Season of Discovery Server Transfer

We had some server transfers opened from Living Flame PVP to Wild Growth PVE a few weeks ago, this was an offer me and my friends was very positive towards and was really hoping to be able to make use of due to the massive ganking in the open world with some guilds dedicating much if not all their time in-game to only running around as groups and ganking major quest areas, dungeon entrances or camping flight masters so you cannot fly away (why are there no guards closer to the center/flight master in Ratchet and on the roof like in Gadgetzan and Booty Bay xD?)

I know it was stated in the blue-post that it would only be open for a short period and could be closed at any time meaning there was no guarantee of being able to transfer at all and i understand that because of the desire to retain faction balance, but i now have a couple of friends who have stopped playing (we started as 8 but are now 3 holding on) because they don’t have as much time and the majority of the time they do play they get ganked and camped.

To put it in perspective: If you get ganked outside of BRD portal it will take you 3 minutes of corpse running to get back (i timed it to 02:55, probably a tad quicker as Night elf) and Maraudon Purple portal taking 03:12, meaning if you get ganked 10 times (not unlikely as i have experienced) you lose 30 minutes only to corpse running.

I do not expect Blizzard to be opening up new free character transfers although i would hope so, but i would very much wish they added the possibility to purchase a character transfer away from a PVP realm (Living Flame PVP) to a PVE realm (Wild Growth PVE). I knew there would be a lot of pvp but i had no idea it would become this bad, and in the next phase it will surely be worse.