Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 20 March

November 22, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Samantha Swifthoof will no longer patrol during the Bloodmoon Event in Strangelthorn Vale.
  • The Ahn’Qiraj War Commendation World Buff consumables will now only apply only the Dragonslayer, Warchief’s, and Zandalar buffs to pets, as intended.
  • The world buff consumables from War Effort Commendations changed to cost 50 (was 100).
  • Hunter
    • Kill Shot cooldown reduced to 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
    • Kill Shot bonus damage increased to be 20% higher than Aimed Shot (weapon damage component unchanged at 100% of weapon damage).
    • Ahn’Qiraj ranged 2-piece bonus now decreases the cooldown on Kill Shot by 65% when targets are between 20% and 50% health (was 50% reduction).
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue with the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece Arcane set bonus for players who did not have the Regeneration or Mass Regeneration runes equipped.
  • Rogue
    • Just a Flesh Wound now reduces your Dodge chance by half. Evasion still provides its full effect of +50% Dodge.
    • Just a Flesh Wound now reduces physical damage taken by 30% (was 20%), plus an additional 1% per 12 Defense above 300.
    • Threat generated from Unfair Advantage has been increased by 50%, to compensate for it triggering less often.
    • Main Gauche now generates 300% threat on impact (was 100%).
    • Main Gauche now has a 15 second cooldown (was 20 seconds).
    • Main Gauche now provides a 200% threat increase to Sinister Strike (was 150%).
    • Main Gauche now provides the Sinister Strike threat increase for 30 seconds (was 10 seconds).
      • Developers’ notes: Since before the introduction of Rogue tanks, we’ve foreseen conditions where they become untouchable by melee attacks, and while this is core to the original Rogue tank fantasy, it’s not sustainable or healthy. We’re reducing avoidance and adding more consistency with damage reduction, so that Rogues can still tank, and we’re increasing the incentives on wearing Defensive gear while decreasing the incentives for wearing damage gear. Players can use Main Gauche in situations where they feel they want to actively mitigate incoming damage, instead of using it to maintain a buff. We’re planning to make additional adjustments to Rogue tanks, as well as to other classes and set bonuses in Ahn’Qiraj, prior to its release.
    • Shaman
      • Shield Mastery will now provide 4 Spell Power per point of Defense (was 2).
      • Ahn’Qiraj Shaman tank set 2-piece bonus now also can trigger from Lava Burst and Molten Blast.
      • Ahn’Qiraj Shaman tank set 4-piece bonus now also increases all threat generated by 20%, and all damage done by 10%.
    • Warlock
      • Haunt’s duration increased to 15 seconds (was 12 seconds).
      • Unstable Affliction’s base damage (before spell power) increased by approximately 120% over its duration. Feedback damage from being dispelled remains the same.
      • Ahn’Qiraj damage 4-piece bonus now increases Fire damage by 5% per stack, stacking up to 2 times (was 2% stacking 5 times).
      • Ahn’Qiraj damage 2-piece now also increases Shadow Bolt damage by 10%, and now also allows Chaos Bolt to trigger the Improved Shadow Bolt talent.
      • Ahn’Qiraj tank 4-piece now allows the effects of Demonic Sacrifice to persist while having a pet active, as long as the Warlock does not resummon the sacrificed pet. Warlocks may still only have one Demonic Sacrifice effect.
      • Demonic Grace can be used while a Warlock has no pet active.

the hotfixes are so great, that all the servers are down?

i am amazed that you guys ignored horde players for a year when they complained about DHK griefing in Darkmoon Faire in Elwynn Forest, but you take action 2 days after alliance players complain about DHK from a stray civilian in STV.

there is no justification for this utter and blatant bias.

remove DHK from the game entirely.
or remove the civilians from Elwynn Forest.
or make samantha swifthoof patrol again and be fair about it.

picking and choosing when DHK becomes a problem is favoritism and its plain unfair to horde players who (still) have to deal with DHKs in many important areas in the game.

Moonkins needs some fix , with the last nerfs there is no pvp feet rune for moonkins right now.

i understand improved frenzied regen is very strong , you want to nerf that , but its compleatly useless for moonkins right now.
my suggestion is ,

1:Remove improved frenzied regen rune from the game.
give us a new rune :
Improved rejuvenation :
Rejuvenation is now usable in all forms.

2:Give back our dreamstate %20 pvp damage and nerf starfall.
Starfall damage and cooldown reduced %20 . This change will reduce our starfall burst but dosent effect starfall pve dps .

3:Frenzied regen can be stay like this.
Frenzied Regeneration
Requires Bear Form, Dire Bear Form
Converts up to 10 Rage, per second into up to 10% health for 10 sec.

