Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 20 March

coming from the shaman otp. clap clap clap, anything else?

both not OP as Hardiness and WoTF.

lol, imagine orcs having a useless racial that would be so devastating to your pvp “skill” (you have none btw).

anything but stun duration :rofl:

personal opinion nice one, dont generalize it again. at least its more consistent then getting stunresisted rite :rofl:

better than being that shaman main that relies on racials to carry his games rather than skill.

have you played PvP recently? cannot tell because this is just a troll tbh.
it’s merciless on hpals, being a ST healer isn’t doing them any favors, but AoE healers just clown around and get value whilst being braindead to play aslong you can position urself correctly, whilst having better defensives than a bubble and bop (dispels btw). not hard at all TBH.

What? It’s the other way around LMAO.

Poison can be dispelled by 3 out of 4 healing classes, it’s a nonissue.
MS hardly exists because a good majority of warriors going for Fury 2h.
The meta shifts from damage to tankiness and healing, mainly thanks to OP classes that can also use HP buffs to get unreasonably high HP as a hybrid as compared to a melee and have defensives to boost it even further.

better, because admitting it would be too hard for you and we both know it.

Good, you are a troll poster anyway, go touch some grass

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im not even talking to you lol.

nobody is interested into talking with 2 trolls. we just stomp your lies and yapping tbh. you aint different from all the clowns that play their overtuned garbage.

that’s right, you do yell and scream a whole lot.
its not very effective.

December 2, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Blackwing Lair

    • Applying at least 1 affix in Blackwing Lair will now add an additional item to the loot cache. This item will be one of your faction’s 8 class trinkets.
  • Druid

    • Feral damage 2-piece Tier 2.5 set bonus now increases Shred damage by 15% (was 20%).
    • Mangle (Bear) Threat modifier increased to 1.5x threat per damage (was 1.0x threat per damage).
    • Lacerate’s impact Threat modifier decreased to 3.33x threat per damage (was 3.5x threat per damage).
    • Lacerate’s damage over time Threat modifier decreased to 3.33x threat per damage (was 3.5x threat per damage).
      • Developers’ notes: The threat changes are intended to assist in snap threat for Tank Druids, giving more value to using Berserk on the opening of a fight while retaining the value in stacking a lacerate.
    • The following Balance Druid updates were implemented on November 19, 2024:
      • Improved Frenzied Regeneration can no longer be used in Moonkin Form
      • Survival Instincts can no longer be used in Moonkin Form
      • Dreamstate’s increase to Nature and Arcane damage taken, can no longer be applied to players.
      • Developers’ notes: These changes are targeted at Moonkin’s frustrations in PvP encounters. They will still have an option in these slots rune-wise for PvP, albeit way less durable or bursty, in the form of Elune’s Fire. Dreamstate will still provide the mana regeneration in PvP. This also made room for the talent adjustments made recently to buff up Improved Moonfire and Moonfury.
  • Hunter

    • Ranged Hunter Tier 2.5 2-set bonus is now a 20% increase to Kill Shot damage against non-player-controlled targets.
    • Swapping to the Kill Shot rune will now correctly place it on a 12 second cooldown (was 15 seconds), adjusted for its new base cooldown.
    • Swapping off of the Kill Shot rune will now place Flanking Strike on a 12 second cooldown, and prevent the stacking of Sniper Training for 12 seconds as well.
    • Hunter Pets will now benefit from equipped gear on the Hunter that reduces the chance to be dodged or parried.
    • Swapping Rapid Killing to Lock and Load now prevents the use of Lock and Load for 60 seconds.
  • Mage

    • The cooldown of Cold Snap has been reduced to 5 minutes (was 10 minutes).
    • Fire Mage Tier 2.5 4-piece bonus decreased to 15% (was 20%).
    • Fire Mage Ruins of Ahn’Qiraji 3-piece set bonus decreased to 15% (was 20%).
    • Living Bomb now has an additional line of text that reads: “Living Bomb benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Scorch” allowing ticks of Living Bomb and the Explosion to apply Fire Vulnerability if talented.
  • Paladin

    • Tier 2.5 Holy Paladin set 4-set bonus has been updated – Your heals on your Beacon of Light target also heal the nearest friendly injured target for 90% as much (was 30%).

hunt nerf in pvp where ?

