Season of Discovery Hotfixes - Updated 12 January

This is actually very bad, the progress standing (XX / XX) is an indication to the player when the event is about to start. No where does it state when an event is eligible to get started. This whole change is resulting in tons of ppl waiting 20, 30 or over 40 mins just for the event starts.

Everyone thinks it’s a bug while the progress is stuck on 90/90 and they start leaving. It’s a total waste of time to have to wait because i at least have no idea when the events are scheduled and eligible to start.

So you might want to change this whole timer and progress XX / XX thing into something where everyone knows when the event is eligible to start instead of putting in a system that is wasting the time of several filled raids.

I really can’t express good enough how much of an annoyance this whole thing has become. I need the rep on my druid. So for as long as i’m not honored i will have to sit here with boiling blood? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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ehm, ehm ehm, i love this…

love this…

good stuff

Why do you still think it’s fun and acceptable to make hidden buffs or nerfs to the game?You nerfed Mangle, buffed Shred, buffed rake, nerfed some warrior runes, nerf warlocks dmg in pvp. We got lucky we noticed the changes to Feral druid and warrior with the reset, but I wasn’t lucky when I got to learn at lvl 40 that you’ve nerfed Warlock’s dmg.
Were you afraid that Chaos Bolt would hit for 2k and one-shot people? As if Stormstrike and Star surge crits hitting between 1k and 1.6k is somehow better.
If I knew you nerfed warlocks in pvp I wouldn’t waste my time leveling my warlock to 40 first. I’d level my druid or priest since you made them broken for pvp, and still refuse to lower Star Surge’s spell coefficient. It hits harder than Chaos Bolt, a 2.5 second ability

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February 12, 2024

WoW Classic: Season of Discovery

  • You can now get a new Squall-breakers Potion from Rau Cliffrunner in Freewind Post upon accepting the quest “Calm Before the Storm”.
  • Recipe: Lesser Arcane Elixir is now bind-on-pickup.
  • The Battle for Ashenvale weekly quests “Clear the Forest!” and “Repelling Invaders” now grant full XP and reputation rewards, through level 40.
  • The Ashenvale Rallying Cry world buff is now usable through level 39.
  • The Spark of Inspiration world buff now correctly increases +healing.
  • Item requirements for the quests “Power of da Wind”, “Power of da Earth”, and “Power of da Water” have been reduced.
  • Druid
    • Starsurge base damage reduced by 35%, and its benefit from bonus spell damage effects reduced to 42.9%, matching other instant spells.
    • Starsurge now provides a new effect: your next Starfire cast within 15 seconds deals 66% increased damage.
    • Fixed an issue with Enhanced Restoration preventing Nourish from gaining increased healing from Rejuvenation and Regrowth.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue where the Sheathe of Light spell power proc wasn’t correctly activated by melee attacks.
  • Shaman
    • Fixed an issue where Ravaging Tempest could sometimes not lose its protective aura when Ailgrah Splittusk was killed.
  • Stranglethorn Vale PvP Event
    • Players who resurrect in Stranglethorn Vale during the Blood Moon event and gain Drained of Blood will now be immune to attack during its duration, but unable to cast spells or attack. They can mount and move to another location and are invisible to players outside their party.
    • Drained of Blood duration reduced to 20 seconds (was 60 seconds).
    • Drained of Blood now has a visual.
    • Players who wish to opt out of Blood Moon should now more easily notice the Zandalarian Emissary.

Starsurge now only is around 600crit, Wrath is even superior after the nerf.


based nerf to the 0 skill win button

Fix starsurge consuming an eclipse buff and fix the 70% interruption which is not working.

Boomkin was never top dps with non nerfed starsurge but now will be in the ground.

Someone said it better than me on another website:

Firstly, the optimal dps rotation will make you run out of mana in about 40 seconds of continuous casting and then we can extend the total optimal time to around 70 seconds innervating ourselves (removes utility for healers guaranteed and does not account having to battle rez cause good luck with that). All fights lasting longer than this (all fights if you are not in a speed running guild). The sub-optimal rotation ends up dropping the dps flat out by only being able to wrath spam and starsurge 30-50% pending movement mechanics. Meaning if a fight lasts 6 minutes and you only get 1 minute of optimal rotation, its likely the overall dps would drop by around 40%. Objectively, I went from doing 270 dps on the last gnomer boss, to 160 when we killed him post nerf.

By the numbers= Wrath hitting for avg 272, starsurge avg 290. oddly the crits of wrath are higher than starsurge by around 50 on avg landing in the 600s. for reference pre nerf starsurge would hit for 1200.

Secondly, in pvp, the “optimal” rotation is impossible to perform against any melee class, so now we are left with 1 instant cast starsurge every 6 seconds because the pushback of rogues/melee hunt/ferals/dual-wild warrior + interrupts completely prevent the ability to cast. As well, with them doing burst damage of 400+ dps we only get about 6 seconds to live. Now starsurge hits them for 600 damage when they have 3k hp, it would take 30 seconds to get a kill, anyone see a problem with logic here? Even if you sunfire and moonfire you die before the dots can drop their hp by 20%. Oh did i mention the burst damage increases against you if you drop moonkin form to throw a heal which would need to be instant cast too otherwise you still die.

