun especially when the sod came out. New stuff etc, but now I see that p2 has nothing to offer and compared to p1, p1 was better overall.
In p1 at least discovering runes were fun and took long. In p2 only one day and every single one of them was found and it’s not fun, it’s just long because you make people travel from zone to zone that is away from each other.
Classes one shooting, there is literally no point playing pvp, in p1 at least everyone was doing sustain type of damage.
Nothing to do in p2 other than raid. Bloodmoon event is not enough, I done twice and I was already done with it. Rewards are meh.
Sod team does incredibly bad choices for the game. When we look at p1 and p2 even p1 late game was more popular than p2 right now. I have zero hope for p3 and p4, it’s not fun anymore.
Good luck to rest, as an almost full geared from gnome raid hunter, I’m leaving in 13 days o7
It’s these constant 180s on class balance which in the end is just overtuning one ability they do good for 1 week the whole community is fed up and it’s nerfed. Simply need to do more testing even on SOD no excuse to just dump it and see what sticks
A wellcome change, I was hoping for an increase to 100% but this is even better. In some cases prot can also now use CS which is nice.
Can we have Divine Storm mana reduced/removed? Art of War will now better synergize with DS+SoC since SoM cant proc it. But we run oom with the DS,SoC,AoW build.
What about Shadow Priests Resurrection, Abolish Disease, and Cure Disease spells? We should get it too if Moonkin Form gets it.