Its sceduled to happen when mages get buffs

either the best thing ever or i’ll see so many useless rogue, warrior and hunter trinkets…

Elune’s fire in PVP ? LOL …:sweat_smile:

Sorry but there is no option in these slots rune-wise other than imp frenzied regen for PvP and it is nearly useless for moonkins right now !

1: Give dreamstate %20 pvp damage back , and reduce starfall damage and cooldown %30.
2:Make imp frenzied regen usable in moonkin form , but reduce its mana cost, healing amount and cooldown by %50 .

Thats it.

if starfall doesnt do any spell pushback then any buff is fine, but with spell pushback it isnt.

ehl oh ehl.

boomkin nerfs are justified and called for.

as a matter of fact, they need more nerfs.
starfall is a problem, and it needs a nerf.

remove spell pushback and its ability to proc the arcane damage rng stun.

December 4, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Anachronos will now allow you to get another Scepter of the Shifting Sands if yours is misplaced.

  • The Season of Discovery versions of the original Darkmoon Cards are now obtainable from their quests.

  • Songflower Lullaby, Dark Fortune of Damage, and Blessing of Neptulon will no longer cancel when entering instances.

  • Players can now go into Blackwing Lair and change any Tier 2 items with Tier 1 set bonuses back into the Tier 2 item with Tier 2 set bonuses.

  • Draught of the Sands for Hunters and Rogues will no longer erroneously stack under certain conditions.

  • Unbalancing Strike from the Twin Emperors encounter in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj will no longer affect the bonus attack power or spell damage gained from Defender’s Resolve. You will always gain these stats based on your pre-Unbalancing Strike defense skill.

  • Druid

    • Moonkin Form now grants 3 spell damage per level (was 2).
  • Hunter

    • Tranquilizing Shot will no longer consume a stack of Lock and Load.
    • Resourcefulness no longer erroneously reduces the cooldown of Deterrence.
    • Tranquilizing Shot will once again correctly work against the SIlithid Darter during the Hunter Quest chain.
    • Swapping off of Rapid Killing to Lock and Load now prevents the use of Lock and Load for 60 seconds.
  • Mage

    • Fire Mage Tier 2.5 4-piece bonus decreased to 10% (was 20%).
    • Fire Mage Ruins of Ahn’Qiraji 3-piece set bonus decreased to 9% (was 20%).
    • Living Bomb now has an additional line of text that reads: “Living Bomb benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Scorch” allowing ticks of Living Bomb and the Explosion to apply Fire Vulnerability if talented.
    • Fingers of Frost has a 25% chance to activate (was 15%).
    • Ice Lance damage from spell power increased by 300%.
    • Ice Lance deals 400% damage to frozen targets (was 300%).
    • The Ice Lance rune now has a passive that states “When your other frost spells deal damage to a non-player-controlled target, they increase the target’s damage taken from your next Ice Lance by 20%. This effect stacks up to 5 times and requires the Winter’s Chill talent.”
    • Wrath of Cenarius will now correctly proc from Balefire Bolt, Spellfrost Bolt, and Frozen Orb.
    • Mages can no longer consume another mage’s Glaciate stacks.
  • Priest

    • The T2.5 Shadow Priest 4-piece set bonus has been decreased to 10% increased Mind Spike damage (was 20%).
    • The T1 6-piece Shadow set bonus will now correctly consume the Melting Faces buff after casting Mind Flay.
  • Rogue

    • The Draught of the Sands now has a version for Rogues available from vendors.
    • Unbalancing Strike from the Twin Emperor’s encounter in the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj will no longer cause the Rogue to lose any of their Physical Damage Reduction gained through their defense skill and Blade Dance.
  • Shaman

    • Different ranks of Flame Shock will no longer stack.
    • Flame Shock’s original sound effect has been restored.
    • Lava Lash’s bonus damage from Flametongue Weapon reduced from to 100% (was 125%).
  • Warlock

    • Scythe of Chaos will no longer kill your pet, but instead dismiss it, allowing it to retain its buffs when resummoned.
    • Warlock pets will now correctly inherit their master’s Fire or Shadow spell hit chance based on whichever is higher.
    • Warlock pets will now correctly gain full value of spell hit chance for their spells.
    • Warlock pets will now correctly gain 80% of their master’s spell hit as physical hit.
    • Warlock pets will gain -0.5 reduction to their chance to be dodged or parried if any ring rune is engraved on their master.
    • The Tank Warlock T2 two-piece set bonus will no longer use the target’s health to life tap if you are in a neutral city.
    • If Mark of Chaos is applied by Curse of Agony, Mark of Chaos will now linger for 3 seconds after the Curse of Agony aura fades.
      • Developers’ notes: This is to allow Warlocks who are using Curse of Agony to have a window where they can let their Curse of Agony fully fade, and not lose the raid’s Mark of Chaos debuff before they reapply it. This will eliminate the need to clip the end of a Curse of Agony in order to benefit the raid.
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nerfing lava lash for absolutely no reason, lol.
as if enhancement wasn’t bad enough already.

also seems rather out of touch to buff boomkin.

where are the paladin nerfs btw.