This nerf feels super odd, since there are other classes performing far crazier damage output in pve and pvp.
Warlock chaos bolt hitting for 2k completely 1 shot people 100-0 (yes it is a 12 second cd with a cast time, congrats oh wait but all this damage is non-mitigatable while nature and arcane damage is with gear from gnomer which tripply nerfs boomkin dps, almost like this nerf was made too early before it mattered)
Melee hunters can get multiple triggers of free raptor strikes so much so they burst you in less than 3 seconds cause their pets bite crits for 500 + and their melee attack another 400 (I have seen BM hunter pets hit me for closer to 1k with bite and BW running).
Shadow priest, mind spike into mind blast 1.5 sec cast time for it to hit 350 damage non-crits, into a MB of 700 all within 6-7 seconds. If any of these crit than the entire rotation will 100-0 most classes with current gear. (Now throw in them actually dotting you, shadow word pain can tick an upwards of 150 = over its entire duration is just over 1k, throw in 1 mind spike and run away the target just dies and this can be repeated with very little mana consumption across lets say an entire enemy team in wsg when you clash at the start)
These are just some examples of major class abilities/mechanics that are far superior to boomy I wanted to point out.

As of today, feb 13th, on warcraft logs, boomkin is 5th on the “all-percentiles” for damage done and maintains that to the 95th percentile. In the 99th boomy drops to 6th. So imagine not even being in the top 3 and have a nerf that drops your overall dps by 40% for the average player. (the dps will roughly be 10% ish off for the speed runners due to the fights being short enough to maintain optimal rotation. of course that is the 1% of players though/ but we all know they are never catered to right <.<)

Just some interesting thoughts on the absolutely massive nerf that is far worse than all of the hunter nerfs combined that ever happened. Remember, boomkin does not have a pet, and heavily relies on its ability to cast consistently. What we are stuck with now is essentially 1 button that casts wrath every 1.5 seconds (unless you have movement mechanics than you are reasonably looking at 2-3 casts) into 1 starsurge that hits for as much as wrath does for pve. In pvp, if you are not targeted you can get a couple good casts off, I even got a 1250 starfire earlier, but even when you get hit you are unable to cast anything due the aforementioned infinite pushback (cause the eclipse pushback part is worthless when a rogue hits you 3 times every 1.5 seconds whereby 1 of those is likely to guarantee a pushback and this just keeps going into the next)
Overall, it feels bad at the absolute best, and at the worst it feels slightly better than actual classic moonkin by comparison to the performance of all other classes/specs.


so far i don’t really care about the nerf, it has not interrupted my leveling process. but please fix that proc animation… shooting yourself with a starsurge when you cast starsurge is beyond annoying… and while you are at it, fix the sounds and animations of Eclipse procs… combined those almost drain the enjoyment of playing balance druid. i am currently playing without sound…


Nerf a class ranking 6th in damage in PvE? Check.
Keeping 3 other classes with one shot untouched? Check.
Don’t fix broken eclipse bug? Check.
In an alternative universe you could’ve just reduced the damage in PvP combat or give it a cast instead of it being instant so people could interrupt. This was the worst route to nerfing. Way over nerfed.
It was fun getting invited to groups for a week at least.


What did they nerf about warlocks? (genuine question)

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Bring back Boomkin to the game pls, this is horrible nerf, should be re-done somehow


Nerf the meme DPS = Check
Do not nerf Hunter = Oof
Multiple classes getting screwed over by debuff after dying in event = check
Rogues can 3-5 shot people = check
Not fixing bugs = check
Not fixing event lag = check
Ferals moving insanely fast for no reason = check

what drugs did y’all take, like srsly this is bad manners


Yeah the visual bug is really weird too. But I hope they at least buff starfire further, as it stands balance is a meme spec that will struggle to find a group since it’s less desirable than everything else if the group already has one.

Not dealing the same damage in pvp as in pve. My Chaos bolts crit around 1,5 on mobs and in pvp it barely crits for 1k, but at least they finally nerfed Star surge. Respeccing to Affliction, a shadow priest with Void plague and Shadow word: Pain deals more dmg than Corruption, Curse of agony and Siphon life. Feels good leveling a warlock just to realize Blizzard stealth nerfed it for pvp

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Isn’t the eclipse 4 time stack supposed to give you instant cast for starfire?

Absolute clow show.

  • nerf druid to the ground, so he is useless in all things in PVE and also in PVP
  • leave the others untouched and enjoy the 3k lava bursts or 2k SP one shots

Well done blizz.


Remember this? How can you swing the same spell so wildly? It didn’t do enough damage from the beginning, so you buffed it and now it’s doing too much damage so instead of knocking it down by a small amount you cut it way down while buffing a spell that doesn’t do much damage anyway.


Seems like they assigned class balancing to an intern who rolls a dice every once in a while :stuck_out_tongue: