Season of Discovery Developer Update - 27 Feb, 2024

Raids for 40 people are a unique and important component of the classics; if you remove them, you can just go and play Cataclysm. 20 ppl raid is not epic raid, but you can include hardmode for 20 ppl raid. Rewards 40 ppl and 20 ppl hardmode be equal.


A lot of good qol changes for the current phase, and seeing people get more alts up is great.

As for 40man raids:
-This is one of the main selling points for myself and many players I know.
-40 man raids promote good cooperation, organization and preparation for all players involved, and gives a great sense of guild community.
-The epic feeling of seeing 40 players move as one towards a common goal
-The large raid size allowed for a more diverse range of player skills and contributions

Though it might be a good idea to increase the raid size gradually to support guilds expanding, it doesnā€™t feel like a proper raid with 10 or 20 man raids in classic. (BFD, Gnomer for SoD and UBRS, ZG, AQ20 for Era in mind).


You ruined the game enough already. Its not retail+ for tardlets who cant complete mythic.

This is Classic and not everyone and their mother is supposed to have everything, things take effort and nolajf action and you already removed it by making leveling in phases.

Give us fresh Classic or we quit from subscription, you ruined Molten Core already by doubling amount of Thunderfury by making it 20 man raid. Its supposed to be 40 man and its supposed to be guildmaster only having it not everyone and their mothers.

I invest a lot of time to create a guild and I am supposed to have 40 man raids since its CLASSIC Season of Discovery. Its not Retail failures who cant do mythic raids season of naabs.

Whole difficulty in Classic was having 40 people coordinated, if you dont have to coordinate 40 people all raids will be laughable. Its supposed to be 20 people from the 2 pro raidteams and 20 baboons to be recruited later.

The whole challenge is makin them do what they should in 40 man raid, if its not 40 man the challenge is gone from Classic. Do not change size of raids or you loose whole Classic subscription payers, you will only have people from retail who can not manage retail. So you lose a lot of money upon making it season of naabs instead of season of discovery.

Please respect our effort into having 40 people in the guild for the raids.


Very goodā€¦but are you going to balance the damage with the lives of the players? Or will the game continue to be broken and get worse?

I hope you have to activated that XP buff, not like last time when you had it from the start and you had to go somewhere to cancel it. If that buff is not removable, I am done.
And 20m MC sucks big time.


I have 15+ years of experience, 4-5 years of being GM\RL, from my perspective, i would say 20 ppl raiding is not a bad idea, probably even perfect, but it should be many more difficulties in the 20ppl raids than it was for 40ppl ones: additional mechanics, more actions between each person of the raids group as the result more responsibility for each guy, so each mistake should cost the raid wipe if it will be like i described it will be long term challenge and adventure for many ppl, it gonna force people to farm more, this gonna force ppl fight for the farm spot, etc, and all those things will look like a spirit of the original WoW without fly mounts and much more communication, activity in the open world.


Reimburse me for half the mount.


MVP! You devs are killing it.:slight_smile: Thanks for the
open communication as well

Thank you for keeping the communication ongoing!
I think the main feedback Iā€™d like to share is that you shouldnā€™t stop experimenting with SoD. Thatā€™s the whole point of it, right? So make some 20 man raids, and make some 40 man raids. Then, go with whatever works following that.
I think the main draught of phase 2 is that it feels almost too similar to phase 1. Please do try out new things and continue to be creative!
We appreciate the SoD team, thank you!!

Long term stuff is good but I would be interested to hear their thoughts on the current state of play

Also for funsiesā€¦ is there a pool for this new/revamped 20 man? Going with BRD

Sorry but this is not Classic, itā€™s far from it.


Retail is bleeding over to this now a bit too much. if 40 man raids are gone, down to 20 man raids, you might as well just play retail. The game is already running the line, dont push it too far


Having to coordinate 40 man on a boss without a mechanic is easy. But noone here wants easy fights without mechanics. Imagine 1 player can cause the raid to wipe in a 40 man raid. This is gonna be insane. I guess more people will quit SoD if the raids will only be patchwork fights. People are already crying that gnomer is to hardā€¦ like wtf?


Id like for you to consider 10 man raid like KZ with items on par with 40 man raids.


This. I said this to my guildies after reading, and you are correct.

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He didnā€™t say 40 man raids are gone. just that MC will be 20 man and people who want to stick to 20 man will be able to do so without being left behind. But 40 man raids will be available

Maybe 25 man raids would be an even better compromise?

Also, for the love of god, if there is one thing I donā€™t want to see is resilience gear. Just saying.

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Its not Classic but its season of discovery Classic. Its not retail season of discovery so if they want Classic players then keep 40 man raids. All the rest is enough for retail people.

And my best memory from Classic is hunter pulling Ragnaros when raidleader was explaining 40 ppl where to stand. So yes please 1 person wiping 39 others made me laugh myself rollin IRL even if I as guildmaster pretended I understand angry raidleader.

But it was epic, hunter just shoot Ragna when the guy is placing ranged LOL its such memories that make us play again. Or else we quit WoW.

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Because alts need mounts and ā€œweā€ need to save up for the 1000g epic.

Hello to you!

Instanced raids should be 25 or less people.

Season of discovery has brought change to improve classes and play styles in the classic experience. Raids should follow suit.

If 40 man raids were to exist, they should be kept to world bosses, where a larger community can partake.

Instanced raids have always been better as 25 or less, and thatā€™s the goal of SoD to make classic better.


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