Wow, throwing bear tanks under the buss are we? Hop into bearform if you need to use it

I forgot to write, sorry, you are right.

Frenzied regen can be stay like this.

Frenzied Regeneration
Requires Bear Form, Dire Bear Form
Converts up to 10 Rage, per second into up to 10% health for 10 sec.

Add reju rune thats fine. No need to delete

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stray npc with nothing attached vs a quest giver. they are not the same.

Bias for whom? Last time I checked shamans are still better in PvP than paladins. And Shamans had a longer period of being broken to play against than pally, all pally has is bubble :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Buff warrior 4p (t 2,5) so we can stop useing t1 set bonus?

why does that matter?
both instances cause DHK and DMF npc is significantly easier to grief than some rando NPC nobody cares about (hence the use of the term “stray”) in stv… like dude, literally just walk around it… am i gonna just “walk around” the DMF npc?

also, that is a poor argument considering there is an alliance civilian sitting right next to zoram strand in ashenvale, which is also a contested zone with a pvp event, who since phase 1, has caused horde grief as he is literally right on the path towards one of the alliance boss npcs from the flight path.
thankfully for us, horde players seem smart enough to be able to distinguish a civilian from a player (unlike alliance players) and thus he hasn’t caused too much grief to my knowledge.

the point is; your point sucks because there’s an example of the exact same problem in another contested zone with a pvp event in it.

bad take as always.
peak wavé.

i ain’t even addressing this BS anymore.
paladins are busted and can literally one-shot people while immortal, and this isn’t debatable.

With “nobody” you mean only you and yourself?
Because during BM that NPC will also flag as hostile towards horde if you play BM. They fixed that for both factions.

Same for the goldshire NPC, at least you know where it is and do not have to join a raid to get an accidental DHK. But according to you:
“horde players seem smart enough to be able to distinguish a civilian from a player”.
I remember P1 horde players whining about Remy consistently and how they got a DHK from him. Thankfully Blizz didn’t bend over for horde players there, too bad they do for everything else tho.

Stray was used because that NPC could be on the road but not knowing where exactly.
Something that is unpredictable and could show up whenever 30 players fight near the road because it is either a boss nessingwary spawn, some rando troll ruins next to road spawn or arena spawn.

I don’t expect the clown to understand but having the knowledge of where exactly a mob is standing can be planned around more than a mob that patrols literally half the zone.

As always you have bad takes as seen in the next paragraph.

Every 5mins you can be “immortal” towards all classes minus balefire bolt mages. Paladins don’t oneshot, they burst hard if anything. Gotta be lucky for that to even happen. It’s easier if it’s a clothie+berserk buff, but that’s literally it.

Meanwhile it does not take luck or skill for a shaman specing 21/0/30 or 21/30/0 to take on 2-3 people consistently without major CDs.
You and fellow shaman players who complain about paladin are literally hard coping.

and yet alliance players are the first (and the only ones) to come to the forums, kicking and screaming about it.

again, that’s not the point i am making. your reading comprehension is gutter level as always, its a wonder you aren’t fluent in gutterspeak.

you said there was a difference between samantha swifthoof and goldshire npcs based solely on the argument that bloodmoon is a pvp event.

i retort, saying there’s a god damn civilian square in the middle of one of the horde objectives in the ashenvale PVP EVENT implying you are being a dumbass hypocrite, and somehow this point is completely lost on you.

i’ll dictate what i mean when i use the term “stray”, not you.
thank you very much.

i suppose you don’t have the ability to see, then.

lets go.
tell me how i am in fact the one with the bad takes, and not the infamous forum ret paladin andy who parses green in every raid and somehow manages to fail in pvp as the strongest class to ever exist in any version of classic.
this will be good, i’m sure.

such a non-argument.
that’s right, every 5 minutes you get to be immortal.
you know who else gets to be immortal every 5 minutes, with the ability to one-shot people while enjoying this privilege?

and yes, paladin do literally one-shot, like i said; this isn’t debatable.

boo hoo shaman counters my class when im not in my safe space bubble.

bro if you lose to a 21/0/30 shaman, you plain suck.
i understand losing to elemental shamans due to your distinct inability to use your cleanse spell, but resto?
lmao dude.
ehl ehm ay oh.

Aren’t horde always whining about paladins “oneshot” since we have been at level 60? Horde doesn’t change apparently. (Only one’s in that regard)
Or the fact y’all call Shadowmeld OP on hunter? Couldn’t be alliance because ain’t spoiled like horde PvPers.

It’s not even in the middle of the event you clown. It is not even REMOTELY close. Literal skill issue if you cannot avoid NPCs that literally stand still like rocks.

You when you said it, I used it for my own clarification. Deal with it.

I suppose you cannot deal with NPCs that cant move. Also error possibility is larger when u have more people and especially clowns in your group that do so.

Nobody cares who parses what when raids are cleared, also tank parsing LOL.
Can’t come up with an argument how you are not having :poop: takes and resorting to mentioning parses cuz u are insecure.

Meanwhile a majority of ranged classes have more consistent defensive CDs than bubble, and yes bubble’s fair considering paladins rely on it toomuch atm to be viable without it.

not just paladins that lose to that consistently, but you couldn’t understand this due to lack of brain. Anyone has a relative high chance of losing to those specs. Actual cope if you believe this is a skill issue.

Ah yes you still coping, even if cleansed the initial damage is literally 700-800 damage per 5s. That is literally enough ontop of some shenagians you pull.

A majority of horde players complain about 2 long CDs and burst from a class they usually can resist the stun from. Literally biggest skill issues ally has ever seen.

November 25, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Items
    • Blessed Qiraji War Axe stamina removed (was 9 stamina) and strength increased to 9 (was 0 strength).
    • Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight: Timeworn damage over time effect increased to 3% per piece (was 2%).
    • Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight: Timeworn extra attack effect changed to a true extra attack (can proc things), and it can now be activated the same sources that proc Hand of Justice.
    • Wrath of Cenarius is now activated by Spellfrost Bolt, Balefire Bolt, and Frozen Orb, as intended.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Shield will now reduce your damage dealt by 50% while active.
    • Divine Shield will no longer reduce your attack speed by 100% while active.
    • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj 4-piece damage set bonus updated – Your basic attacks increase the damage of your next Exorcism cast with 20 seconds by 40%, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Rogue
    • Main Gauche now increases Sinister Strike threat generated by 50% (was 100%).
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this is wonderful news.

thank you for listening to the community in regards to paladin bubble, as it was truly outrageous in pvp.

the fact it was allowed to go on for as long as it did is something you could improve upon in regards to being more proactive in the future, though.

Now if only we could do something about Hunters being even more obnoxious than the previous phase with 2x buffed killshot and even easier to maintain sniper training buff. both of these are kinda absurd in pvp right now, not needing to land the trap in pvp for 2x shots rewards bad game play too. shamans having burn be legit 50%+ of their damage breakdown in PvP While being complete damage sponges at the same time. Rogues just spamming Backstab/ambush every single GCD and deleting people in plate with 10k+ HP in a single CC chain cause sebacious poison is basically a auto attack away from an almost complete armor strip on opener. Can we get that same modifier that boomies got with “Doesn’t apply to players in PvP” When deciding to buff already outlying abilities/runes/sets.

We shouldn’t be rewarding braindead gameplay in PvP with even more buffs. The boomie and bubble changes are a step in the right direction. But we just do a complete 180 by buffing already borderline broken abilities even further with 0 consequences or negatives. I fully understand the need to buffing classes for PvE sake but can we just get a simple modifier to not completely butcher PvP with a new FoTM every single patch cycle?

Shaman burn buff should not apply to PvP. Hunter’s should need to land the trap in PvP for the 2x shots from lock n load. Lonewolf/Sniper training should be nerfed in PvP.

You have these classes that are legit on steroids for months on end and then you have random mage that is basically a target dummy in cloth at this point no matter how they gear or play. Outside of being vending machine/healer you get outshined in everyway by everyother ranged dps. Destro lock imagine is the same thing. These classes with hardcasts that do less damage than some short CD insta cast from almost all of the high offending classes.

Make it make sense for once.

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if you could make a glove rune for 2h enhancement that would perhaps convince a lot of shamans to play enhancement in both pvp and pve.

i think buffing burn was the wrong move to make, as burn is already so strong that even enhancement shamans (who want to use mental dexterity) feel forced to use it due to how strong it is.

additionally, storm earth and fire buffs burn even further, which again, disincentivizes enhancement shaman from using spirit wolves.

this is strictly speaking for enhancement dps shaman, not tank.

Finally shockadin get some love, cant wait for those 5k crits

For you? Yes, we know. Here’s Blizzard bending over for the horde once more whilst not fixing the stupidity of shaman hybrid specs being extremely tanky in PvP.

Good job at doing exactly nothing, once again bending over for the horde rather than fixing whatever shamans broken mess is currently leaving behind in PvP. At least give us undispellable seals or something to make up for it.

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I’m totally not following these rogue changes. JAFW ingame tooltip says for every 8 defense a 1% physical dmg reduction, but notes say 12?

What’s with this threat increase from main gauge to SS? Ingame tooltip says 50% to SS AND 50% to SS and evis (where’d that come from?)?

First 200%, now 50%? That’s a massive shift in direction, what? And you say it was 100? Are you even following your own notes?