Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 17 March

okay good to see some fixes. But what about C’thun double eye tentacle spawn? And eye tentacles targetting players in C’thun’s stomach? C’thun as a whole seemed very buggy and an unrealistic step-up in difficulty compared to all the other bosses in the raid. It definitely wasn’t like this in classic

giga nerf hunt/pal/sham broken runes in pvp where?

Devs dont care about pvp

December 11, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Removed gear from player-characters who obtained it from an unintentionally available testing NPC.
  • The new relics that are crafted from Ahn’Qiraj are no longer Unique.
  • Players dying outside the entrance to the areas of the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj, The Scarab Dais, or The Scarab Wall will now use the same graveyard as those who die inside Ruins or Temple of Ahn’Qiraj raids.
  • Paladin
    • Divine Light will now correctly activate Scarab Brooch.

intentionally suffering people to do the CH… great minds think alike.

Huhuran is still bugged. if you wipe one time you cant kill him. Are you guys gonna give back our free time or money or atleast maybe after 2 resets make the bugs go away? congrats

Hello! Are you going to fix “Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaro” - “Immolation” backfire dmg and players who abuse that with spell damage gear and it stack with weapon reverse fire damage like crazy. So when rogue opened on target with Sulfuras, he get like 4 procs and -30%+ hp passive … what is that? This is not normal, hope some @Community Manager or blizz GMs read this! Have a nice day and thank you! :kissing_heart:

The hotfix above was implemented to make it so that the Mixology benefit (where an Alchemist could create 2-5 flasks if they had completed the required quest) now works correctly. It was not working before, due to the stack limitation.

Your local Alchemist was not holding out on you, they just weren’t getting procs until the fix above was implemented.

December 13, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Tarnished Undermine Real drops in Molten Core and Blackwing Lair increased to 3 per boss (was 1).
  • Damaged Undermine Supply Crates cost increased to 10 (was 5), and will now always contain some of the new Ahn’Qiraj crafting reagents, Scarabs, Idols from the Ruins or an Idol from the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj.
  • Using any of the world buff consumable items will no longer cause party and raid members to stop eating or drinking.
  • Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Activating an Obelisk inside the raid will no longer interrupt player’s eating or drinking.
    • The Obelisk to continue opting into the Descent into Madness has been shifted to be underneath the large water pipe that leads down to the encounter space.
    • Moam and Ayamiss have had their health reduced.
    • Noxious Burst should now correctly grab targets to deal damage on detonation and not application.
    • Non-boss-enemy drops from Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj have been added and distributed across the first three bosses (previously were only obtainable from the chests).
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Activating an Obelisk inside the raid will no longer interrupt player’s eating or drinking.
    • Ouro should no longer summon the Eye of C’thun if the Descent into Madness is not active.
    • Noxious Burst should now correctly grab targets to deal damage to on detonation and not application.
    • C’thun
      • Tentacles should no longer spawn while C’thun is vulnerable in Phase 2.
      • Digestive Acid once again stacks.
      • The frequency at which some tentacles spawn has been reduced.
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December 17, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Added a Rune Broker vendor to every starting area. This vendor will provide access to all class runes at level 1.
    • Developers’ notes: Some discoveries in the game world may not function properly if you learn the related rune ability from items purchased on this vendor.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ring Specialization runes from being available on Rune Brokers.
  • Increased the drop rates of Hive Thistle, Small Obsidian Shards, and Large Obsidian Shards in Silithus and Ahn’Qiraj. Every herb node in Silithus is now guaranteed to have 2-4 Hive Thistle. All Large Obsidian nodes now always have 1-2 Large Obsidian Shards and 3-5 Small Obsidian Shards. All Small Obsidian nodes now always have 2-4 Small Obsidian Shards and a (larger than before) chance of a Large Obsidian Shard.
    • Developers’ notes: These changes only apply to new spawns of the nodes, so until every node has been re-spawned, there may still be some that behave as they did before the change.
  • Temple of Ahn’Qiraj
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Twin Emperors to continue spawning Eye Tentacles after combat had expired.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Twin Emperors to fail to respawn.

January 13, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • The Protection Paladin T2.5 two-piece bonus is now correctly removed when the set bonus is broken.
  • You can no longer use Fresh Holly, or Preserved Holly while Divine Steed is active.
  • Shadowfiend can no longer be used in Neutral cities to cause the guards to attack the target that was engaged upon.
  • Various Cat Form Druid abilities such as Berserk, Savage Roar, and Wild Strikes will now work properly during the Nefarion Druid Class call.

oh great can we now have a balance patch so those brainrot 3 button classes get nerfed down or do we just ignore how good druids are in both PvP and PvE or the shamans?

January 14, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • The Real vendor now sells All Tier 1 and half of the Tier 2 Tokens
    • Tier 1 Wrists/Waist/Hands - 15 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 1 Feet/Shoulders - 20 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Tier 1 Chest/Legs/Head - 25 Tarnished undermine Reals
    • Tier 2 Wrists/Waist/Hands/Feet - 35 Tarnished Undermine Reals
    • Developers’ notes: We currently have no plans to further expand the raid equipment present on the Undermine Real vendor, and we’ve focused this change exclusively on giving newer characters access to set bonuses that may be critically impactful to their character progression.
  • C’thun will now drop 1 additional item in all difficulties. This item will be either an additional Chest Tier piece, or one of the highly desired weapons from the instance for damage dealers and healers.
  • Thorns effects from items (aside from Nagelring) will now log into the combat log.
    • Developers’ notes: The behavior of these items is unchanged. This update adds information to the combat log that previously was only displayed on-screen.
  • Many Ahn’Qiraj crafting patterns have had their required materials lowered:
    • This includes Glowing Chtin Armor Kit, Sharpened Silithid Chitin Armor Kit, Tuned Force Reactive Disk, Obsidian Scope, Enchanted Stopwatch, Tear of the Dreamer, Lodestone of Retaliation, Totem of Flowing Magma, Totem of Pyroclastic Thunder, Totem of Thunderous Strikes, Enchanted Totem, Qiraji Silk Cape, Qiraj Silk Cloak, Qiraji Silk Drape, Qiraji Silk Scarf, Razorspike Battleplate, Razorspike Headcage, and Razorspike Shoulderplate.

Can you please add some of onyxia’s loot to the real vendor.
No one does onyxia anymore, and new players cant even get attuned for it, because no one runs BRD outside of greedy rats HR’ing a hoj

Specifically, the javelin for warriors, which is their BIS, is now borderline impossible to get

January 21, 2025
Season of Discovery

  • All Season of Discovery World buffs will be removed from Classic Era and Anniversary Realm characters upon login or entering an instance.
  • Divine Steed is now available on the Rune Broker at level 45.
  • Equipping the Revered Version of the DPS Signet Ring of the Bronze Dragonflight will no longer cause it to launch a Timeworn Shot.
  • You can now refund the tier tokens from the Undermine Reals.

January 30, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • You can now correctly hand in Supply Shipments from Karazhan to Supply Officers in cities.
  • The “Shadow of Doom” Scourge Invasion quest can now be completed while in a raid group. Everyone in the group will get credit for the kill of the Shadow of Doom.
  • Shadows of Doom now spawn an interactable Heart of Doom that players can loot to start their shoulder enchant quest. When getting Hearts of Doom in the future for Remnants of Valor after Naxxramas releases, players will need to get the tag on Shadows of Doom.
  • The tooltip on the Doomsayer’s Demise Wand now correctly states that it deals 100 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness (was 45 damage per stack of Creeping Darkness). The tooltip on the Wand does not change when the set is completed, but the debuff tooltip on enemies will increase.
  • Tome of Enchanted Flare can now only be seen and looted by Hunters.
  • The “Elemental Equation” and the “Core of Elements” quests can now be completed in Light’s Hope Chapel.

February 4, 2025

Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue where players are no longer able to accept and complete the Tier 0.5 quests.
  • Shortened the Injured adventurer’s respawn time for the quest “To the Rescue”, so that he becomes available again more rapidly after being rescued and running off. Quest credit should be awarded to players who are dead when the cage is opened and the adventurer is freed.
  • There is now a Haunted Anvil in the town outside of Karazhan that players may interact with to repair their gear, whether they are living or dead.
  • Repeatable quests for Remnants of Valor are now available. Players can now pick this quest up from Brother Luctus at Light’s Hope Chapel if they have completed the prerequisite quest.
  • Heart of Doom can now be looted for the repeatable Remnants of Valor quest from the Heart of Doom object that spawns after a Shadow of Doom has perished. These will now only last for a short time after the death of a Shadow of Doom.
  • The Heart of Doom that spawns after a Shadw of Doom is killed will now last for 5 minutes, giving players more of an opportunity to click it. Once you have successfully looted a Heart of Doom, you may not loot another for 5 minutes.
  • Argent Dawn Quartermasters and Outfitters now offer all Undead Slaying gloves quests available to your armor type. Previously full sets were locked to the highest armor type a class can wear.
  • Weighted Consecrated Sharpening Stone can now correctly be applied to Staves.
  • Karazhan Crypts
    • Demon Charge and Feral Charge now destroy the Immense Rock.
    • Players will now be able to loot a bag containing a Necrotic Rune from every boss and mini-boss.
    • Shamans can now cleanse the Diseased Corpse.
    • Mysterious Relics are now Bind on Pickup and Uncommon.
  • Hunter
    • The Darkrider’s Spine will now correctly use and benefit from Arrows.
  • Priest
    • Binding Heal now correctly benefits from and is consumed by Inner Focus.
  • Warlock
    • Fixed an issue where Curse of Agony was not gaining any benefit from Improved Curse of Agony or Amplify Curse.

This is of course all great, but maybe you already fix the bug with the reputation RAVENHOLD? I already 2 weeks can not raise the reputation and can not pass the quest for the bis dagger for the rogue!!!.

This is all great and all, but I (and many with me) would like to see class trinkets from BWL on the reals vendor. Its quite hard trying to even get a run for BWL and when you actually find one there are a lot of players from certain classes that all need the same item.

I get that you dont want to invalidate older raids (It might even be a fair take on it) but its really rough trying to get an item from old raids and there are some pieces that actually are bis even 2-3 raid tiers later.

I would very much appreciate if you could think about it one more time.

Would love to hear more of your thoughts on this matter!

Humble regards.

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try the weekend , there’s still a lot of ppl doing mc/bwl/zg for coins run.

AQ tho is kinda dead indeed