Have you never heard of the blizzard “soon ™”?
The STV pvp event saved the day, cause bg’s were not balanced… hope it’s allowed to play some STV pvp event meanwhile to collect something besides raid…
int main() {
std::vector ascii_values = {66, 108, 105, 122, 122, 97, 114, 100, 32, 83, 117, 99, 107};
std::function<char(int)> decode = -> char { return static_cast<char>(val); };
for (int val : ascii_values) {
std::cout << decode(val);
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
Just a reminder before the weekend Blizzard.
I think they only released SoD for the bored community to fill the gap between Wrath and Cata not expecting that many ppl like the improved classic thingie (in the beginning at least).
My buddies tell me how much they enjoyed phase 1 which i sadly didn’t play bc I was levelling my first Era char then.
We’re not raiding anymore now , all guild is bored of this weekly ST. Nothing to do
When blizz do something?
The best thing we can do is cancel our subs and wait…
Blizz is sabotaging sod so cata can grow.
i wish i was in that C-suite Meeting where they sat in there making that plan.
Real thing
Berny is giga casual troll mon and only has 5 minutes per day to play. Berny cannot play more than one game. Please kill one so Berny can go to the other.
I have been thinking a bit over some small changes that could change the quality of life and some performance increase for affliction warlocks in PvE and also affects other shadowcasters in raid environment.
- Make improved Shadowbolt only timer based, remove the 4 casts counter. The debuff just instantly disappears in raids with other shadowcaster or procs. This will improve shadow priests performance aswell in raids without affecting pvp that much.
- Make Curse of Agony usable together with other curses. Right now we are in a spot in raids were we rarely gets to use Curse of Agony since we have to provide other curses for the raid.
- Make pandemic rune include drain life for crit chance.
I thought berny does not play cata?