Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 2 October

Look who’s crawling back on his knees after getting put into the trash from multiple people LOL.

Said the guy who is blocked by 99% of all the people on these forums.

Keep crying though, its hillarious watching you mald lol.

99% of your imaginary friends who can’t handle the truth, yeah you need to visit the therapy session soon.

everyone is enjoying and laughing at the posts you make, just ask anyone.

“Waaaah waaaah no please blizzard I have to l2p now, please dont nerf pala”.

Same guy that got roasted by 20 people in a single topic to the point he stopped even responding lol.

I´ll enjoy my hunter buffs while you mald :smiley:

PS Blizzard please nerf bubble, 50% reduced damage + reduced attack speed.
The tutorial class from Vanilla has been given way too much to justify a full immunity ability.

Look at you, crying for shaman nerfs all the time…

Paladins get nerfed :rofl:
Altho still waiting for that bubble nerf👍

So keep up the whining so we can get that bubble nerf :innocent:

August 15, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • The following spells will no longer incorrectly reset their cooldowns after a boss is defeated:
    • Feral Spirits (Shaman)
    • Icy Veins (Mage)
    • Portal of Summoning (Warlock)
    • Berserk (Druid)
    • Ancestral Guidance (Shaman)
    • Hand of Sacrifice (Paladin)
    • Avenging Wrath (Paladin)
    • Dispersion (Priest)
    • Homunculi (Priest)
    • Eye of the Void (Priest)
    • Pain Suppression (Priest)
    • Shadowfiend (Priest)
    • Enraged Regeneration (Warrior)
  • Mage
    • 100% crit chance Fire Blasts from Overheat will no longer count towards Combustion’s 3 crits, and will no longer increase the stacks of Combustion.

Interesting changes :thinking:
But still no word on updated to the Paladin/Shaman toolkits?

also still no paladin nerfs :frowning:

^This, MINIMUM 50% reduce dmg/healing while bubbled. 100% reduce dmg would be most fair.
Fix Reckoning talent to only work with 1hand weapon and ONLY grant 1 extra swing like in Wotlk while you at it.
Prot paladins holy shield missing internal cd on procs, can proc 10times in 1sec if you hit fast and you dead.

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August 19, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Rogue
    • Crimson Tempest will no longer cause the Nightslayer 6-piece set bonus to grant two charges of Clearcasting.
  • Warlock
    • The Warlock Molten Core tank set now uses the correct 30-second duration for Banish rank 2 (was incorrectly 20 seconds).
    • Warlocks who log out while Banished will no longer lose the effects of Metamorphosis or their Chronoboon Displacer.

August 20, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Druid
    • The Wild Strikes aura, which has been limited to the Druid’s party within 20 yards, is now raid-wide with a 100-yard radius.
      • Developers’ notes: For a time, the tooltip will still say that it is restricted to the party. We intend to correct that in the next major patch.
  • Mage
    • Frozen Orb damage now correctly benefits from the Spell Power rune.

no way you clowns actually just went ahead and did this.

ok so now you can give shaman a proper 2set bonus and get rid of this 40 yard totem joke you just passed off as a “bonus”.
5 minute totem duration.
100 yards on totems.
no/separate GCD on totems.
raidwide - for ALL utility totems, including tremor etc.

Try harder to hide your bias next time btw.

Calm down bro… i get your point that the newest change makes totems (and the 2set bonus) appear even worse, but you also must see the positive side: you finally can use your agi totem instead of WF totem so you profit in the end from the wild strike aura change.

The things you are asking for would also need the change of all paladin auras to be 100yard raid wide and then also enable the use of 2-3 different aura types at once.

I would also love to have my spellpower raid buff changed to be fair, like heart of the lion from hunters to be a free use, permanently passive aura learned by spellbook with self effect factor x2
(instead of being in a competitive rune slot, only triggering when demon is alive and deals a crit which leads to about 90% uptime and also self factor only x1)
Or even better would be change the hunter aura back to be a rune instead of welfare change. And remove self factor x2.
But blizzard does not care about fairness.

they never did, shamans are still miles better than a paladin LMFAO. the fact there’s not even a skill floor for shaman and is still this broken after 2-3 phases. literally the definition of a hero class.

well that is the path the devs decided to set us upon isn’t it.
the truth is that no auras should be 100 yards range, because this is quickly becoming the standard, and auras that aren’t 100 yards are now inferior as a result.

the only fair thing to do at this point is to buff all paladin auras and totem radiuses to 100 yards, but if that is too outrageous the only viable option is to reduce the other 100 yard auras to something more palpable.

100 yards is absurd, but if some classes get that sort of bonus, you can’t justify others not getting it too.

quite right, and this is a problem.

Warlocks need more love, make chaos bolt and incinerate baseline.

just dont let tremor and cleansing totems get that, otherwise you would have to buff the cleansing abilities on other classes + inspiration templar on paladin

Since hunters still lack mobility, perhaps give us back LnL working on Scatter…

August 23, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Firelands Embers and Emerald Chips now stack to 2500.
    • Developers’ notes: Hang on to these currencies, as new items will be made available for purchase in the next major patch.
  • Nightmare Incursion boss experience has been reduced by 50%.
  • Bosses in Molten Core should no longer spin around and face random raid members on higher Heat difficulties.

Rip everyone who already deleted them :innocent: