Season of Discovery Hotfixes - 2 October

I literally deleted those 1 day ago when i was cleaning my bank :sob: they also dont appear to be available for item restoration sadly.
SOD really needs a toy/mount/currency tab instead of it clog all our inventories, the toy keychain is already a nice improvement but there are still a lot of items that I would consider toys that dont fit in the keychain (Pet carriers, 0.5 boss summon items, goblin transponder, wyvern taming wand etc etc)

what the H is “emerald chips”

if you’re thinking of trying to get people back into incursions, i would warn strictly against that.
you better not lock anything of value behind that garbage, or there will be hell to pay.

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September 11, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Crimson Tempest can no longer be used unless the primary target is within melee range.

September 27, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • The Druid weapon Gla’sir will now pick damage targets of its damage effect based on the target’s location instead of the Druid’s own location. The range for the healing effect has been increased to 40 yards.
  • Fixed an interaction issue with Tidal Waves Shaman rune and Chain Heal. Chain Heal will no longer sometimes not generate a charge of Tidal Waves.
  • The quest “The Price of Hope” is no longer required to be completed to start the quest “Our Wayward Friend” at Katherine the Pure to start the Horn of Lordaeron.
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Victor Nefriendius now despawns during the Razorgore encounter.
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the first door in Blackwing Lair from opening after wiping on Broodlord Lashlayer.
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Nefarian’s initial Shadow Flame spell to affect player pets.

Deliana (t0.5 quest npc and vendor) is missing from Ironforge on living flame EU. She isn’t just dead or anything, she straight up doesn’t exist for some reason

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September 30, 2024

Season of Discovery

  • Losses in Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin again award 1 Mark of Honor (was 2).
    • Developers’ notes: We’ve ended this experiment, as it provided too much incentive to lose quickly and get into another match.
  • Blessing of Shirvallah should no longer buff the bad guys in Zul’Gurub.
  • Addressed an issue that could cause the Cenarion Hold hitching post to be unusable during the hunter quest “Everyone Knows That Bugs Can’t Fly.”
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented the Trials from triggering after a soft reset in Blackwing Lair.
    • Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
      • Players’ own bonus damage modifiers will no longer amplify the damaging effects of Burning Adrenaline.

Where are the fixes for Classic and Classic Hardcore?

Quite a few things were broken in HC/Era in that recent SoD patch and it seems only the red level enemies appearing as skulls was fixed and the only one from what I can tell you are even aware about.

There’s other broken things than just that.

The leashing issue is a big one. That lets high lvl enemies be pulled from other zones (which isn’t suppose to be possible in Hardcore), players are using that to kill low levels with high level mobs. And aggro is messed up and it’s easy to dump your aggro onto someone else.

C’est de la merde cette mise a jour, franchement le pnj est ou depuis 5 jours sur wild grow?

Well done devs. When one thinks you couldn’t mess up more, you actually go far and beyond to prove us wrong. Now look I’m not going to talk about specific classes, I’m going to point out what is happening in BG, and why giving alliance 2 marks was a good idea in a totally bad situation. You refuse to buff the alliance, you gave every single racial the alliance have to the horde, ORCs no matter what they choose to play as a class has still 25% stun resist which is fine, but to nerf alliance in such a way that 5 shamans in AB or WSG STOMPS every single time the alliance, you have 100% horde happy. All we ask for is fairness. Shockadins was going to tip the scale yet, when shamans complain that they where getting rect in ptr by shockadins you nerfed it to the ground. PVP is not fun at all anymore, not because of the players but because of the neglect you have for the alliance. Make it fair that is all we ask for.

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Willing to remove the 2 marks but perfectly fine with premades vs solo que and pugs. Actually rat behavior and I hope you lose your job because of it.

It is just utterly mindblowing how bad your team is at fixing the game and is just doing the bandaid fixes that never ever work.
Start doing your jobs and fix PvP for real this time by

  • nerfing the Shamans
  • nerf Hardiness and WoTF
  • nerf hunter PvP stamina (they have on avg more than most melees)
  • increase healing reduction when you increased damage reduction
  • revert the premade change and remove it again
  • make AV relevant by giving them the same 7500 honor turn ins
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Yes, for AV turn ins 7.500
Otherwise, the classes are fine.
Have Alliance players ever tried to kill 5 paladins at the same time?
Bubble is insane as well.

Shamans currently have insane tank abilities combined with high damage and healing, that without mentioning their grounding/decoy abilities.
Hunters have the 41y range with nonstop trapspam, infinite mana, high defensive dodges and parries, high hp. There’s nothing fine about that.

Against a meta of 3min CDs that are straightup broken? You serious? Wolves, Frenzied Regen and etc do anything bubble wanted to do and better.

Do you understand the fact that Kaivax is a community manager, he is not in charge of the changes?

The only rat behavior is Alliance who are forming “LFM Lose fast” premades, and good that they get punished.

Imagine crying that you cant form these fast lose premades, jesus.

What is stopping you from creating a premade and actually trying to win - gain honor fast?

And your list of nerfs from someone who has 0 clue about anything related to PvP?
As you have proven 100 times dating back from P1.

Neither hunter or shaman are S tier in 1v1 nor in group based PvP. Do you know what class is S tier in group PvP? Pala. Sorry good palas, not you - who get farmed by RShamans…

This bozo wants AV PvE race back so he can gain some honor as he gets farmed in any actual Player versus player BG like WSG or AB. Biggest rat on these forums.

Here is an video of an actual good Paladin - unlike you, he knows how to play a frontline RPala - that you have 0 clue about - you dont even know its the role of RPala in BG´s…

Watch and learn you bot, see how he is using Stead instead of bubble to re-position / play defensive / heal? You would have used BOP or Bubble in those scenarios 100% and gotten rekt - this is just one of the differences of being a really good pala and a really bad one like you. He uses it defensive, not offensive since pala hardly needs it to catch someone in backline that is standing and casting. But then again you are the pala that uses bubble + Steed on engage and run after horde frontline so you can steal a last hit kill (while you wast every single CD given to you in the process)…

So please do shhh when it comes to PvP or balance, you know nothing of either.

Oh look the yapping hunter is back, even if he ain’t they are communicating it internally something you could understand.

Nobody got punished for it, what are you bloody yapping about it? The only false positives were people abusing the system to get people banned for playing the BG.
Yet again clueless, as you have been the entire time when you decided to talk mad :poop:.

Premades were nothing but harmful for PvP, people would rather do STV BM over that when it was current content.
Now they brought it back and nobody enjoys the game except the Premade exploiters. If you wanted to get honor you just lost, which was a primary thing for a majority on alliance. Hardly anyone could do a thing against it.

And you do? Your yapping is laughable and you said I was bad? Mate you haven’t even gone to LF and tried to prove it. All talk no bite.
I’ve played multiple characters to r10 and know more than you could ever whilst onetricking hunter. (you stated that paladin was easier than hunter LOL)

And here we go again with your trolling and yapping, paladins are S tier according to your braindent when they got many and easily exploitable weaknesses. If it is S tier it wouldn’t have those crutches, it’s B or C tier.

Shamans don’t have any weakness outside of range, but thats mitigated by having ghost wolves and they tank/heal/dps at the same time.
Hunters aren’t S tier, high A if anything, the only thing keeping you guys in check are DoT classes, your deadzone and melee.

You talk toomuch :poop: and can’t be a good hunter even in either content.

I ain’t even going for the race, I do objectives. Too bad a hunter couldn’t understand :poop: due to the lack of responsiblities you got and you rather sit in the train to vann.
AB and WSG are effectively unplayable, the meta was losing fast, no real attempt at winning, with AV you at least have a better chance LOL.
Only horde players have been rats since P1, getting carried by racials and shamans.

You bring up a video of someone getting a braindead backline not knowing how to deal with melee. Said paladin isn’t competent because the horde is braindead there.

You have been trashed by literally everyone on the forums because you are the most clueless clown they have ever seen. You troll people into playing their class wrong without any knowledge, troll so you can get easier wins in PvP and claimed hunters are harder to play than paladin. That’s a massive pile of :poop: you got there.
The fact that people still believe your yapping is unreal, you exist only to troll.
Suprised Blizzard doesn’t wanna uphold their ToS against trolls.

So you want him fired that he is communicating the dev changes? You´ve never had a job in your life I am assuming.

You only get one mark for losing scrub, get used to it - thats punishment enough for me.

Premade BG´s has always been a key part of Vanilla PvP, that is how you ranked to the highest PvP rank you imbecill. Again you show you know nothing about PvP or Classic.

If you think that HPala is not S tier you again show you know 0 about SOD PvP.

A shaman has never won any 1v1 tournament in SOD, in phase 4 do you even know what the top classes were and still are? You dont - thats why you shoudnt even talk about PvP.

In P2 when you cried the most about shamans, SP used to beat them with 100% HP.

Unlike you, the best PvP players from vanilla are rating hunters as D tier in 1v1 - in phase 4 there was not a single one reaching top 10 (reason is good players know how to defeat hunters, bad players like you do not).

In group PvP Hunter is strong, but not stronger than BOOMI or HPala, Hpala would be the strongest of all since tier list are made relative to how they perform vs the other classes filling the same role, and no other healer comes close to being as strong as HPala.
While in group PvP, there are many classes that come close to performing as good as Hunter.

In group PvP HPala → any shaman. But then again you´ve never played any organized PvP in this game, all you did was AV rush boss lol.

Oh so now “PvE” is doing the objectives hu, all you want is to be able to do AV rush boss so you can gain PvP ranks, since you know you are garbanzo and cant compete in real PvP (WSG-AB).

Watch and pay attention - learn and stop crying. This pala is about 100 times better than you ever will be, only time I remember you is from P2 and that you were a free kill that had no understanding what so ever how to play AB. This paladin from the video? Thats a pala I will think twice of engaging, unlike you that is a free kill. Just the way he repositions with Stead and turtles up his team is something you wont even notice happened and how that won them the fight that he did twice in the video - that right there is a very good Pala, you on the other hand didnt even recognize it happening… At one point he is keeping 7 horde glued on him and none able to reach his druid healer.

I´ve faced Surreal in BG´s, and he is among one of the hardest pala´s to bring down - thats the paladin that will win engagements for you.

RPala is the best front line in this game by far, and if you lose with Rpala´s and Hpala´s in your faction - and then blame shamans and horde racials that you are losing - talk about being delusional beyond repair.

Bro people are even trashing you on youtube. Thats how big of a clown you are.

You decided to act dumb once more, you knew exactly what was meant with proper banning for AFKing in AB. But hey Nitro is still having that massive braindent.

Oh you still cannot type imbecile correctly, takes one to write it wrong. Not every r13-14 did premades, some just did it any were successful. Again you show your lack of experience if you had any to begin with.
There was a reason why Premades were put into a different queue than solo queue for a long time in SoD, it was straightup unfair for those who just wanted to do it casually.

You talk about experience yet have none. If hPals were that strong they could instant cast and move, they are immobile and lack any real CD to either CC attackers or defend themselves. Bubble or BoP down on em is an easy target to kill. People struggle more with killing resto druids and priests that heal. Paladin as a healer is not an issue.

Resto Druids and Priests have better odds surviving targetted attacks at them than a hPal ever could. Even rShaman does it better.

nobody cares about your silly tournaments that literally say nothing about SoD PvP anyways. Not everything rotates about 1v1s, there’s group pvp for a reason, and in that Shamans shine like Boomies, Mages, Priests and hunters.
Hard to understand? Well too bad clueless troll.

You talk toomuch :poop: to know anything about SoD PvP, you are a bot at the end of the day. Shaman has been one top pick for a very long time, hint since P2 where SP/Boomies were fun to play and play against.

You mean you and your imaginary friends which have ranked hunters as a D tier? Hilarious, got any more of those baits? We both know that hunters good, you just don’t seem to play them well enough in PvP to admit that.

Let’s completely ignore hunters have the furthest range out of every class and don’t have to hardcast at all to just delete people on that other end of 41yards. HPal is a meme in group PvP, just pressure them into using defensives, swap to something else and then kill them. Literally solved gameplay vs hPals.
Casters just spam dots, but you wouldn’t know that, as you onetrick huntard.

you playing classic or SoD? because that ain’t true for SoD, priests and druids smash any rShaman, and those smash any hPal in terms of healing in PvP. Like you yap without playing the actual game.

Coming from clueless clown, ironic. Maybe if you could prove that we are so bad instead of looking dumb as a rock, that would be great. Could beat you 9/10 times any time, considering you are a literal bot.

TL:DR, you chatting :poop: once again, why are we all not suprised. People literally had to teach you how to even play paladin, you assume so much yet it is debunked by a large majority. Horde didn’t play well, neither did your paladin over there.

You give him credit when the first mistake horde did was literally breaking the sheep on him. :clap: And horde getting taunted by melee presence rather than attempting to kill 1 or 2 healers. Truly the mark of a “good” faction team. :clap:
There was not even an effort to help their own healers, who just keyboard turned for a good chunk there.

can name you three better, Feral Bear druids, Glad warriors, enhance shamans. something you have every game.
beating their 1-3min CDs compared to multiple 5min CDs. :clown_face:
it’s a numbers game that paladins lose out.

coming from nitromeoblivious himself. you dont bother playing alliance because you would rather face paladins than shamans. you comments are so insignificant to begin with that people gotta tell you how the reality is compared to your fantasy world where paladins apparently cannot die whatsoever. horde propaganda has gotten to your head and now you exhale and breathe it.

Ain’t your bro troll, people know howmuch you sucked, even on LW. Best thing you could accomplish is trolling anyone in you ever talked to.

October 1, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Blackwing Lair
    • Cloak of Draconic Might and Essence Gatherer have been updated to their intended item level 75 (was item level 70).
      • For Cloak of Draconic Might, this increased its armor and stats slightly.
      • For Essence Gatherer, this increased its damage and stats slightly.
  • Molten Core
    • Shazzrah will no longer create two clones on Heat 3.
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue where the tier 1 6-piece armor set bonus was cancelling Mage Armor and Molten Armor buffs when the Mage traveled between zones and instances.
    • Players are now able to restart “Essence of Fire” quest after abandoning it. Additionally, “Essence of Fire” can be picked up from Jennea Cannon or Oran Snakewrithe if previously abandoned, so long as players retain an item from that quest.
  • Warlock
    • Doan Karhan can now be spoken to outside of Demon Fall Canyon regardless of which step of “The Final Test” the player is on.
    • Abandoning “The Final Test” won’t destroy the Scythe of Chaos now.

More SoD fixes, yet no fixes in sight for the issues that are still present in Classic Era and Hardcore since last SoD patch.

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October 2, 2024
Season of Discovery

  • Fixed an issue where the changing of the Bonus Weekly Affix didn’t align correctly with regional weekly reset times.
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Fixed an issue that would cause players killed in the first phase of the Nefarian fight to be ineligible for the bonus chest loot.
    • Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented Nefarian from respawning after the raid wiped in Phase 2.
  • Priest
    • Fixed the trinket Cassandra’s Tome so that critical strike chance is increased every time Penance heals or deals damage (was the first per cast), Holy Nova will always consume a charge, even if it only heals, and Circle of Healing will now benefit from the increased critical strike chance and consume the effect when it does.
    • Inner Focus now properly increases the critical strike chance of Circle of Healing.
  • Shaman
    • The Static Shock rune no longer requires multiple players to obtain.
  • Warrior
    • Fixed an issue with the tooltips on Booming Voice and Thunder Clap not updating to the intended functionality.