Season of discovery fps issues in BWL

Just after new phase release we went into BWL and all was fine. For sure it was not my usual 300+ fps, but still playable like 60-100 during boss fight.

Then after 1 or 2 weeks blizzard dropped a huge update, and now i am struggling like 20-40 FPS during some boss fight (2nd and 3rd actually).

I don’t know how to fix it, reinstalling game and disabling most of my addons even WA and DBM did not help at all.

I have some guildies experiencing this with all addons disabled and $3000 PCs and some not experiencing it with every addon and WA they’ve ever installed since 2004 running including notorious offenders like TSM, CensusPlus etc with no issues.

Some guildies who have FPS issues on one character or one account but not another with the same addons, settings etc across both.

Any workaround? Does devs even know about this problem and take care?

Hey, this type of sh*t is still happening btw. Blizzard radio silent

Do you have a weak aura pack installed for it by any chance?

I recently got my new pc raiding fine. Someone suggested downloading the bwl weakaura pack. I installed it and holy crap I couldn’t move man.

Frame rates plummeted so I just deleted it and it’s back to being fine