Hi potatomilk

giga hunt/pal nerf where ?

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When is burn getting adjusted like boomie rune? 60% of their damage output from 1 button, Hold w key and press button every 6 seconds, Its the most braindead ape gameplay and it does the MOST damage, basically playing a tank with enough pad damage as a full dps dot class. every other pre made is 6+ shamans for a reason. Its full retard proof again. Insane mitigation, Insane pad damage, Insane health pool. Could teach a monkey to play the class and reward it with peanuts and it would be as good as 99% of the shaman players in BG’s right now. Half of them back pedalling and having back turned against people while running the whole time even though they have a shield on. Its disgusting. Its the most noob friendly class i think wow has ever had for pvp at this point. Run warden spec, Press flame shock, profit. Either remove burn buff from PvP, Nerf it spreading to 6 targets, or nerf its damage in pvp period. Make them have to actually press other buttons to make up their damage profile and not just flame shock. Go look at ANY battleground with shamans in and look at their damage breakdown/output. it is only flame shock. from every single one of them doesn’t matter the spec. Only flameshock.

How can you see Boomie as an outlier and just ignore shaman yet again. Its a running theme every single phase at this point. Keep buffing the most dumbest abilities with the most one dimensional gameplay to being broken, don’t fix it for months. Wonder why pvp dies after ranking is over.

When is hunter getting modifier that applies to pvp to stop them having also braindead ape gameplay. Throw trap into space, cool i got a reset, no deadzone on killshot cool i can use execute at 50% hp x2.
Don’t even need to show any skill expression anymore whiff trap, global someone. Sick gameplay.

Fix this :poop: before it goes on for months. You have the tech to add one line of code to NOT APPLY TO PLAYERS IN PVP COMBAT and problem solved no more retardedly broken rune abilities scaling out of control with 0 thought process going behind it. Don’t even need to care about positioning cause all play the dumb asf tank spec. Just W key press flameshock keybind, kekw

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But you are forgetting that they arent making pvp balances, leaving warriors untouched since p1 is proof of that

December 9, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Ahn’Qiraj
    • New flasks from Ahn’Qiraj now stack to 20 (was 1). Older flasks stack to 5, unchanged.
  • Druid
    • Moonkin Form now grants 3 spell damage per level (was 2).
  • Priest
    • The Shadow T2.5 2-piece set bonus will now correctly launch a free Mind Flay when starting the first cast of Mind Flay.

December 10, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Elixir of the Ironside now grants 450 armor.
    • Developers’ notes: This makes it so that consuming an Elixir of Superior Defense alongside an Elixir of the Ironside has no added benefit.
  • Ahn’Qiraj
    • Some Obelisks for the Descent into Madness have been moved to more accessible, easily visible locations.
    • Huhuran’s berserk should now correctly clear after she resets.
    • Obelisks that were not triggered should now be correctly unavailable after a boss is defeated. The Descent into Madness should now correctly shut off after a boss is defeated if their respective Obelisk is not interacted with.
    • The Gilded Scarab should now properly award loot when defeated.
    • The hard mode caches in the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj raid will now contain keys for the instance’s scarab coffers.
    • Master Loot and item trading work once again for Viscidus and Princess Huhuran in Ahn’Qiraj from the Caches of Wagering.
    • Ouro should now correctly respawn if he despawns during his burrow phase.
    • Reduced the health of Fankriss and his spawn, and Spawn of Fankriss damage reduced.
    • Increased the health of many of the creatures inside the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj.
  • Druid
    • Fixed an issue where Druids were able to use Shred from in front of a target if they were very close to the target. It now properly always requires behind (unless they have the Season of Discovery set bonus that removes this restriction).
  • Rogue
    • The 3-piece Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj set bonus for Rogues will now correctly reduce the cost of Crimson Tempest.
  • Warrior
    • Revenge Rank 6 now correctly benefits from attack power.